100% Fun MHA Quiz: Which My Hero Academia Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which character from My Hero Academia are you? Take this quiz on MHA to learn more about your true self in the world of U.A. High School.

Which My Hero Academia Hero Are You? Determined by This Quiz

Twenty questions make up the test. Its objective is to show what sort of student you would be in the MHA setting.

  • Read the guidelines.
  • Provide 20 MHA-related answers.
  • Learn who you are.

How to Successfully Complete the “Which My Hero Academia Character Are You?” Quiz

To begin the test right away, click the “Take Quiz” button. However, bear in mind these three points for the most precise outcomes.

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Respond as though you were a high school student in U.A.

The hypothetical situations that the questions generate take place in U.A. High School. You must consider how you would respond if you were one of the pupils. You can be asked to make a choice, pick the best course of action, or express your emotions.

Keep in mind that there is no right or incorrect response.

My Hero Academia trivia is not what this is. You are not required to determine the right response. Selecting the response that makes the most sense to you is the best strategy for taking the test. Please take our Amazing Anime Quiz if you like trivia. It will test you because only 33% of participants passed it.

Maintain your integrity for accurate outcomes.

Nobody but you is aware of which My Hero Academia character you are. You won’t be satisfied with the test’s outcome if you lie to yourself during it. Stay true to your emotions during the test. And don’t be afraid to choose what you consider to be the “correct” answer.

The MHA Characters Test Uses Personality Analysis as Its Basis

To create this test, we looked at the characters of the villains and the most popular students. We did this by compiling data on their behaviors, character qualities, pursuits, and viewpoints. Then, in order to determine the traits they shared, we divided them into groups.

Therefore, the exam questions you answer are based on our study of your personality. Because of this, QuizExpo’s scores are the most accurate and trustworthy.

Important Information Regarding the Results

This page’s quiz is intended for anyone who are curious about which My Hero Academia character they are. It offers you more insights than that, though. Look below.

It Shows Your Dark Side, Number One (if You Have One)

You may not automatically be a hero! It’s possible that you have a complicated personality. So it’s plausible that you may be a villain from the MHA with dubious motives. The interesting reality is that sometimes the villains in anime are more endearing than the heroes. Use Tago as an illustration. She is currently regarded as the series’ most likable primary antagonist.

#2: It Indicates Whether You Might Be a Pro Hero

You are well aware that becoming a Pro Hero is quite difficult. So, just attending U.A. High School won’t guarantee your heroic future. The Which My Hero Academia Are You Quiz, however, reveals your capacity for mastery.

#3: You also receive some personality analysis

Every MHA character has a past that helped shape who they are today. All of them have been examined so that the test reveals the common traits between you and your anime soulmate. Are you an irritable hero? Do you employ passive-aggression? Do you have a more villainous personality? The test provides solutions to questions of all of these categories.

#4: It Shows How Strong You Are

True fans are aware that each hero on the show has a power card displaying their skills. So, when the test is through, you’ll get your power card. It provides an overview of your character and your potential.


Do the My Hero Academia villains appear on the test?

It does, indeed. The MHA quiz can reveal those who, because to their anti-heroic tendencies, do not meet the criteria of the U.A. High School. Thus, you might be paired with a villain.

Is it a personality or trivia test?

You may find out which My Hero Academia character you are by taking a personality test that analyzes your attributes.

How can I distribute the findings to others?

On the result page, a share button will appear. By clicking that option, you can share the outcomes with others via email, links, or social media.

Additional Methods for Determining Which My Hero Academia Character You Are

Finding your soul mate can be accomplished in other ways than by taking a Which My Hero Academia Character Am I quiz. You can use various organic techniques and obtain precise results. Three different methods are shown in the list below.

Read the character biographies.

Visit the MHA fandom website and read the biographies of your favorite characters. Find out which is most relatable. Characters that are similar to us or with whom we share a common interest tend to be more relatable. Therefore, it is possible that a hero or villain is your anime soulmate if you like their backstory.

Assess the personality of the MHA characters.

The protagonists and antagonists of the program typically have their own personality sections on fandom websites. You can find out which My Hero Academia character you are by reading and analyzing them. You will know your anime personality if you share so many characteristics with a hero and an anti-hero.

Investigate your quirks!

Both the protagonist and adversary in MHA each have unique superpowers. However, there is a connection between these skills and their personalities. Todoroki, for instance, possesses both fire and ice abilities. His persona is just that—cold and warm at the same time. Consider your potential Quirk in the MHA setting. How would that be? You can find out which My Hero Academia character you are by responding to this question.

For more personality quizzes check this: Common Sense Test.

which my hero academia character are you
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