Which Lucky Star Character Are You? 100% Fun Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which Lucky Star character are you, you might be wondering? Find out if you are Konata, Kagami, Tsukasa, or someone else by taking this quiz. The Raki Suta test that is most accurate.

A Test on Your Daily Life Based on the Lucky Star

The manga and anime Lucky Star follows the daily struggles of four typical teenage girls. It has no defined plot, and the action is based on everyday occurrences. To find out which character from the program is similar to you, we made a diary simulator.

To find your ideal partner, you simply need to finish the diary’s first twenty sentences. After passing the test, you will discover the following.

Editor’s Picks

Find out which Lucky Star character you are

Which Lucky Star character am I, for example, is the purpose of the quiz. So you finally meet your anime counterpart at the end of the test. Additionally, you learn some more details about the persona that portrays you.

Discover your crush

Recall how Konata made fun of the other girls for having crushes? The same thing happens in our test, but to you. (Sorry). Based on your responses, we can determine which anime boy you could have a crush on.

The four females are waifus in the eyes of many otakus who have a crush on one of them. Take our alluring Waifu Quiz to see if you’ve found the ideal person if that’s the case.

Get a FREE personality analysis

With the Lucky Star Quiz, you can get a thorough character analysis. It explains why you appeared to fit a particular persona on the show.

Which Lucky Star Girl Represents You the Most?

Not all otaku are interested in taking a personality test. So, in order to determine your Lucky Star match without a test, we put together a quick guide. Select the one that most closely resembles you after reading the following description. But bear in mind that this approach is not as precise as the questionary shown on this page.

#1: Konata Izumi

She has a caustic and naughty personality. Konata is a notoriously lazy yet smart young woman. She is dependable and friendly, though, so she makes wonderful friends. She loves video games, manga, and anime. Additionally, she frequently persuades her pals to play or read with her.

Konata’s Lucky Star Quiz counterparts are brave, laid-back, and humorous.

#2: Kagami Hiiragi

She has a tendency to be selfish, intolerable, and impatient. Kagami is more of an introvert than the other girls in the group. She also experiences shyness and loneliness on occasion but is unable to show it. She is a very responsible friend, and a lot of people think Kagami is a born leader.

A Tsundere, Kagami is. However, you can also learn where you are from QuizExpo.

#3: Tsukasa Hiiragi

Tsukasa is a sweet, clumsy little girl who is the cutest in the bunch. She never loses her temper and never loses her pure sweetness. The most recognizable quality about Tsukasa, though, is how much he sleeps. It is quite difficult to rouse her up. But when it comes to cooking and household duties, she is a hidden gem.

#4: Miyuki Takara

When asked which Lucky Star character they are, many fans want to respond, “I’m Miyuki.” She is socially adept, attractive, and knowledgeable, so that explains it. Because of Miyuki’s intelligence, her supporters have given her the nickname Miwiki (a mix of her name and “Wikipedia”).

Participants who are similar to Miyuki are outgoing, confident, and cultured.

Which Lucky Star Character Are You? uses photos that are not the property of QuizExpo. The rights to the aforementioned images are owned by Madman Entertainment, Funimation, and Anime Limited.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Lucky Star Character Are You.

which lucky star character are you
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