Quiz: Which DC Villain Are You? 1 of 6 Accurate Match

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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This comic book-inspired personality test will tell you whether you are the Joker, Darkseid, Doomsday, Scarecrow, or another DC villain.

A Test to Discover Your Favorite DC Villain

Twenty questions from the DC world make up the test, which seeks to uncover your inner evil. It evaluates your personality and compares it to the villains in our library of comic books. The object is to identify which DC villain most closely resembles you.

Forget about doing any other tests that would identify which superhero you are. Here, your evil side is all that matters. The purpose of the quiz is to draw out your most villainous traits and contrast them with those of supervillains.

Editor’s Picks

Check out our other popular quiz, “Which DC Superhero Are You,” if you think you are more of a protagonist.

Find the ideal adversary for you.

Both major and small adversaries are common in comic comics. But which of them is really comparable to you? It is a question of the kind the test would address. Here, you get a surprising accurate 10/10 match for a DC villain.

Learn how dangerous you could have been.

DC villains possess a variety of talents and skills. And to what you might believe, not all of them are fatal. So, we developed a test to measure how dangerous your comic book character might be. The options include:

  • casual villain

You don’t have a tremendously hazardous personality. You would be a pain in the neck for many superheroes if you were a casual bad guy. However, they would not take any special actions to harm or seize you.

If you scored a supervillain on the DC quiz, you undoubtedly possess superhuman abilities. Consider Doomsday as an illustration. He is a superhuman adversary who is immensely stronger.

The DC villain test’s cool feature is that it assigns a superpower based on your character.

your superhero’s arch-enemy

Each villain in DC has a bloody foe who causes them difficulties and prevents them from attaining their nefarious objectives. In order to determine which superhuman-like protagonist would despise you, the quiz probes deeply into your persona.

Get a totally free in-depth character analysis.

We’ll explain to you precisely why you resemble a specific DC villain. The outcomes include a thorough persona analysis that sheds some light on your traits and beliefs.

How Can You Tell Which DC Villain You Are?

Try the character test on this page as one option. However, not all comic book readers would have the time or the energy. So here is a different solution for that. Decide which of the most well-known and influential DC villains you most closely resemble by reading the descriptions that follow.

#1. Joker

You are a perfect fit for DC’s most notorious villain, Joker, if you are a sarcastic loner. He is a psychotic, melancholy figure who holds nihilistic ideas. More so than the real comic books, movies like Dark Knight portray his brutal, emotionless, and messed-up attitude. Joker, however, is a complex antagonist with profound motivations for his deeds.

The most amazing thing about him is that he lacks superhuman strength or abilities. If it came to a fight, Batman could easily defeat him. But the Joker succeeds in making it into a game of the mind, outwitting his adversaries.

Darkseid, #2

One of the most lethal DC villains ever is Uxas. He is ruthless, calculated, strategic, and strong. He draws strength from the agony of others and will kill innocent people to get what he wants. You are a very ambitious person if you answered the DC Quiz question that matched Darkseid.

Uxas is viewed by many as the embodiment of evil and negativity. He has never given mercy to anyone, which explains why. He has only been concerned with dominance, order, and power.

Third: Sinestro

Thaal is one of the underappreciated DC bad guys due to his complete narcissism. He is a superhuman entity with intelligence and strength. Matching Sinestro in the quiz denotes that you are a self-assured individual who only depends on their own judgment. It also suggests that you prioritize your needs over those of others. You also have a propensity to value your opinions, even when others don’t.

Fifth: Lex Luthor

The most brilliant DC adversary might be Lex. He relies on the adoration of others to survive. And one of his main goals is to be noticed by others. Matching him in the test is usually an indication of self-indulgence. But it also demonstrates your intelligence and foresight.

If You Fit These Profiles, You’re a DC Villain

Why are you an adversary in a comic book? Is it the presence of a spooky outfit, an army of menacing animals, or past traumas? A real anti-hero requires at least one of the following three characteristics, according to research on DC villains.

shady intelligence Being clever is insufficient. You must be an incredibly intelligent figure that utilizes knowledge for evil. Think of Doctor Poison as an illustration. She was a brilliant researcher. However, she used her skills to kill innocent individuals.

God-like aspiration You’ve surely observed that the majority of DC villains aspire to rule the entire world, if not the universe. You need that kind of bad guy energy to succeed as an anti-hero. But you can test your level of god-complexity for that. If the outcomes are favorable, you might be a possible adversary.

Psychopathic conduct. Joker, I assume? He had the most casual and reckless attitudes of any psychopath. You would be a fantastic choice for a DC nemesis if you possessed these qualities.


None of the pictures used in the “Which DC Villain Are You Quiz” are owned by QuizExpo. All of these images are the property of DC Comics, Inc.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Happy In My Relationship.

which dc villain are you
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