Allegiant Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Allegiant quiz and we will tell you which Allegiant character you are. Play it now.

During the third installment of this overly somber and rather violent post-apocalyptic series aimed at impressionable youths, Tris Prior (played once again by Shailene Woodley) and her backup quartet of friends finally get to see what lies beyond the massive wall that has surrounded the CGI skyscraper rubble of an apocalyptic Chicago.

As disappointing as the moment when that fussy old Professor Marvel is shown manipulating the levers behind the curtain in “The Wizard of Oz,” this revelation is almost as disappointing. Take, for example, Matt Damon’s performance in “The Martian,” in which he plays a stranded astronaut who is forthright and upstanding, and replace it with a full-on rowdy frat boy who completely trashes Mars, leaving behind a vaguely red-infused desert wasteland pitted with gaping crevices and soaked with radioactive nastyness.

With the crimson raindrops falling, of course, Miles Teller’s duplicitous and increasingly irritating comic relief Peter has an opportunity to break out into his usual snarky monologue: “What, now there’s blood on the ground?”

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But, all of a sudden, what appear to be hulking military vehicles fly into view, snatching up the gang and transporting them to what we later learn is the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, a futuristic enclave built on the site of the former Chicago International O’Hare International Airport. Caleb (Ansel Elgort), Tris’ clumsy younger brother, is perplexed and inquires, “What exactly is an airport?”
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Allegiant quiz.

He isn’t the only one who has some concerns. What, for example, is the process by which a remote community with limited resources manages to manufacture clothing, weapons, furniture, cutting-edge digital gadgets, airborne vehicles, food products, and so on?

By the time a second sequel is released, there should be sufficient familiarity with the general premise of a franchise that the dialogue can move beyond constant exposition and allow for actual conversation to take place between characters. The fact that the creative forces behind this second-string “Hunger Games” want tobe chose to alter and stretch events in the final book into a two-part finale, rather than relying on dramatic substance, makes this film essentially a thumb-twiddling placeholder that rely on crashes, attacks, and subpar effects rather than dramatic substance.

Allegiant Quiz

After starting out as a semi-interesting science fiction fantasy about a dystopian society divided into rival segments defined by a dominant personality trait, a series about a genetic purity experiment gone wrong has evolved into a plot involving a rather off-putting experiment in genetic purity gone wrong. Memory-erasing gas, kidnapped children, surveillance technology, and bodyguard drones are all used in this militaristic effort to purge humans of undesirable characteristics and characteristics that they have acquired. In “The Divergent Series: Ascendant,” there is much pseudo-scientific bluster about a plan that sounds uncomfortably close to creating a perfect race à la Hitler—but given the plot holes that may remain unfilled even after the final installment, “The Divergent Series: Insurgent,” is released in 2017, it is best not to worry too much about making sense of what is on screen.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Allegiant quiz.

Back behind the wall, things are getting even worse as a civil war erupts between “factionless” commander Evelyn (Naomi Watts), who has become increasingly tyrannical after killing Kate Winslet’s high-handed Jeanine in the previous film, and former Amity leader Johanna (Octavia Spencer), who has taken over as leader of the catch-all group known as Allegiant. When the contestants drop their buffs and merge, it’s like a scene from “Survivor.” The fact that these two Oscar-worthy actresses—double lead actress nominee Watts and supporting actress winner Spencer—are allowed to collect easy De Niro-style paychecks while acting at half-speed is a small price to pay for their accomplishments.

They are quickly overshadowed by a new character in the form of Jeff Daniels’ David, who oversees the genetics bureau and appears to have a particular fondness for Tris despite their differences. The same can be said for Woodley, who has a much more muted butterscotch-like essence this time around, despite her ultra-chic blonde hairdo and clingy white designer wear that appears to be from the Claire Underwood collection. She’s also not quite as intuitive as she used to be. Tris should have known better than to put her faith in someone who is so eager to please, especially considering that David commands an army of gun-toting minions dressed in red-and-blue camouflage uniforms that practically scream “Fascist regime.”

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In between, when she isn’t listening intently to David’s every word, she is busy exchanging spit at inconvenient times with her tall, dark, and silent honey Four (Theo James, whose naked tattooed torso earns a gratuitous water-drenched money shot). However, as a result of James’ promotion to full action hero status, Woodley, along with her ally Christina (Zoe Kravitz), suffer an unlucky kick-ass cutback.
Also, you must try to play this Allegiant quiz.

As monotonous as much of this may sound, something strange happened around the midway point of “Allegiant.” “Oohs,” “ahhs,” and even laughter could be heard from the reasonably crowded audience as some of the more overtly melodramatic turns were met with “Rocky Horror”-style vocal reactions such as “oohs,” “ahhs,” and laughter. Yes, there are some unintentional amusements to be found in unexpected places. In terms of icky contaminants, however, there is nothing better than the high-tech showers used to detoxify Tris and her friends, which coat their bodies with jelly-fish-like goo and literally suck out all of the icky contaminants. You can bet your bottom dollar that cleanse-queen Gwyneth Paltrow would give anything to get her hands on one of those.

For more personality quizzes check this: 10 Cloverfield Lane Quiz.

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