Christmas Trivia Quiz. 2022 Updated Challenging Questions

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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This Christmas trivia quiz features 20 questions that cover Christmas-related songs, movies, historical events, and delicacies. On your upcoming vacation, challenge your buddies and the kids.

We’ll discuss some entertaining Christmas trivia today. As you may know, many Christians around the world celebrate Christmas Day every year on December 25. Since the precise day of Jesus Christ’s birth is uncertain, the 4th century picked this day to commemorate it. Christ’s Mass is where the word “Christmas” comes from. This term directly translates to “Christian Mass” because it refers to a Christian event.

Gift-giving, sending holiday cards, Christmas trees and lights, caroling, a feast, and church events are a few of the most well-known Christmas facts.

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Christmas Trivia Test Will Enlighten You Regarding It

Due to the fact that Christmas begins in the winter when there is a lot of snow, people often purchase and bring in evergreen trees. They therefore interpreted it as a symbol of eternal life with God and were reminded of the coming spring. Along with the Christmas tree, the most well-known figure is Father Christmas, also known as Santa Claus, who is rumored to deliver gifts to the houses of well-behaved kids at night. Santa keeps the gifts hidden below the tree. A tree skirt is the decorative fabric that sits at the foot of the tree where the gifts are typically placed.

Christmas offers various unique meals and desserts, much like every other traditional holiday. Turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and vegetables are all staples of the Christmas dinner menu.

The standard desserts are fruitcake or pudding. Interestingly, Christmas pudding is historically made on a day designated just for this delicacy, known as stir-up Sunday. Families get together on this day to mix and steam the pudding in their homes. Parents demonstrate how to mix the ingredients for the pudding to their kids. Each guest takes a turn stirring the pudding mixture so they can each make a particular wish for the upcoming year.

The creamy alcoholic beverage “Eggnog” is another item that is particularly useful throughout this holiday season. From late November through the end of Christmas, eggnog is customarily drank in Canada and the United States.

Christmas movie trivia question that not everyone can correctly answer!

As you are undoubtedly aware, Christmas is incredibly common worldwide. Naturally, a lot of movies and television shows have been developed around this topic or have Christmas-themed episodes. Now let’s test your knowledge of them.

How many holiday movies can you recall? Could you list a few of them? Which aspect of Christmas is shown in films the most frequently? What was the name of Tim Burton’s spooky holiday film from 1993? If you enjoy watching movies of any genre, you can easily respond to these questions!

The most recent holiday comedy film, Noelle, was written and directed by Marc Lawrence and was made by Walt Disney Pictures. The film features uncanny valley CG reindeer and is amusing, priceless, and family-friendly. Watch it now!

Christmas song-related knowledge test

When it comes to songs, the majority of us ask for the opposition even though we might not recall every movie we watch or every narrative we hear! Let’s see how you did on this difficult Christmas song trivia test; it should be entertaining.

  • What dessert do you order after you’ve finished singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”?
  • What alternative name would you give the song “O Tannenbaum”?
  • In “Jingle Bells,” how many horses are pulling the sleigh?
  • In The Christmas Song, what is Jack Frost biting at?
  • Complete the following lyrics from these timeless songs:

He jumped to his sleigh and whistled to his horses.

And they all took off in flight.

Here we are coming through the incredibly green leaves;

Here we are on the prowl ——————

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from our family to yours.

Good news that we bring ———————–

Christmas trivia that’s simple

Remember that even if you don’t know much about Christmas, you may still complete the quiz and discover fascinating details. Don’t forget to share this quiz with your friends; enjoy yourself and be pleased for everyone.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Depressed Quiz.

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