Mission Impossible Fallout Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Mission Impossible Fallout quiz and we will tell you which Mission Impossible Fallout character you are. Play it now.

Great action movies have a rhythm that is unlike any other type of film. Just think about how the stunts in the film “Mad Max: Fury Road” become a part of the story’s narrative. Consider how seamlessly “Die Hard” transitions from scene to scene, allowing us to feel as if we’re right there with protagonist John McClane. Consider the dazzling editing in “Baby Driver,” and the way it seamlessly weaves together sound design, music, and action to create a seamless fabric that has you tapping your feet. To say that “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” reminds me of these films is obviously an incredible compliment. With that finely-tuned, perfect blend of every technical element that goes into making a great action film, all in service of a fantastic script and anchored by great action performances, it manages to not only work within the genre, but to transcend it. This is one of the year’s best films, if not the best.

In this franchise, director Christopher McQuarrie has created what is essentially a direct sequel to the previous film, “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation.” This is the first time this has happened in the franchise’s history. “Fallout” doesn’t waste any time in immersing viewers in the narrative, getting the important details out of the way so that the action can get underway. So many action films spend an inordinate amount of time with monologuing villains and lengthy set-ups. However, there is no fat in this film, not even early on, when the action is often too slow to get to the “good stuff,” and certainly not late in the film, when the action is intense enough to make you feel exhausted at the end of it.

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A group known as the Apostles is attempting to wreak havoc. That’s all there is to it, in my opinion. They are under the impression that suffering leads to peace, and so it is time to let the pain flow freely. They have been collaborating with someone who is clearly on the inside at the IMF, code-named John Lark, and have conspired to obtain weapons-grade plutonium in order to build three dirty bombs with nuclear weapons. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is on a mission to recover the plutonium, but he’s plagued by a ghost in the form of Solomon Lane (Sean Harris), the villain from the previous film who Hunt chose to leave alive rather than kill. However, the head of the Syndicate has been passed around intelligence agencies in search of information on the IMF Agent-killing group, but he is also a participant in this new plot to bring the world to an end.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Mission Impossible Fallout quiz.

As the film opens, Hunt is dispatched to Paris by his superior, Alan Hunley (Alec Baldwin), in order to track down John Lark before he purchases the plutonium. Alan’s superior, Erica Sloan (Angela Bassett), assigns him a sidekick in the form of the brutish August Walker, who proves to be a valuable asset (Henry Cavill). Sloan isn’t sure she can put her faith in Hunt or Hunley, so she wants one of her own men to accompany her on the critical mission, someone she knows will do whatever it takes to see the mission through to completion. As a thematic undercurrent running through “Fallout,” the film explores the question of how much one should be willing to sacrifice for the greater good—the classic spy film quandary of killing someone you love in order to save the lives of millions of people you do not (it’s the action movie equivalent of “The Trolley Problem”). According to the implication, Hunt is overly protective of those he loves, whereas Walker has no feelings for anyone, and the film vacillates in fascinating ways about which mode of operation is preferable for a super-spy. To put it another way, Hunt has been described as the’scalpel to Walker’s hammer.’

Mission Impossible Fallout Quiz

This dynamic duo travels to Paris, where they are soon joined by familiar faces such as Luther (Ving Rhames), Benji (Simon Pegg), and Ilsa (Rebecca Ferguson), and things quickly spiral out of control. “Fallout” is one of those exceptional action films that works whether or not you are paying attention to the plot at the time of viewing. In terms of pace, it is one of the most streamlined and fast-paced films in the history of Hollywood, moving from one set piece to another. Don’t be concerned. There’s a story here. And it’s a particularly interesting one, in that it feels both timeless and contemporary in the way it deals with issues of loyalty and identity. However, McQuarrie and Cruise are acutely aware that they cannot rely too heavily on the plot for the sake of the film’s success or the audience will lose interest. Speeches aren’t necessary here. This is sufficient in itself, because it raises dramatic stakes in a dramatic setting Nuclear weapons, a slew of double agents, and a homicidal mastermind—get to work!
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Mission Impossible Fallout quiz.

And, man, how far does “Fallout” take you. This film will be responsible for approximately seven of the ten best action sequences of the year. From a skydiving nightmare to a car chase to the obligatory “Run Tom!” scene and the already-famous helicopter sequence, there is a wonderful variety of action styles to enjoy. All of them have a level of intensity in their movement that we don’t see very often in action movies these days. “Fury Road” has already been compared to the film by critics, and I believe that this is due to the fluidity of motion that can be seen in both films. The action has been refined to perfection by the great cinematographer Rob Hardy (“Annihilation”) and editor Eddie Hamilton (who worked on the previous film as well) working with McQuarrie. We rarely lose track of where we are in the scene, which is a common occurrence in bad action, and we frequently feel as if we are falling, speeding, or running alongside Hunt. With each heart-racing sequence, the audience I was in gasped and laughed nervously, as did the rest of the room. See this with a large group of people. Additionally, make it as big as you possibly can (some of the footage was shot in IMAX, and it is well worth the extra cost).

About the quiz

When it comes to performances, “Fallout” isn’t the kind of film that usually gets people excited, but even the weaker ones are above average in this case. When you watch the film, it’s fascinating to see Cruise finally allowing his age to show a little bit, especially in the early scenes with Cavill, who appears to be a tougher, more powerful version of Ethan Hunt. There are a few instances in which Cruise’s latest Hunt stumbles, and his punches do not land with the same force as Walker’s. A character who would have been less interesting as a superhuman spy becomes more relatable as a result of this development. In addition, the supporting cast is consistently strong, particularly Cavill and Rebecca Ferguson, who possesses the screen charisma of someone who should already be a major star by this point. Let’s work together to make that happen.
Also, you must try to play this Mission Impossible Fallout quiz.

When you go to the movies, it’s easy to become cynical. With eight sequels in the top ten of the box office last week, more and more people are seeing the Hollywood machine for what it truly is: a machine that spits out product rather than art or entertainment, or even both. One of the most positive things I can say about “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” is that it destroys cynicism in its wake. It truly provides what so many people have sought in entertainment for more than a century: a chance to put real-world problems on hold for a couple of hours while enjoying something enjoyable. You’ll be preoccupied with worrying about how Ethan Hunt is going to get out of this one that you won’t notice anything else going on outside the theater. It’s a rare action film that can accomplish this so effectively that you not only escape but emerge feeling somewhat re-energized and ready to take on the world. “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” is one of those films that fits this description.

For more personality quizzes check this: Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle Quiz.

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