How To Train Your Dragon Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our How To Train Your Dragon quiz and we will tell you which How To Train Your Dragon character you are. Play it now.

Featuring the voices of:

Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois direct this film, which is distributed by Paramount Pictures. William Davies, Peter Tolan, Sanders, and DeBlois collaborated on this piece. The film is based on the novel by Cressida Cowell. The film has a running time of 98 minutes. PG-13 (for mature audiences) (for sequences of intense action, some scary images and brief mild language).

Editor’s Picks

Some movies seem to have been created specifically to serve as inspiration for video games. All they are missing is a set of controllers and a scoring system. “How to Train Your Dragon” plays more like a video game designed to serve as inspiration for a film. It devotes a significant amount of time to aerial battles between tamed dragons and evil dragons, with little time spent on character or story development in the process. However, it is bright, attractive, and full of life and energy. Kids who are older than the age of easily scared will most likely enjoy the film the more they are exposed to it when they are younger.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this How To Train Your Dragon quiz.

Adapted from a series of popular children’s books, this is yet another action-packed animation featuring an unlikely young protagonist. Remember when the heroes of this genre were still in their adolescent years? Now, it’s usually a kid who’s no more than 10 years old who surprises everyone by revealing himself to be stronger, wiser, and more courageous than adults, as well as a quick learner when it comes to discovering or mastering a new form of warfare. We are born with the ability to command dragons and spaceships, but as we progress upward, we lose this ability.

How To Train Your Dragon Quiz

Hello, everyone! Our hero today is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (voiced by Jay Baruchel), a young Viking who lives in Berk, which is a mountainside village surrounded by crags and aeries where hostile dragons can be found. Hiccup informs us that his village is hundreds of years old, but that all of the houses are brand new. This is a concerning omen. The villagers, under the leadership of Stoick (Gerard Butler) and the dragon master Cobber (Craig Ferguson), have been engaged in battle with the dragons since the beginning of recorded history. While the dragons are enormous and capable of breathing fire, the Vikings, despite their strength, are armed only with clubs, swords, and spears. It appears to be a one-sided battle. They may, however, be more intelligent than the dragons, despite the fact that you wouldn’t know it from listening to them.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this How To Train Your Dragon quiz.

Butler appears to be channeling his character from “300,” who has been bolstered by many a hearty Viking feast. He joins Ferguson and others in speaking English with a strong Scottish accent, which is appropriate given that English was widely spoken among the Vikings, which we all know was the case. The Vikings appear to be victims of a testosterone outbreak, as evidenced by their massive sprouty growths of hair on their heads. Even the hair that grows from their nostrils could be used to make a cute little sock. I tried so hard not to think about it, but as I watched these brawlers mounted on massive flying lizards, I couldn’t help but think, “Asterix meets Avatar.”

About the quiz

The storyline: During a dragon attack, young Hiccup is ordered to remain indoors. However, the plucky lad seizes a cannon, blasts away at the adversary, and appears to fly away with it. When he ventures into the forest in search of his prey, he comes across a wounded little dragon about his own age who has already been chained up. As he frees it, they become closer, and he discovers that dragons can be perfectly pleasant. He returns to the village with his new friend Toothless, and an alliance with good dragons is formed against the bad dragons, who are snarling holdouts and grotesquely ugly.
Also, you must try to play this How To Train Your Dragon quiz.

One particularly evil creature is covered in massive warlike knobs all over its body, and it has six eyes, three on either side, just like a classic Buick. In one scene, a Viking slams his club into the eyeball of another Viking. It doesn’t look very appetizing. The battle concludes as all battles must, with the bad guys routed and the youngest hero rescuing the day from certain death. It looks like a World War I dogfight when the dragons fly through the air, complete with swoops and climbs, and close calls with craggy mountains and other dragons in the storyboard. These went on for far too long in my opinion, but I must learn to accept the fact that I do not have the palate of a 6-year-old.

Please keep in mind that the film is being shown in both 3-D and 2-D. Nothing but the opportunity to charge more money to see a distracting and unnecessary additional dimension is added by the 3-D technology. Despite the glut of 3-D films currently available, Paramount has threatened theaters that if they do not clear screens for the film “Dragon,” the studio will not allow them to show it in 2-D. This demonstrates a high level of confidence in 3-D.

For more personality quizzes check this: John Wick Quiz.

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