Which Family Guy Character Are You? 100% Fun Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which character from Family Guy are you? Stewie, Chris, Brian, Peter, Meg, or another person? We will identify your personality match after you respond to 20 amusing questions.

Become an expert on your Griffin-like character.

The test examines your qualities and attributes to determine which member of the Griffin family is most like you. Additionally, you will get a free personality analysis outlining why you resembled a particular character as well as how you ought to feel about it.

The Best Family Guy Test You Can Take in 2021

Twenty questions about odd and humorous events that occurred in Quahog, Rhode Island, make up the test. The objective is to identify which Family Guy character you are. And you must be completely honest for that.

Editor’s Picks

· Criminally funny questions

Over 350 episodes of Family Guy exist. And they’re all hilariously funny. Therefore, we intended to create a quiz that follows Seth MacFarlane. You are forced to respond to absurd situations in the exam questions in order to demonstrate your compatible character.

· Accurate results

There are more than fifty enduring characters in the well-known adult animated show. However, we aimed to produce accurate and trustworthy findings. Therefore, rather than a chance minor character or whatever, you will match with one of the six primary characters of the show.

· Lots of inside jokes

Peter once asked Meg, “Who let you back into the house?,” in case you recall. That kind of humor is what we’re talking about, baby. Only diehard fans will understand the inside gags in our Family Guy quiz. However, if you are a novice, do not fret; you will still enjoy the journey.

Which Family Guy Character Are You? A Guide

Not everyone has the wit to pass the entire Family Guy test. (We comprehend.) So here is a method to identifying the character that best describes you or who is your soul partner. But it’s actually quite simple. Find the one that most closely resembles you by reading the descriptions. Boom.


You are like Peter Griffin if you are aggressive, envious, sympathetic, and easily influenced. He is a complex parent who appears to like his odd family despite everything. He is occasionally an A-HOLE, though. For instance, despite the fact that Meg is his daughter, he insults her and destroys her heart. His justification is that his sister bullied him as a child.


One of the worst cartoon mothers in the annals of television, she is. Lois is a domineering, tyrannical, and harsh individual. She does, however, occasionally display more of her kind and supportive side. But practically every member of her family has occasionally been a victim of her rage issues. You should consult a therapist if you identify with Lois. But, seriously.


You are Megatron, a.k.a. Meg, if you’re a sad, lovable teen who is frequently held accountable for the misdeeds of others. She experiences emotional abuse from her parents and other relatives. And that has evolved into a character that is rather blue-ish. Consider the internal jokes that run in your family to see if that person is your Meg. Are you amused by them? If not, you have probably already met your ideal partner.


You might come off as naive and such. However, your insights are valuable and occasionally even profound. Chris is your Family Guy counterpart if that is the case. He lacks common sense, but his perceptive remarks nevertheless astound everyone. In the episode “A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Bucks,” Chris also displays his artistic side.


When you ask someone “Which Family Guy character are you?” you don’t necessarily expect them to respond “I’m Stewie.” He is one of the Fox show’s most fucked up characters, which explains why. Though physically young, he is psychologically older. But Stewie is always thinking up new ways to kill his mother Lois or rule the globe. The good news is that he is a well-liked child, and his supporters adore him. Stewie is a great fit for you if you were a hyperactive, wicked child in the past.


He can talk, as you are all aware. In fact, one of the most “NORMAL” characters in Family Guy is Brian. He is well-educated, articulate, and polite. Brian is an opera enthusiast, a fluent French speaker, and the author of…sort of…a novel. But Brian is your ideal counterpoint if you’re a multilingual, cultured person in your 30s or 40s.

The ‘Which Family Guy Character Are You?’ is a fun quiz. Please, take the results lightly and do not forget that “Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re going to get. Your life, however, is more like a box of active grenades!”

2.0 Disclaimer None of the images included in the test belong to QuizExpo. All of these images are the property of The Walt Disney Company. And we pray they don’t bring a lawsuit against us over some silly screenshots.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Lucky Star Character Are You.

which family guy character are you quiz
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