Am I Mean? 100% Honest Quiz Reveals Your Personality

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you ever question your intentions? This 20-question analytical test identifies your unkind traits and reveals your dark side. able to accept the truth?

Who Are Mean People?

You are a mean person if you intentionally injure people or do things out of cruelty. A characteristic of being mean is vindictiveness, pathological lying, and manipulation.

The majority of real heatless people don’t ponder such issues as, “Am I a nasty person?” So, it’s a positive indicator that you’re reconsidering your actions. However, taking the exam is the only method to confirm if you are malicious.

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An Objective Test to Determine “Am I Mean?”

Twenty questions about your personality, characteristics, views, and experiences make up the quiz. The objective is to assess how spiteful you are. Additionally, the outcomes let you know how horrible of a person you might be, or vice versa. What you learn by taking part is as follows.

Determine your level of meanness.

Is it true that I’m being mean? Consequently, that will be the first thing you learn. The test thoroughly examines your responses and compares them to our database. It assists us in assigning you a score that ultimately establishes how cruel you are. Keep in mind that your score is confidential and won’t be disclosed to you. But you’ll see the test’s overall score.

Find out why you might come off as mean.

The main concern of many participants is “Why am I accidentally being mean?” We have a separate section in the findings to describe the potential causes of your behavior pattern because of this. Finding the precise cause of a person’s traits or views is difficult. However, we have enough information from your responses to make some trustworthy assumptions.

What kind of malicious person are you?

You might be concerned with how other people will see your actions. That is why you are searching for phrases like “Am I mean” on Google. However, a simple yes or no response wouldn’t be very realistic because various people have varied tendencies toward cruelty or malice. Our Meanness Quiz splits the heartless participants into two categories as a result.

  • For a little time, the temporary mean person may be impolite, unkind, or violent. These individuals are typically normal folks who have a volatile temper when anything goes wrong.
  • Everyone experiences the pathological cruelty of a permanent mean. Such a person would go to great lengths to harm, degrade, or manipulate others for amusement.

Get your personality assessed.

Your responses tell us a lot about who you really are. Therefore, we wanted to provide more than just a yes or no answer. After completing the questionnaire, you can read a thorough analytical description of the kind of person you are.

How to Determine Your Meanness Without a Quiz

People who are unsure about their motives might not be willing to answer questions about it online. Also, it makes sense. However, there are several clear warning indicators or red flags that you should look for regardless while assessing your character. Look below.

1. You treat people badly.

One of the obvious indicators of being nasty is being rude. Not everyone who is rude does so on purpose. But there are only so many justifiable excuses for being rude and careless. Usually, the rude person tries to justify their rudeness. For instance, they can assert that they are being “honest” rather than impolite.

You can never be incorrect, #2.

Ask yourself, “Do I accept it when I’m wrong?” before you ask, “Am I mean?” You might be cruel if you can only think of a handful of times when you were wrong and willingly accepted it. It is difficult for cruel people to see their errors. They favor placing blame on others and perpetually acting like the victim.

3. You have a nasty streak.

The strongest warning sign is taking pleasure in the suffering or failure of others. Don’t even bother to inquire “Am I mean?” if you chance to feel wonderful while someone you know is struggling. Definitely, in a big way.

4. You make up every single thing.

Do you really have so many justifications for lying to your loved ones? If so, you’re cruel. Honesty terrifies any heartless, vicious person, like holy water does. Yes, we all tell lies from time to time in our lives. However, telling too many lies is a sign of unsavory behavior.

5. You influence and manipulate other people.

Having a mean personality type frequently includes being abusive and manipulative. You don’t have to take the exam if you frequently abuse, control, or treat people badly. The outcome is already clear.

6. You treat animals cruelly.

Animal abuse is never acceptable. You are mean if you mistreat or purposely harm other creatures.

Motives for Your Potential Meanness

You can ask yourself questions like, “Why am I so cruel to the people I love?” or similar ones. And as promised, the test results will provide some clues for you on that. But despite your best efforts, these are some of the main causes for which you become a harsh person and hurt the sentiments of those close to you (pun intended).

Angry problems.

Being cruel could result from your anger management problems. People who are rude and unconsiderate frequently use passive-aggressive behavior. They frequently use harmful language and unacceptable acts to vent their negative emotions.


A cruel person might be created through experiencing bullying, emotional abuse, or manipulation as a youngster or even as an adult. Traumas can have a big impact on your conduct, justifying and encouraging your bad activities.

nasty parents.

Consider your parents when pondering questions such, “Am I mean?” Are they inhumane, impolite, careless, or spiteful? If so, there’s a good possibility you’ve been copying them your entire life since that’s what kids do.


The more pertinent query may be “Am I insecure?” as opposed to “Am I a nasty person?” Your fears may cause you to be cruel and callous toward other people. These characteristics enable you to ignore negative feelings and concentrate on the flaws of others.

psychological disorder (s).

You can become a harsh person if you have conditions like narcissistic personality disorder. Such circumstances cause one to become self-absorbed and emotionally detached from others. You gradually develop into a cruel person who just thinks about oneself.

difficulty in expressing emotions.

Your emotional expression style may be another factor contributing to your meanness. People who find it difficult to express their emotions select passive ways to do so. One of the worst things that may happen in a relationship is when you consistently express your emotions in the wrong way. As a result, you can always feel like the victim.

What Should You Do If the Test Indicates You’re Mean?

Speak with a therapist. The most effective method for coping with your negative emotions is cognitive-behavioral therapy. If you choose to, a therapist can assist you in identifying the source of your issues, comprehending them, and letting them go. If you don’t enjoy therapy, you might also try these alternative things:

  • When you’re incorrect, apologize.
  • Avoid influencing or manipulating others.
  • Avoid passing judgment.
  • Use words, not force, to convey your feelings.
  • No matter why, never tell the truth.
  • Stop justifying your rude behavior.

Disclaimer: Before taking the Meanness Test, read this.

This page’s quiz is intended to assist people who wonder, “Am I mean?” It’s not intended to categorize or condemn you for your traits. Therefore, please don’t take the results too seriously and let us know if there was anything that upset you. We reply to all emails and comments as soon as we can.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Is My Favorite Movie Quiz.

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