47 Meters Down Uncaged Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our 47 Meters Down Uncaged quiz and we will tell you which 47 Meters Down Uncaged character you are. Play it now.

When the original “47 Meters Down” was picked up for theatrical release, it was expected to be a direct-to-video release. However, it was picked up for theatrical release after being picked up for direct-to-video release. The film told the story of two sisters (Mandy Moore and Claire Holt) who went on a boat tour promising close-up encounters with sharks who ended up trapped at the bottom of the ocean floor inside a damaged cage with too little air in their tanks, too many meters to With the resulting movie, the intriguing premise and the appealing performances from Moore and Holt were all wasted on a series of increasingly banal shock moments, culminating in one of the most ridiculous endings to have graced a movie screen in recent history. Whatever the reason, it went on to become a sleeper hit in the United States. Thus, like clockwork, “47 Meters Down: Uncaged” has arrived, and it is no small irony that it was always destined for a theatrical release because, between its B-minus-level cast, shoddy visual effects, and a storyline that goes far beyond the long line of shark-related films preceding it to find elements to pilfer, it is the one that feels more like a direct-to-video item that inexplicably ended up in theaters in search of a

Due to the limited number of characters who survived the first film and the impossibility of basing a sequel on the misadventures of Matthew Modine’s hapless boat captain (though his tale might have inspired the late Oscar Wilde, were he alive and into junky shark movies, to muse “To lose one group of ninnies to sharks may be regarded as misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness”), “Uncaged” has no narrative connection to the Set in Mexico, the film stars Sophie Nelisse as Mia, an American girl who has recently relocated to Mexico with her undersea explorer father (John Corbett), his new wife (Nia Long), and stepsister Sasha (Corinne Foxx, Jamie Foxx’s daughter), who fails to protect her from the school mean girls who bully her for no apparent reason. The film is directed by and stars John Corbett, Nia Long, and Corinne Foxx. When Sasha’s friends Alexa (Brianne Tju) and Nicole (Sistine Stallone, niece of Frank) arrive with a better idea, Sasha joins them and brings Mia along for the ride. The following day, Dad attempts to get the two to spend some quality time together by purchasing them tickets for a glass-bottomed boat excursion.

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Fortunately, a remote lagoon adjacent to the entrance to a submerged Mayan city, which Mia’s father recently discovered, turns out to be the better option. Unfortunately, his research team has left four sets of scuba gear around, and the four of them decide to take a quick look at the city’s first entry point while they’re at it. In the beginning, everything is amusing, but when one of them panics when a fish lunges at her, a chain reaction occurs that causes much of the entrance to collapse, effectively cutting them off from the surface. It is only at this point that the long-awaited shark makes his long-awaited appearance—in this case, a great white shark who has become blind as a result of spending so much time in the underwater depths without sunlight, but whose other senses have been heightened as a result. They are now forced to negotiate the twisty, increasingly cramped surroundings in a desperate attempt to keep themselves from drowning and being digested, as their oxygen supplies are rapidly depleting and a blind and irritable shark is closing in on them. A couple of additional characters appear from time to time, but their fates are so overtly predetermined that they could just as well be dressed in red scuba suits as they are.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this 47 Meters Down Uncaged quiz.

Even the most ardent Mandy Moore fans would not mistake “47 Meters Down” for a good film by any means, but it did at least try to be fair to its audience (at least until the horrifying conclusion) by allowing the characters to do everything they could to combat their plight while still finding ways to turn the screws on them. After running out of borderline clever ideas to keep a story like this moving, it appears that returning co-writers Johannes Roberts and Ernest Riera have decided to tell a story in which practically everyone must act like an absolute idiot at every moment in order to get from Point A to A-. In terms of storytelling, the most notable innovation appears to be that the two spend as much time ripping off “The Descent” as they do ripping off the usual litany of shark movies, though one of the latter pilferings is so blatant as to be almost breathtaking in its audacity.

47 Meters Down Uncaged Quiz

What’s worse is that once the characters put on their scuba masks and dive underwater, it becomes nearly impossible to tell them apart at any given time. The visuals in this film, like most films that are almost entirely set underwater, are not particularly appealing—it is far too dark and murky for its own good—and when Roberts does put together one decent water-based attack sequence involving an incongruous musical accompaniment, it only serves as an echo of a similar sequence that proved to be the only memorable moment in his previous film, “The Strangers: Prey At Night.” The film is rated PG-13 for violence and language. However, the only thing that works is the ending, which is just as implausible as the originals but is nonetheless amusing enough to inject some much-needed life into the proceedings.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this 47 Meters Down Uncaged quiz.

In recent years, I’ve appeared to have established myself as this site’s go-to guy for movies about sharks gnawing on humans. On the grand scale of things, “47 Meters Down: Uncaged” is probably somewhere in the middle; it isn’t quite as good as “Jaws” (or even “Jaws 2,” for that matter), but it is marginally better than whatever shark-related nonsense is currently airing on SyFy as I type these words. Actually, if you have a strange desire to see this, waiting for it to air on SyFy in a few months might be the best course of action—you won’t miss out on anything visually, and the commercials might help break up the monotony of the show.

For more personality quizzes check this: Booksmart Quiz.

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