Sadism Test: Are You Sadistic? This 100% Honest Quiz Reveals

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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The Sadism Test identifies whether you take pleasure in hurting other people. Do you enjoy cruelty and violence? 20 straightforward questions will reveal whether you are sadistic.

A Sadism Test: What Is It?

A sadism exam, commonly known as the VAST test, consists of a series of inquiries into your darkest self in order to highlight your lack of empathy for others. If engaging in adversarial conduct gives you pleasure, excitement, or satisfaction, you’ll do well on a sadism test.

It defines those who frequently act cruelly and degradingly in order to feel good or to prove their superiority.

Editor’s Picks

Despite the comorbidity, the diseases are distinct, thus it’s important to remember that it shouldn’t be mistaken with the sociopath test.

How Does It Function?

It operates on the narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy components of the dark triad. You should respond to inquiries that reveal your level of incivility toward others and your feelings toward it.

Based on Theodore Millon’s Work, This Sadism Test

According to American psychologist Dr. Theodore Millon, who is well-known for his research on personality disorders, there are four different varieties of sadism: enforcing, explosive, spineless, and tyrannical.

His research and beliefs are used in The Sadism Test to produce accurate results and trustworthy analysis.

Find Out Whether You Are a Psychopath, Sadist, Masochist, or Sadomasochist

It is challenging to determine whether a person is sadistic due to the comorbidity and overlap between numerous diseases. Other options need to be considered, like masochism, which is a pattern of self-defeating or self-harming activities.

The Sadism Test assesses you for all of the overlapping circumstances in order to refine the results. So, by the end, you’ll know if it’s really a propensity for violence, a fascination with suffering, a need to be in charge, or perhaps even all of them.

Intolerant of independence is another manifestation of sadism. A sadist will go out of their way to keep people dependent on them and feeling uneasy and unconfident.

Learn About Your Sadism Type

Only if you are a sadistic person will the test place you in one of the categories for sadism according to Dr. Millon’s theory. Here are some details regarding each category.

#1. Enforcing Sadism occurs when the use of terror serves the greater good. Police brutality is depicted as a necessary measure to protect the defenseless, which makes it a possible example of reinforcing cruel conduct.

Second, explosive Sadism is unpredictable and sudden bursts into harmful, aggressive, and violent behavior. When quiet, a person with such an SP (explosive sadistic personality) may appear normal. But when aggravated, they would behave cruelly.

3. Spineless sadism is the act of dominating a helpless person, sometimes known as a scapegoat.

4. Tyrannical sadism is the propensity to use violence to subjugate people.

Your preferred type of pain is revealed by the test.

to respond to inquiries like “Am I a sadist?” It’s important to reevaluate your opinions about misery. Many people fantasize about experiencing physical suffering, while others prefer psychological anguish.

The sadism quiz does reveal to which category you belong, which is a positive thing.


The most prevalent variety of SP is emotional sadism. It occurs when someone intentionally inflicts emotional harm on others or engages in psychological torture for amusement.


An someone with a sadistic disposition may find the act of violence to be fascinating and attempt to choke, slap, punch, cut, or even shoot others.


When someone has sexual sadism or paraphilia, they like extreme and violent intercourse. Of course, not all BDSM participants are cruel. However, SP is more prevalent among these people.


In certain circumstances, a sadistic disposition does not manifest itself in violent behavior. But when it’s done by someone else, they find it entertaining to watch. So they could become fixated on stuff like snuff movies.

Sadistic Behavior Examples

  • Imagine a bully who humiliates top-performing kids as an example of sadistic behavior. It could be a coping strategy for their subpar grades. However, they will also take pleasure in the suffering their insults inflict.
  • Imagine a wife who ridicules her partner’s financial situation or minimizes their work. Whatever the motivation, such actions are sadistic.

What Makes Someone Sadistic?

Although the actual reason is unclear, it’s believed that sadism is caused by operant conditioning, meaning that you learn to replicate it. In other words, it’s brought on by a person’s experiences in life as well as their environment.

Prior to taking the Sadism Test, read

Are you sadistic? and other topics like that are addressed throughout the questionnaire. Additionally, it performs an excellent job of differentiating comorbid disorders like masochism, psychopathy, or sadomasochism. There are a few things you should be aware of before taking it, though.

A clinical diagnosis cannot be made.

Due to its comorbidity, sadism is no longer regarded as a personality disorder in the DSM-4. So, the only way to know if you’re sadistic or not is to undergo a clinical exam. Please don’t substitute a real medical evaluation for the online versions (like the one on this page).

The outcomes shouldn’t be disregarded.

The results of the Sadism Test are significant even though they are not a diagnosis. If you score well, it means you’re probably going to like harming people or yourself, which is something you shouldn’t disregard. You might wish to seek professional assistance and talk about the findings with a psychologist or licensed therapist.

If you’re a victim, dial the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Please dial 1.800.799.SAFE if you have been a victim of a sadistic person’s activities (7233). It is a secure hotline that offers assistance to people like you around-the-clock. For additional information, go to


None of the names named in the Sadism Test are connected to QuizExpo.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Genshin Impact Character Are You.

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