Paper Towns Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Paper Towns quiz and we will tell you which Paper Towns character you are. Play it now.

In recent years, there has been a subtle but discernibly noticeable shift in the genres of movies that are marketed toward young adults. There is a funny-sad expanse of melodramatic normalcy aimed at young adults that owes more to the issue-oriented “Afterschool Specials” from 1970s TV and John Hughes than it does to Dracula and the Farrelly brothers. This funny-sad expanse of melodramatic normalcy owes more to John Hughes than it does to Dracula and the Farrelly brothers. It exists somewhere between the overwrought gothic romance

The emotionally nuanced and firmly rooted in reality novels written by John Green served as the primary inspiration for this 21st-century upgrade of the teen-angst film genre. I’m not even in the same time zone, let alone the ballpark of the target demo for last year’s hit film based on John Green’s novel “The Fault in Our Stars,” which starred Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort as two cancer-stricken children who fall in love. On the other hand, it brought me to the point where I was so overjoyed that I started crying and blubbering. What could have been a sappy tearjerker was instead elevated to the level of cathartic nirvana thanks to the forthright manner in which the subject matter was handled, the beautifully rendered characters, the mordant humor, and the respectful manner in which the relationships were drawn, including those concerning parents. The fact that it opened to $48 million in the United States and grossed $307 million worldwide gave people hope that children who were born in the last decade and a half will one day have a film to cherish that is comparable to “Rebel Without a Cause” or even “The Breakfast Club.”

This teen drama wrapped around a human enigma does share more than a few similarities with “The Fault in Our Stars,” including the same savvy writing team of Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, who also did the screenplay for what is probably the pinnacle so far of this mini multiplex youthquake, 2013’s “The Spectacular Now,” as well as 2009’s “(500) Days of Summer.” Although the current Green adaptation, “Paper Towns,” might Its director, Jake Shreier (“Robot & Frank”), is once again a relative newcomer who is eager to establish himself with a low budget and a troupe of charismatic actors who are primarily unknown to the general public.

Editor’s Picks

The smart script has the courage to go beyond yesterday’s fleeting Twitter fodder for its references to popular culture. As a consequence of this, “Paper Towns” may very well be the only film that has ever paid tribute to the poetry of Walt Whitman, the music of Woody Guthrie, and the uplifting theme song from the “Pokemon” animated television series. The setup, with its theme of seeing people beyond their public facades and not insisting that they live up to your fantasy version of them, has more in common with the novel “Gone Girl” than it does with “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.”
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Paper Towns quiz.

Nat Wolff, the male star of “Paper Towns,” who also gave an impressive performance as Ansel Elgort’s blind friend in “The Fault in Our Stars,” demonstrates that he is leading-man material in this film by overcoming the challenging task of making a straight-laced, perfectly normal, high-achieving sweet guy obsessed with the girl across the street into an appealing character. Wolff’s performance in “Paper Towns” is the reason why “The Fault in Our Stars

Yes, it has yet another plot that centers on the life-changing events that take place during senior year of high school, but this time they take place in an Orlando high school. And the relationship that Wolff’s Quentin, also known as Q, has with his two geeky friends, baby-faced big talker Ben (Austin Abrams), and bespectacled worrywart Radar, is the most important aspect of the show (Justice Smith). It’s a three-way bromance, but there’s one major difference: the three of them talk and react to the world like teenagers you might actually know, rather than like wisecrackers in a sitcom.

Paper Towns Quiz

After an opening scene in which Quentin, then 7 years old, meets his new next-door neighbor Margo Roth Spiegelman, also known as M, and falls in love at first sight, we are then introduced to their versions from the present day. They were very close when they were children; in fact, she would frequently visit Quentin via his second-story bedroom window. However, as adults, they are now on completely different social levels. Cara Delevingne, a former model who is now an actress, brings a feline allure to the role of Margo. Margo has gone her own way and is now the member of the cool crowd who is considered to be the coolest. In the meantime, Quentin, who is still head over heels in love with his ideal girl, is only able to catch fleeting glances of her as they pass each other in the hallways.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Paper Towns quiz.

That is, until Margo knocks on his window in the middle of the night and demands that he drive her around town so that she can commit a series of vandalizing acts inspired by the fact that her rich jock boyfriend cheated on her with one of her friends. Margo’s actions are inspired by the fact that her boyfriend, who is a rich jock, cheated on her with one of her friends. After the mission is successful, the couple enjoys a private moment together in a tall building, where they even dance to the song “Lady in Red.”

Quentin begins to entertain the possibility that they will develop a warm and lasting friendship with one another. The next day, just one day before Margo’s prom and graduation, she vanishes without a trace for no apparent reason.

About the quiz

Ms. M is not the type of person to go into hiding without leaving a trail of Amazing Amy-style clues behind her, which may occasionally include a spray-painted capital letter “M.” There may be a reference to Zorro or Fritz Lang in there somewhere. But soon after that, Quentin enlists the assistance of his friends, and eventually Radar’s girlfriend as well as Margo’s former best friend, Lacey, in the search for Margo. Q is confident that this is exactly what it is she is looking for.
Also, you must try to play this Paper Towns quiz.

The majority of the main cast members, including Halston Sage (what a name), who plays the character of Lacey, each have one or more scenes that particularly stand out. But “Paper Towns,” which is a reference to made-up places that cartographers would use to ensure no one stole their map, is winning enough that you probably won’t think about its flaws until at least after you throw away your popcorn bag. This is because “Paper Towns” refers to invented locales that cartographers would use to ensure no one stole their map.

For example, what kind of parents don’t call the police when their house is vandalized, or don’t get suspicious when their SUV suddenly screeches out of the driveway in the wee hours of the morning? When your son calls to say that he and his friends are going to skip school and drive all night in the family car from Orlando to a rural area in upstate New York just for kicks, how chill do you have to be to be able to respond with zero concern? Also, how laid back do you have to be?

However, despite the fact that the authority figures in “Paper Towns” are reduced to cardboard cutouts, the film still manages to realize something that is more than just compensation.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Duff Quiz.

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