Which Stranger Things Character Are You? Season 4 Updated

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Hey, which character from Stranger Things are you? Find out which character from Season 4 of Stranger Things best describes your personality by responding to 20 questions.

Character Quiz for Strange Things: An Explanation

The objective of the exam, which consists of 20 enigmatic questions inspired by the Stranger Things season 4 events, is to determine which character you most closely resemble.

Editor’s Picks

There are no right or incorrect answers, unlike the trivia questions from Stranger Things. Then we tell you if you are Eleven, Mike, Dustin, Will, or someone else based on your selection of the most logical possibilities.

Netflix fans can check out our popular Squid Game Quiz.

Three Strange Findings from the Test

We wanted to make a personality test that did more than just locate your match, especially since Stranger Things is the most popular Netflix program right now.

In addition to identifying your Upside Down counterpart, our 2022 update test explores your dark core, phobias, and relationships.

The Shadow Side of Your Character

Not every Hawkins citizen can be trusted. Only a small number of the characters are harmless; the majority are cunning or have sinister motives. What about you, though? What kind of person you’d be if you lived in the Stranger Things universe? To discover out, take the quiz.

Your phobias and fears

The test generates realistic findings by comparing your concerns and anxieties to those of the cast members.

Do you want to know which character from Stranger Things you are? If so, consider your biggest phobias. Is it the dark, the lonely, the failure, or the loss? Your locality in Hawkins—or maybe the Upside Down—could be revealed by your response.

Your Friendships, Real and Fake

Don’t you care about the dependability of your friendships? The Stranger Things character quiz determines that.

The ST gang’s new adventures at Hawkins High School, where new friendships form—while many old ones come to an end—are the focus of the fourth and final season of the show. You may now identify your real and false pals with the aid of this realistic personality test.

How to Determine Which Character from Stranger Things You Are

Stranger Things has a sizable cast with a diverse range of personalities, featuring over 32 prominent characters. Therefore, it’s far more difficult to find your ST match on your own than it is with a smaller program like Euphoria, which only has 16 key characters.

However, the following advice can help you locate your true love.

Number One: Jane “Eleven” Hopper.

Eleven is one of the most dependable members of the ST gang and is distinguished by her unwavering loyalty. At times, she could come out as impersonal, cold, or distant. But she only uses that as a coping strategy to get over her tragic past.

(2) Will Byers

Will has a creative, clever, and bright personality and never wants to let those who depend on him down. However, he could neglect his own needs in favor of others.

Michael “Mike” Wheeler, number 3.

Mike is a natural optimist who lifts others’ spirits no matter what. He is a kind, understanding, and emotionally available buddy who promotes love and never gives up on his friends.

Dustin Henderson, No. 4.

Dustin is a geeky boy who enjoys solving problems for other people. But when attractive girls are nearby, he also has a flirty side that comes out.

The First ST Character Quiz Based on the MBTI

The issue with other Stranger Things tests is that they use interest matching to recommend characters that are similar to your preferences.

However, we have developed the first MBTI test that, based on your genuine personality type, matches you to a Stranger Things character. Because of this, the outcomes are far more precise.

The Myer-Briggs Type Indicator for the major cast is listed below.

Characters from Part 1 and Part 2 of Season 4

In the show’s last season, there are more than 10 new characters. The Stranger Things quiz covers all of them, which is fantastic news. You name it: Angela & Jake, Argyle, Vickie, Jason Carver, Chrissy, Patrick, Eddie Munson.

We offer the most comprehensive database, enabling you to choose your ideal match from among more than 30 personalities.

Meet Your Secret Stranger Things Crush as a Bonus

Have you ever wondered who your boyfriend or girlfriend could be if you lived in the Hawkins and Upside Down universe? If so, there’s no need to wonder any longer because the ST quiz predicts your potential love interest based on your characteristics.

The Cast Did Take It, too

The Stranger Things cast took part in a BuzzFeed quiz to determine their Stranger Things match. The ST soulmate of each cast member was revealed during a humorous video that was made in 2019.


No copyright infringement is intended; all of the images used in the Stranger Things character quiz belong to Netflix.

which stranger things character are you
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