Boo A Madea Halloween Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Boo A Madea Halloween quiz and we will tell you which Boo A Madea Halloween character you are. Play it now.

Tyler Perry was the subject of a lengthy online piece written by my colleague Steven Boone and me five years ago. Neither of us wanted to dismiss him, and I was full of admiration for the way he had built his own studio and for the way that brilliant actresses of color had put their faith in him and trusted him completely with their performances. His approach, on the other hand, I found to be extremely problematic. Examples include Perry’s portrayal of Sam Fuller in “For Colored Girls,” in which he was as bonkers and fearless as Fuller, but he was never able to bring it home visually in the way that the cinematic medium required.

For Perry’s most well-known character, Madea, I’ve always thought she worked better on stage, where her broadness plays to the back of a theater filled with fans expressing fellowship and longing for the Christian music and message of the plays, rather than on television. Madea’s previous films have all been based on popular stage plays, but this is the first time that this has happened with “Tyler Perry’s Boo! A Madea Halloween.” The concept originated as a joke in Chris Rock’s hilarious “Top Five,” in which Madea fights ghosts in the latest Tyler Perry production, “Ghostbusters.” Perry liked the concept despite the mockery, and the film was shot in just six days, according to Perry.

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I was intrigued by the prospect of a supernatural addition to Madea’s long list of pet peeves. The sight of her cursing demons and wiping the taste of disrespect from the mouths of disrespecting spirits would have been entertaining to witness. “Tyler Perry’s Boo! A Madea Halloween,” on the other hand, is only supernatural in the sense that the word “boo” appears in the title. Instead, the story revolves around Madea (Tyler Perry), who is determined to prevent her great niece Tiffany (Diamond White) from attending a Halloween party at the lamest fraternity I have ever seen. Whenever things go wrong for the frat, they plan a Halloween-themed revenge on Madea and her cohorts Aunt Bam (Cassie Davis), Hattie (Patrice Lovely) and Joe. The film is directed by John Landis (Tyler Perry).
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Boo A Madea Halloween quiz.

Madea’s nephew Brian (once again played by Tyler Perry) invites her to his home to keep an eye on his daughter while he is away on business. He is concerned that she will disobey him and attend the frat party instead. Tiffany treats Brian like a doormat, and she does so in ways that would never be tolerated in a Madea-run household. Tyler Perry’s films are well-known for their dramatic shifts in tone, and Tiffany’s actions serve as the catalyst for the typical whiplash-inducing change. However, we must first deal with the party, the pranks, and the constant bickering between Madea and her crew before we can get to the destination.

Boo A Madea Halloween Quiz

I wish Perry had taken the time to craft some effective scares, even if they were intended to be comedic in nature. When it comes to Halloween-themed material, the trailer pretty much covers everything you’ll see on the night. It is clear that Perry is trying to appeal to a younger audience with the frat subplot (he casts several Youtube sensations), but aside from the one scene in which the elderly Hattie twerks to the beat of a Tyga song, these scenes are almost unwatchable. A scene involving the frat housed inside a school bus is particularly egregious, offensively rehashing gay panic tropes that Perry fails miserably in his attempt to make them funny.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Boo A Madea Halloween quiz.

Boo! It’s Tyler Perry’s Boo! “A Madea Halloween” performs better when it focuses on Perry’s large cast of older characters who are all well-developed. Even though Joe, Aunt Bam, and Hattie are entertaining characters, their director tends to beat the jokes to a pulp on a number of occasions. Joe’s extremely gruesome descriptions of the corporal punishment he administered to his son, Brian, provide some squirmy, frightening laughs for the audience. Moreover, Madea is at her most amusing when she is being unforgivably cruel; her takedown of a trick or treater dressed as a cow is hilarious in its unflinching cruelty. After hearing her joke about having a 401(k) instead of a 401(k), I laughed so hard that I embarrassed myself in front of my friends.

About the quiz

This film has far too much filler in its 103-minute running time. A lot of the scenes are repeated multiple times, and some of the acting would not pass muster in a high school play. However, in the few instances when “Tyler Perry’s Boo! A Madea Halloween” is operating at peak performance, it demonstrates a level of inventiveness that suggests that, given more time and a few more iterations of the script, this could have been a good feature film. In most cases, the film has a rushed, haphazard quality to it that gives the impression that it was made solely for financial gain by its creator. My experience, however, is that Perry’s affection for his audience radiates off the screen and is reciprocated in equal measure by his fans. The real problem isn’t that he’s preaching to a pre-existing congregation; rather, it’s that the congregation is far too willing to overlook cinematic blunders like this. I suppose that’s the Christian thing to do, but I’m going to act like a heathen in this situation. Madea would be able to relate.Also, you must try to play this Boo A Madea Halloween quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Alice Through The Looking Glass Quiz.

boo a madea halloween quiz
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