Sicario Day Of The Soldado Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Sicario Day Of The Soldado quiz and we will tell you which Sicario Day Of The Soldado character you are. Play it now.

At its best, “Sicario: Day of the Soldado” is reminiscent of the work of Michael Mann, which features stories of macho men who have become so liberated from social constraints that they have blurred the lines between good and evil. The worst case scenario for “Sicario: Day of the Soldado” is that it reminds one of the slew of straight-to-DVD sequels that flooded the market in the 1990s and 2000s, follow-ups to action blockbusters that felt like shadows of the originals. It is at its worst on a more frequent basis.

Many key players from the 2015 triple Oscar nominee, including Oscar nominees Johann Johannsson and Roger Deakins, as well as star Emily Blunt and director Denis Villeneuve, have left the project. It would be an understatement to say that their absence is felt. It’s unfair to compare the current cast and crew to that talented quartet on the one hand, but director Stefano Sollima borrows so heavily from the first film that it’s impossible not to compare the two films together. For example, the extended shots of helicopters flying along the US-Mexico border are brought back, along with an imposing score and a couple of road-set shootouts, among other things. This results in a constant reminder of elements that were simply done better in the previous film and of the importance of craftsmen such as Johannsson, Deakins, and Villeneuve in the production process.

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The brutal, often unsightly journey to the chaos of the United States-Mexico border takes the place of that craft. “Sicario: Day of the Soldado” opens with scenes of suicide bombers, one as a group of Mexicans is attempting to cross the border, and another in a grocery store in Kansas City, in one of the most graphically upsetting scenes in a major film in a long time. It’s almost as if the film was created by a screenwriting machine designed to mine current national fears and controversies as completely as possible. In that scene, we’re treated to a shot of a mother and child desperately attempting to reach an exit before they’re blown to pieces. If anything, it’s as if Sollima is throwing down a challenge: “This will be a violent, harsh experience—leave now if you aren’t up for the challenge.” Some people will feel they are being exploited to the point of committing a heinous crime. You’ve been warned, and you should heed the warning.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Sicario Day Of The Soldado quiz.

The bombings send Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) all the way to Somalia in order to figure out how and why a terrorist would travel through Mexico to get to the United States of America. Secretary of Defense James Riley (Matthew Modine) and black ops muckety muck Cynthia Foards (a horrendously wasted Catherine Keener) become interested in Graver’s investigation, and they task him with, well, creating chaos across the Mexican border. For a variety of reasons, including the fact that the United States government enjoys international drama, the US government wants to pit the cartels against each other in order to disrupt the ecosystem and keep them focused on their rivals instead of anything else. So the plan is to kidnap the daughter of one of the cartel’s most powerful figures, a man named Carlos Reyes, who also happens to be the man against whom Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro) has sworn vengeance. Alejandro is brought in by Matt, who gives him complete authority to do whatever it takes.

Sicario Day Of The Soldado Quiz

The action in “Day of the Soldado” picks up speed in the second half, and there are some undeniably well-done sequences, including a terrifying ambush on a Mexican highway, and the performances by the cast are all excellent. This type of strong-chinned military leader thing is something Brolin can do in his sleep, but he infuses his character with an intriguing (if underdeveloped) undercurrent of rebelliousness, establishing him as a man who will follow orders… up to a point. However, the film is once again the work of Del Toro. He maintains his position as one of our best actors, finding ways to deepen minor beats in a film that doesn’t give much room for subtlety in its editing.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Sicario Day Of The Soldado quiz.

And that is a contributing factor to the problem. There is a distinction between a film that employs extreme violence for a specific purpose—be it thematic or artistic—and a film that appears to employ extreme violence simply because the filmmakers are unable to think of anything else to do. The carnage in “Day of the Soldado” becomes numbing to the point where it’s difficult to care about what happens next. In fact, the final scenes feature a character with dead eyes, stunned into silence, and emotionless as a result of what has transpired throughout the film. I had the same thoughts as you, wondering what the message or artistic motivation behind the two hours of bloodshed that had preceded it was intended to communicate. The theme of international chaos, which once defined places on the other side of the world and is now coming to the United States border, is present, but it has been relatively underexplored in recent years. Everything about this film feels rushed, especially when you get the impression that it’s all just a set-up for a third installment. In the past, “Sicario” could stand on its own, but this appears to be a work that has almost no power on its own without the film that came before it, and that may in fact only work if we see the film that comes after it first (writer Taylor Sheridan has said that he envisioned a trilogy).

About the quiz

A lot of people will be turned off by the exploitative violence and a lot of people will be turned off by the shallow storytelling, but what struck me about “Day of the Soldado” was how predictable it all was. As a coyote for a powerful crime syndicate, we are introduced to a young man who has been drawn into a life of crime. He is a complete non-character, the kind of person who you know only exists in a movie like this and who eventually crosses paths with the characters portrayed by the actors whose names appear above the titles. Alley around Alejandro and Matt feels disposable, and it serves as a reminder of how mindless violence is an inadequate substitute for nuance, character, or commentary on the world around them. Not every film needs to feel like it has something to say, but it’s always frustrating when a film pretends to have something to say but comes up with nothing.Also, you must try to play this Sicario Day Of The Soldado quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Sicario Day Of The Soldado Quiz.

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