Terrifier 2

After being resurrected by a sinister entity, Art the Clown returns to the timid town of Miles County where he targets a teenage girl and her younger brother on Halloween night.

Release Date: Oct 6, 2022

Runtime: 2h 18m

MPAA Ratings: NR

Genre: Horror

Country: United States

Language: English


After being resurrected by a sinister entity, Art the Clown returns to the timid town of Miles County where he targets a teenage girl and her younger brother on Halloween night.

Taglines: Who’s laughing now?

How to watch Terrifier 2

Universal Pictures! Here’s options for downloading or watching Terrifier 2 streaming the full movie online for free on 123movies & Reddit,1movies, 9movies, and yes movies, including where to watch the Universal Pictures at home. Is Terrifier 2 2022 available to stream? Is watching Terrifier 2 on Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes we have found an authentic streaming option / service. Details on how you can watch Terrifier 2 (2022) for free throughout the year are described below.

Upon clicking the button you will be redirected to a page where you need to wait 30 seconds to prevent too many clicks and then a window will appear with the movie.

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