Chappie Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Chappie quiz and we will tell you which Chappie character you are. Play it now.

While promoting his most recent film, “Chappie,” filmmaker Neill Blomkamp, who achieved great critical and commercial success with his 2009 debut film “District 9,” has made a couple of announcements that have attracted much attention from the fanboy set: his next project will be a new entry in the venerable “Alien” franchise, and he has admitted that he feels that he messed up with his previous film, the hugely disappointing science fiction allegory “Ely On the basis of this information, I can only assume that when he goes on the junket circuit in a couple of years to hype his “Alien” film, he will spend some of his time apologizing for “Chappie” as well. This is because “Chappie’s” failures are so pronounced that they make the artistic sins of “Elysium” seem like they are minor in comparison.

In the beginning of the movie, there are some fake news reports that claim that in the not-too-distant future of Johannesburg, South Africa, the human police force has been replaced with human-sized and heavily armed robots. These robots are not indestructible, but they are powerful enough to have inspired a significant drop in the crime rate. Tetra Vaal, the defense company that is tasked with supplying the robots, is experiencing a surge in business, and other nations are planning to place orders for the robots as well. Deon, played by Dev Patel, is the brilliant designer who was responsible for creating the robot cops. Despite this, he is somewhat disenchanted with his work and desires to make a more meaningful contribution to society. To this end, it would appear that he has stumbled upon a way to endow machines with true artificial intelligence so that they can learn, create, and feel exactly the same as actual humans do. This does not go over particularly well with his boss (Sigourney Weaver), and so he decides to conduct some off-base experiments using the remains of bombed-out bot Scout 22. This arouses the suspicions of nasty office rival Vincent (Hugh Jackman), whose own prototype for a crime-fighting robot has been shunted aside, partly because of the success of Deon’s creation, and partly because his creation looks like the ED-209 without the gazelle-like

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Unfortunately, as Deon was leaving the office, he was abducted by three low-level thugs named Ninja (Ninja), Yo-Landi (Yo-Landi Visser), and Amerika (Jose Pablo Cantillo). They believe that Deon has the ability to turn off all of the robot cops, which will allow them to pull off a $20 million heist and repay a pressing debt to a violent local drug lord. However, when they found out that Deon was carrying a robot with him, they demanded that he get it operational so that they could use it for their own purposes. Deon was unable to do that. Deon is able to successfully install his artificial intelligence program and revive the robot, which is now known as Chappie (and is performed by Blomkamp regular Sharlto Copley). Chappie has the appearance of a large metallic child, which causes Yo-Landi to experience some unexpected maternal feelings. While she and Deon are attempting to instill the blank slate that is Chappie with all the right things — intelligence, kindness, an artistic temperament, and the ability to know right from wrong — the harsher Ninja and Amerika show him the darker side of humanity in the hopes of getting him to assist with their heist plans. Chappie is a cyborg who was created by a genetically engineered pig. Around this time, Vincent learns that Chappie exists, and he devises a strategy to disable the robot cops and throw the city into disarray. He hopes that this will get rid of his competition and convince the company to let him use his invention to save the day. Warning: this sentence contains a spoiler. His plan turns out to be as clumsy as his creation, and as Johannesburg burns, Chappie’s increasingly developed soul is torn between the ideals of his creator and the base instincts inspired by the real world.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Chappie quiz.

Even though I wasn’t quite as excited about “District 9” as some other people were, it was still an ambitious piece of work that combined the thrills of a genre with a thoughtful allegory about the horrors of apartheid. Another attempt at a science-fiction allegory, “Elysium” was this time about the significance of universal health care; however, it did so in such a ridiculously heavy-handed manner that even the most ardent supporters of the Affordable Care Act found it to be a tedious slog. Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, who wrote “District 9” with him, Blomkamp’s wife and co-writer on that film, have largely eschewed any grand political subtext this time around, but they have neglected to bring in anything new or interesting as a replacement. This is likely a response to the fact that the previous film was not well received. Chappie does not bring anything new to the table in this regard, and it eventually abandons all of its philosophical musings for a series of loud but largely anonymous action set-pieces. The basic questions posed here are ones that have been explored in any number of films over the years. If a machine can somehow develop consciousness, then what does that mean for humanity? Chappie does not bring anything new to the table in this regard.

Chappie Quiz

The fact that Chappie himself is basically just a tool is one of the most significant issues with the movie. This is true both literally and figuratively. Chappie, despite Blomkamp’s best efforts to humanize him (such as slapping a “REJECT” sticker on its forehead), is almost stunningly unappealing. The screen has seen a number of robot creations that have managed to demonstrate remarkably human characteristics; HAL 9000, WALL*E, and Samantha from “Her” immediately come to mind. However, Chappie is one of the most unappealing robots ever created. It’s possible that he acts like a child, but if that’s the case, he’s the kind of child who would benefit greatly from taking Ritalin. His motor-mouthed (no pun intended) approach to everything quickly grows grating, and, after a while, he is so unlikeable that it is impossible to give a whit about his transformation and what it means for us all. He isn’t very interesting from a design perspective, and his approach to everything quickly grows grating.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Chappie quiz.

But on the other hand, the screenplay hasn’t exactly done a good job of imbuing its characters made of flesh and blood with recognizably human qualities. It is always nice to see Sigourney Weaver in a genre film, but her appearance in this film is much too brief, and her character is written as too much of a dope to be believable as the CEO of anything. Patel is just meh as Chappie’s creator, and it is always nice to see Sigourney Weaver in a genre film. Ninja and Yo-Landi Visser, who in real life are members of the punk-rap-rave band Die Antwoord, are on hand to more or less play themselves (at least in the sense that the Beatles played themselves in “Help”). However, whatever power they may display on the stage does not transfer to the film because they are as stridently annoying as Chappie. In a weird casting move, Ninja and Yo-Landi Visser are on hand to more or less play themselves Then there is poor Hugh Jackman, who is stuck playing the film’s most poorly conceived character. This character is an ex-soldier who despises Deon and his creations, believes that humans should always be placed far above robots, and is willing to destroy an entire city in order to get his way. Hugh Jackman has a difficult role to play. The problem with Vincent is that, despite the fact that he is the antagonist of the story, his concerns about providing robots with the ability to think for themselves are actually kind of valid, and a more honest film would have admitted it. Instead, the screenplay negates this by making him into a cartoonish ogre, and to further ensure that we are aware that he is the antagonist, he carries a gun, wears a mullet, and is overtly religious to boot.

About the quiz

Despite its flaws, “Jupiter Ascending” was a hugely ambitious attempt to create an original fantasy epic that was not based on a video game or comic book, and it was successful more often than not in my opinion. “Chappie,” on the other hand, is such an ill-conceived work from a once-celebrated science-fiction visionary that I think everyone who criticized the Wachowskis for “Jupiter Ascending” a few weeks ago “Chappie,” on the other hand, is an exhausting slog through overly familiar cliches that is nowhere near as profound or moving as it clearly thinks it is and is completely devoid of the kind of intelligence and artistry that it so frequently pays lip service to in the dialogue. Chappie is a movie about a boy who wants to be a hippie, but his parents won’t let him. At one point in the movie, an agonized Chappie screams out, “Why do you humans do this?” Despite the fact that he is ostensibly commenting on the inhumanity of man at this point, I couldn’t help but think of it as his pleading comment on the movie as a whole.Also, you must try to play this Chappie quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Chappie Quiz.

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