Crazy Rich Asians Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Crazy Rich Asians quiz and we will tell you which Crazy Rich Asians character you are. Play it now.

Rachel (Constance Wu) meets her boyfriend in a crowded Manhattan bar in New York City after teaching her economics class, just like hundreds of other New Yorkers do on any given night. She, on the other hand, is completely unaware that they are no ordinary couple. Nick (Henry Golding), her long-term boyfriend of about a year, is the heir to one of the wealthiest real estate companies in Singapore, and they have a complicated relationship. He doesn’t tell anyone about his financial situation until they’re on their way to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding. When he expertly guides her to a first-class cabin, she finds herself immersed in a fairy tale-like story of a modern-day “Cinderella,” with her prince having been promoted to the status of a businessman.

Much of Jon M. Chu’s “Crazy Rich Asians” glitters in its opulent settings, gilded homes, and flashy outfits and jewelry, but the film is ultimately just a simple love story that is complicated by family. Despite the fact that the majority of us are not married to or dating secret millionaires, the film becomes irresistibly relatable as a result of its painfully honest and emotional moments, And, despite the fact that the film appears to be overstuffed, everything is in service of the story.

Rachel, in contrast to so many recent romantic comedy heroines, does not yearn for something better or have her life in shambles, as is often the case. In fact, she’s a rather well-dressed career woman who is happily in love and excited (if a little nervous) to meet Nick’s family for the first time. Wu portrays her as a quick-witted individual with a light and optimistic outlook on life, believing that love will triumph over all.

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I’m sure most mothers-in-law would be delighted to have an economics professor join their family, but Nick’s mother Eleanor would not be one of them (Michelle Yeoh). Throughout Yeoh’s performance, her disapproval can be felt in every muscle, as if she is physically rejecting the outsider her son has dragged into their mansion. Because Rachel does not have the affluent pedigree that Eleanor desires for her son, every exchange between the women serves as a painful reminder of their socioeconomic differences.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Crazy Rich Asians quiz.

Additionally, aside from the disparities in wealth between the characters, very few films have ever successfully captured the tribulations of being a first-generation American in quite the same way as “Crazy Rich Asians.” In the film, Rachel’s best friend Peik Lin (Awkwafina) makes the joke that she is Chinese-American, which she believes is why her potential in-laws refer to her as a “banana” because she is yellow on the outside and white on the inside. It can feel like a curse to be an outsider in both the country in which you were born and the country from which your parents are originally from. For Rachel, those feelings eventually turn into a source of strength rather than a source of perceived weakness. Her decision to be proud of her immigrant roots in the face of Eleanor’s shaming serves as an emotional affirmation for others who are in a similar situation as she.

“Crazy Rich Asians” may have the appearance of a lavish 1930s MGM comedy like “Dinner at Eight,” but there are also a number of delectable scenes that highlight cultural specificity, such as the film’s emphasis on food, that make it worth seeing. The camera gets close enough to the scalding pots and flame-grilled meats to make the viewer’s mouth water with anticipation. A deeper meaning is served by those scenes, which link the importance of food and culture to the importance of family and relationships around a dinner table. One sequence in which dumplings are being made serves as a commentary on tradition and how families pass it down to younger generations.

Crazy Rich Asians Quiz

As if to acknowledge the fact that its audience isn’t just there for the luxury tour, the film spends a significant amount of time establishing how good everyone, particularly the men, looks. It is Chu’s camera that obsesses over its male characters’ chests when they are either buttoning or unbuttoning the shirts on their backs. If this is Chu’s attempt to approximate the female gaze for a specific audience, it is successful. In a single tracking shot, which follows a character (Pierre Png) from the steamy shower to his bedroom, the shot defies decades of negative stereotypes about Asian men, which depict them as sexless or unsexy. In contrast to their female counterparts, they are not reduced to the role of decorative eye candy, but rather play important roles in the film’s narrative.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Crazy Rich Asians quiz.

Chu’s film is also careful to avoid portraying all of the wealthy characters as stereotypical villains in the traditional sense. The “us vs. them” division is delightfully more complicated this time around, and fortunately for Rachel, she finds allies among Nick’s family to help her endure Eleanor’s judgment as well as some cruel “Mean Girls” bullying from jealous rich competitors. It also explores the differences between old and new money status by pitting Peik Lin’s family against Nick’s stately family in a variety of ways, including how much more warmly they receive an outsider like Rachel and their ostentatious tastes in home decor, among other things.

Awkwafina’s brilliant performance as Peik Lin brings some of the film’s most dramatic moments to a halt with her witty repartee and outrageous antics. Even though she is wearing casual clothes to one of the Young family’s fancy soirées, she digs through the trunk of her car for a dress with a pair of high heels and puts it on. She dismisses Rachel’s response as if having an emergency cocktail dress on hand at all times were perfectly normal circumstances.

About the quiz

Despite the fact that this is a love story, “Crazy Rich Asians” is primarily about the powerful women who are at its heart. We get a glimpse of some of the anti-Asian prejudice Eleanor endured when Nick was a child, as well as how she uses her wealth as a weapon against enemies and intruders in the present day. In the case of Astrid (Gemma Chan), one of Nick’s cousins, she later uses her financial position to her advantage against her husband, which she later regrets. These women’s wealth provides them with the ability to stand up for themselves.
Also, you must try to play this Crazy Rich Asians quiz.

For the purpose of demonstrating that power is not solely concentrated in the hands of the wealthy characters, Rachel gets her chance to shine during a battle of wits against Eleanor. Rachel, for the first time, has something Nick does not: unconditional support from her mother. A number of tender moments in the film demonstrate Rachel’s strong bond with her mother (Tan Kheng Hua), and their relationship serves as another source of inspiration for the female characters.

I was beaming as I walked out of “Crazy Rich Asians,” not because of the film’s wild parties with synchronized swimmers or the extravagant wedding of Nick’s best friend, but because of the amount of love that exists in the film between a mother and daughter, couples, and among friends and family in general. To see an American audience identify with the Hyphen American experience—both my own and Rachel’s—felt rewarding on a completely different level than simply seeing them enjoy the show. I was overjoyed to recognize myself in the struggle of balancing parental approval with feelings for a romantic partner. Despite the fact that I do not come from the same financial or cultural background as the characters, I felt invited to share in the emotions on screen and in those around me.

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