Which NCT Member Are You? 100% Fun K-Pop Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you have any interest in finding out which NCT member you are? Take this K-pop quiz to find out which of the boys’ profiles most closely matches your own. Are you Ten, Jaemin, Jaehyun, or else?

A Genuine Quiz: Which NCT Member Are You?

The examination consists of a set of twenty questions about your habits, preferences, and likes and dislikes. Finding your ideal partner among the twenty-three members of the Neo Culture Technology band is the purpose of this activity.

The questionnaire, which is designed by NCTzens, or dedicated fans of the group, is very similar to the one that we created for BTS fans. Therefore, not only will you take pleasure in the outcomes, but you will also find that the questions themselves are entertaining.

Learn how to find the person of your dreams.

We have compiled an accurate profile of each of the 23 members into a database that we have created. Your responses allow us to compare those of the boys to those of the girls and determine which one is the most comparable. The process is a bit more complicated when compared to other Korean bands like Black Pink because NCT has lots of singers. On the other hand, we stand behind the dependability and accuracy of our test.

Discover the sub-unit to which you have been assigned.

The fact that the NCT quiz can determine both your sub-unit and the personality match between the two of you is an interesting perk. You are aware that the band is comprised of four subgroups referred to as 127, U, Dream, and WayV.

The name of the sub-unit, NCT 127, comes from the fact that three boys were added to the 7-membered unit after it had already been established. If you were to ask the most devoted fans, “Which member are you?” many of them would choose a name out of 127 because they are one of the most popular groups.

NCT U is one of the most important groups despite the fact that its members are always being replaced. The letter “U” represents unity, and the singers, dancers, and rappers are selected for each song based on how well they perform together and how well they are compatible with the song.

NCT Dream: In the past, in order to make room for new members, the boys who joined the Dream sub-unit had to start their journey there and exit it before they turned 20 years old. However, SM Entertainment decided to scrap the rule and instead form a permanent boy band consisting of four boys, one of whom was Mark.

The NCT quiz also includes information about the newest Chinese sub-unit of the band, which is WayV. The band is still a member of the original Korean supergroup, despite the fact that their songs are in Mandarin and their name does not contain the phrase “Neo Culture Technology.”

Conduct a study on your own personality as well.

The important question to ask is probably, “Which member of the NCT are you?” However, there is more to our quiz than just that. Because of your responses, we are able to conduct an investigation into your personality and produce an understandable breakdown. You will, therefore, know, by the end of the test, why we think a particular boy is similar to you and how you compare to him.

The Obstacles You May Face When Searching for Your Ideal NCT Member Match

With a total of twenty-three members across all of its subunits, Neo Culture Technology is currently the boyband in Korea with the largest membership. Due to this factor, developing an accurate personality test can be quite challenging. You will need to examine and classify 23 different personas in order to generate detailed profiles for each one.

This is also the reason why the vast majority of other online NCT personality quizzes are wrong. However, in order to ensure that the findings are reliable and accurate, our editors spent a significant amount of time scrutinizing the characteristics of each boy.

How to Determine Which Type of Neo-Cultured, Technology-Obsessed Boy You Are

The vast majority of NCT citizens are under the impression that their bias is the same as their matching character. However, that is not the case. You are in need of additional details in order to locate your genuine counterpart.

One option is to read the character descriptions of the NCT members and then consider which of those people you most closely resemble in real life. Although it does not provide the same level of accuracy as actually taking the test, it is an improvement over the bias method.

#1. Jaemin

Jaemin is only 21, but he already has a strong will and a lot of ambition. On the other hand, when there is no one else around, he is said to be a very quiet boy. When asked, “Which member of NCT are you?” a significant number of devoted young fans would name him. This is due to the fact that he is attractive, self-assured, and attentive.

#2. Ten

He is kind, compassionate, and a true gentleman. The characteristics of sincerity, courtesy, and likeability best describe Ten’s personality. He is currently a member of the WayV sub-unit and has a significant number of fans not only in Korea but also in China and all over the world.

#3. Teayong

Taeyong is endearing and genuine, and as a result, he is one of the most popular members of NCT. He is also a passionate individual who abhors disorganization and would much rather put things in order.

#4. Lucas

In terms of his personality, Lucas is a man who can set the tone. Regardless of the circumstances, he has the ability to make everyone feel better. Because of his passion for video games, he is an approachable young man. Because of his macho demeanor, he is considered to be one of the most attractive members of NCT.

Different Members

The descriptions of just four NCT members have been provided above. On the other hand, the boyband has a total of 19 singers. Therefore, in order to find your ideal partner in fewer than five minutes, you will either need to go check out all of their personality breakdowns or you will need to take a genuine quiz like the one that is provided here.

The Process Behind the NCT Personality Test

The examination is broken up into three distinct sections: behaviors, interests, and energy. It conducts investigations into each to produce a detailed profile of you. The algorithms will then search through our database to locate the member of Neo Culture Technology who has the highest percentage of similarity to the search criteria.


The images that were used in the NCT personality quiz did not belong to QuizExpo in any way. There is no intention to violate any copyrights. If you own any of these pictures and you don’t want them displayed here, please get in touch with us.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Nct Member Are You.

which nct member are you
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