Den Of Thieves Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Den Of Thieves quiz and we will tell you which Den Of Thieves character you are. Play it now.

The first thing you should know about this film is that it is, in fact, two hours and twenty minutes in length; yes, that is correct. A fellow reviewer and I were debating the timing provided by the IMDb, and we both agreed that this cops-and-robbers film couldn’t possibly be nearly two and a half hours long, despite the fact that it was probably relatively small. It is, however, the case.

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“Den of Thieves” opens with some text that explains how many bank robberies occur in Los Angeles, California over the course of a year, broken down by months, days, hours, and minutes. “Den of Thieves” is a thriller directed by David Fincher. Following the presentation of the statistics, which are quite impressive, the text concludes that “Los Angeles is the bank robbery capital of the world.” Already, one has the impression that the film, which was co-written and directed by Christian Gudegast, is making some sort of special plea. Not every story in this naked city can be described as “Heat,” and not every story can be described as such, but this one is KINDA like that, okay?
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Den Of Thieves quiz.

Den Of Thieves Quiz

Indeed, the film begins with a crime that is carried out in the manner of a paramilitary operation. When an armored car pulls up to a donut shop, an SUV full of masked men armed to the teeth swoops in and seizes the vehicle. Unexpectedly, a dropped coffee sets off a heist man on the run, resulting in a near-massacre. Even though the members of this gang didn’t want it that way, as Merriman (Pablo Schreiber) glumly observes once they’ve reached safety, “Now we’re cop-killers.” And all of this for the sake of an empty truck.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Den Of Thieves quiz.

About the quiz

The fact that “Big” Nick Davis, the major crimes detective on the scene, is played by Gerard Butler, is one of the things that he has to figure out. He is the leader of a half-rogue organization known as “The Regulators,” and they are not above kidnapping and torturing suspected criminals in order to obtain their men. Butler, who has a slightly unruly beard, plays the role as if he’s impersonating Mel Gibson during his drunk driving arrest, which happens to be true. He’s snobbish, obnoxious, and irreverent. Genre experts will be interested to see where Gudegast, who wrote Butler’s last film, “London Has Fallen,” and is making his feature directorial debut with this film, is drawing his inspiration from. In this film, the Neal/Vincent dynamic of “Heat” is not replicated; rather, the Chance/Masters dynamic of “To Live and Die in L.A.” is replicated, in which a cop and a criminal dealt in the same kind of corruption, but the criminal was ultimately the more ethically pure of the two. The problem is that “Den of Thieves” never really gets that deep, and it turns out to not be all that terribly serious of a film in the first place. When it comes down to it, the various character dynamics serve almost as an elaborate smokescreen for an elaborate heist that is aimed at the only bank in Los Angeles that has never been robbed: a branch of the Federal Reserve where, among other things, old money is destroyed around the same time that the serial numbers attached to it are erased.
Also, you must try to play this Den Of Thieves quiz.

Intricacy of the plot deepens… and deepens… and deepens… Gudegast is clearly a student of heist films, and he infuses this one with a slew of spectacular complications while simultaneously confusing the average viewer’s potential rooting interest in the outcome. Despite the fact that Schreiber’s gangleader and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s criminal lieutenant are both endearingly charismatic (Gudegast stages a scene in which Jackson’s character’s daughter goes on a prom date for a comic-relief “dad gives the date a talking to” scene), they’re still the same guys who blew away nearly a dozen cops in the film’s opening scene, and the suspense when they As for Butler’s Nick, he is, to put it mildly, a persistent requester of a spanking on a regular basis. However, if you’re looking to stay one step ahead of the film’s release, it’s in the casting that Gudegast really shows his hand. In the story, there’s one character, played by an actor who exudes star-quality charisma, who keeps getting pushed to the side, and you have to wonder why this is the case. You should be able to figure out at least one of the twists once you’ve determined why. And, of course, the actor, who will remain nameless, is successful enough that you suddenly realize where your rooting interest was supposed to have been all along.

For more personality quizzes check this: Breaking In Quiz.

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