Am I a Simp? 100% Honest & Respectful Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you ever wonder, “Am I a simp?” This quiz analyzes how you treat women to discover if you are a simp. 20 questions will ask you about your personality.

Do You Have Simp? Symptoms of a Simp

If you become submissive to a woman, ruin your self-esteem or do too much to gain her attention, idolize her appearance, and pretend to be nice only to have sex with her, you are a simp—also known as a white knight.

Who Is the Real Simp in This Painful Quiz?

This page’s simp calculator is an actual questionnaire that identifies simping in your interpersonal interactions. It can accurately distinguish niceness from fake submissiveness used to get laid.

Editor’s Picks

It can be beneficial for guys who wonder, “Am I a loser? to receive a sound, trustworthy response.

Discover whether you are a Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pu***.

The purpose of the test is to identify actual simps—men who idolize women and submit to them in the hopes of having a sexual encounter with them. It’s not the same as being a hopeless romantic or having your lover as your idol. The test seeks out a particular kind of man who goes over and beyond indecent and disgusting acts merely to bed a female target.

Examine how you act with ladies.

Your amount of simpiness might be determined by how you treat women. Of course, you can lie in order to avoid providing the real response. However, lying is also one of a simp’s core characteristics, so there is no escape.

Get real answers from experts.

Most simp tests are harmful in and of themselves. Any good guy looks like a loser around them. However, we have developed a test that is 100 percent honest, non-toxic, and accurate. Without judging your genuinely kind behavior toward women, it can identify the simple-minded nation’s citizens.

What the “Am I a Simp Quiz” Takes into Account

The questionnaire examines your intentions, behaviors, and memories in order to refine the results.

Your objectives

No matter what, a simp’s main objective is to get bedded. So, that’s what we’re interested in learning about you. Naturally, there won’t be any direct inquiries. You therefore never know whether of your comments will expose your true or dishonest motive.

Your character

Simplicity is simple to disguise in speech. Can you, however, hide what you did? In our opinion, no. To answer the major question, “Are you a simp?,” we try our best to notice even the smallest characteristics in how you act among women. ”

your encounters

You may not always be aware of your status as a white knight. You might be asking yourself, “Am I simp? ” because of this. ” at this time. So, in order to uncover your true personality, we ask you questions regarding your memories.

Simp types revealed by the quiz

Yes, there are various varieties of SIMPS. Some people use this tactic to get laid. Others make an effort to appear like a helpless infant boy in an effort to attract more attention. But the amazing thing is that, if you belong to a particular simp nation, our quiz can reveal your type.

phony nice

The false pleasant person is the simp kind that is most prevalent. He would make an effort to come off as the most polite and compassionate man ever. But he’s secretly hoping for a sexual encounter so he can show his true, repulsive face.


A new subset of SIMPs has emerged: the idolizers, thanks to the popularity of influencers, TikTokers, and even female anime characters. They are the ones who, without actually getting to know a girl, conjure up an image of her in their minds that is goddess-like. Being sexy is enough for an idolizer to see you as the most precious human being on earth. And the saddest thing is that they frequently sneer at imaginary or extremely famous characters that are out of their league and unattainable.

Alpha male

In order to reveal the personality type, we have previously developed a sigma male test. But you should be aware that going it alone might occasionally be a scam. Some males channel their rage into talking shit to women and treating them horribly because they are so frightened of being rejected or labelled a simp. But what’s this? That doesn’t hide the fact that deep inside, they’re dying to get laid.

The scumbag simp

You might be looking for an ‘Am I a simp or pimp quiz.’ In that case, you’re on the right page. We do expose the pimps, too. These are the males that cheat on others in an effort to get their pals together. It’s a challenging scenario.

even more

There are even more types of simping techniques and types. So, all you need to do is take the test to make sure you don’t fall into any of the categories. Would you be willing to jeopardize your manhood and honor to witness the outcome? Or would you rather refer to yourself as “an alpha” and avoid scrutiny?

The Negative Anti-Simping Culture on Social Media

Yes, we figuratively came up with a test to determine things like, “Am I a simp? But that doesn’t stop us from discussing the toxic environment that surrounds the subject. It’s not a smart idea to undermine your self-worth by sleeping with a girl. However, the way the name “SIMP” is being used online is much more divisive.

Some males are reluctant to treat women well these days because they don’t want to be the white knights. Men are referred to as simps on TikTok because they DO NOT WANT TWO BIT***.

Therefore, we want you to know that with our quiz, that is not the case. You get rewarded for being a genuinely nice, thoughtful, and polite guy here.

Are You a Simp for Being Nice to a Woman?

No. You’re not a sexist if you treat women with love and respect. Another misconception is that girls dislike polite guys because they act in a simping manner. Treating women cruelly after getting laid with them and getting what you wanted is one of the characteristics of a true sexist.

Disclaimer: Research your test topic.

This page’s quiz is intended to provide answers to inquiries like “Am I a Simp? both jokingly and sincerely. Please don’t use the results to degrade or emotionally abuse other guys, and please don’t take the results too seriously. You can always get in touch with us if you believe any of the inquiries or outcomes to be offensive or improper, and we’ll deal with your reports as soon as possible.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Should I Name My Baby Boy Quiz.

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