Mile 22 Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Mile 22 quiz and we will tell you which Mile 22 character you are. Play it now.

Being a member of the elite is no longer advantageous in today’s society. EXCEPT when it is an elite member of an elite squad of intelligence operatives and trained killers working under the radar of official scrutiny to protect our most vital national security interests, yadda yadda yadda Then everything is fine!

Exactly such a soul, one James “Jimmy” Silva, is played by Mark Wahlberg in “Mile 22,” a new film in which Wahlberg collaborates with director Peter “Join the army, motherfu—er” Berg for the second time. Messrs. Wahlberg and Berg have collaborated on some seriously manly films, all of which have been based on true stories up until this point: “Lone Survivor,” “Deepwater Horizon,” and “Patriots Day.” Despite the fact that “Mile 22” is an entirely fictional work written by Lea Carpenter based on a story she and Graham Roland devised, if you think it doesn’t have something to say about the here and now that we are currently living in, you’re mistaken. It’s complicated, to put it mildly. In addition, it’s a little silly. Maybe it’s not worth delving into so deeply.

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Jimmy’s crew’s sophistication is demonstrated in the film’s opening scene, which takes place in a bucolic suburban cul-de-sac in the middle of nowhere. Despite the fact that he’s in the backyard with a sniper’s rifle, his colleagues are at the front door of a tastefully decorated colonial house pretending to be lost. An assortment of Russians who are up to no good can be found inside the house. They and we are aware of this because a remote crew, led by John Malkovich in the role of “Mother” (the agents on the ground are referred to as “Child 1,” “Child 2,” and so on), has drones spying on them and the house. They’ve also got Jimmy and the rest of the crew’s vitals under surveillance. Slick. Despite this, the operation does not go exactly as planned. We learn that they have some dirty bomb material that they can’t find, as well as a suspiciously young asset from whom Jimmy exacts the ultimate price. Hmm.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Mile 22 quiz.

In a credit sequence, Wahlberg’s character is established as a kind of Jack Ryan on the run. He was a child prodigy, to say the least! With anger management issues! Who had his family taken away from him at a young age! Every time he collaborates with Malkovich and his associates, his CIA agent status is exposed, and he is forced to resign from the agency. His closest colleague Alice (Lauren Cohan), who is also a frequent curser, saves the majority of her expletives for her ex-husband Luke, is revealed to be a frequent curser in subsequent scenes (played by Berg in a coy cameo). When Jimmy is focused on his mission, he is actively unpleasant; his motormouth raps at subordinates demonstrate that he is both crazy as a fox and crazy as an outhouse rat at the same time. After tracking down a Southeast Asian source who claims to know where the dirty bomb material is hidden, Jimmy and Alice butt heads with him until he’s on a plane bound for the United States, where the source seeks asylum in the United States.

Mile 22 Quiz

The title refers to the distance between the United States Embassy and the airstrip from which the plane will take off. The corrupt government in the area will do everything in its power to prevent Jimmy, Alice, and their crew from boarding that plane and bringing the source, Li Noor, with them.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Mile 22 quiz.

In the film, Noor is played by Indonesian action star Iko Uwais, who is best known in the United States for his kicking and punching in the “The Raid” films. He also appeared in “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.” So of course he gets to do a lot of action stuff in this movie, and it’s impressive; fighting back against two fake medics who want to kill him while he’s handcuffed to a hospital bed, and all that sort of stuff. The film’s short running time (95 minutes) contains more than enough boom-boom to keep the audience entertained. This is the shortest film in the Berg/Wahlberg oeuvre.

About the quiz

Throughout the action, there are shots of Wahlberg, dressed in a suit and tie, speaking in a conference room, talking about “chaos” and how none of you understand what the word “collusion” really means. In the aftermath of this mission, Jimmy appears to have decided to try and compete with Jordan Peterson’s YouTube videos, according to reports. No, that is not the case.
Also, you must try to play this Mile 22 quiz.

These scenes show him briefing his higher-ups, who are either shadowy figures from the Deep State or not, about the mission that is being carried out in front of us on the big screen. Which is yet another mission that does not go according to plan, leaving a slew of dead bodies and munitions residue in its wake, among other things. There is a strange political undercurrent running through the film. It is strongly in favor of secret missions, but only because it subscribes to the ideology that there are bad people out there who want to do bad things to us rather than the other way around. If you look closely, you’ll notice that when “Mother” and his crew are setting up their high-tech equipment for a mission, they place bobblehead dolls of former and current presidents of the United States on the table; the one wearing the “Make America Great Again” baseball cap is placed next to one of Obama, and the shot of the two together reads like a cheeky dare from Berg and Wahlberg. An additional note of interest is the fact that Malkovich is compelled to quote an old H.L. Mencken quote about raising the black flag and cutting people’s throats, which happens to be the motto of a well-known pseudonymous right-wing blogger. And I don’t believe either Berg or Wahlberg is a big fan of H.L. Mencken’s writing.

As a result, the film frequently felt to me like a rewritten version of “The Gauntlet” by a Breitbart News bot. Now, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing in and of itself. But what if I was in that position? Perhaps I’ll find out about it in the comments section. To which I would only have one response: enlist in the army.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Commuter Quiz.

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