Das Leben Der Anderen Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Das Leben Der Anderen quiz and we will tell you which Das Leben Der Anderen character you are. Play it now.

He freezes in place, looking and acting like a man having a hearing test, with large headphones clamped over his ears. Gerd Wiesler is a commander in the infamous East German secret police known as the Stasi. He is Big Brother and is properly watching in the year 1984. He observes the residents of the apartment below while sitting in a loft day after day and night after night.

The flat is inhabited by a playwright named Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) and his mistress, the actress Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck). A colleague described Dreyman as “one of our only writers who is read in the West and is loyal to our government” when Wiesler (Ulrich Muehe) first encountered him at the beginning of one of his plays. How is that possible? Wiesler is puzzled. Dreyman is wealthy, attractive, and has a lovely lover, so he must be getting away with something. Wiesler wires Dreyman’s apartment and launches a formal eavesdropping investigation out of suspicion, possibly envy, or just plain curiosity.

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He discovers not a scrap of proof that Dreyman is unfaithful. not even in hushed tones. Certainly not in subtle references. not even in bedtime chatter. It is implied that not even the Stasi could share the man’s belief in the East German form of socialism. They are searching for dissension and subversion because they believe that a guy like Dreyman ought to be accountable for them. They might have chosen to play for the winning team merely because they do not personally believe in East Germany.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Das Leben Der Anderen quiz.

Wiesler is an intriguing person. His existence has taught him to show no emotion, so his face is a mask. Even his irises don’t move all the time. He observes Dreyman as a cat would wait for a mouse in Muehe’s infinitely subtle portrayal. And he starts to absorb their lives, which is simple considering he doesn’t have a personal life, a lover, a pastime, or anything else to divert him from his focused work.

Das Leben Der Anderen Quiz

You might not have seen the film, even though it earned the 2006 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, so I’ll bury some developments. I’ll just say that Wiesler is forced to make a decision when his piggish senior officer, government minister Bruno Hempf (Thomas Thieme), develops a lust for Christa-Maria and instructs Wiesler to find anything to blame Dreyman for in order to get rid of his rival. However, there is nothing to blame him for. Wiesler is being asked to be false in order to demonstrate his allegiance, and a loyal spy must be true to his profession.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Das Leben Der Anderen quiz.

The problem is that Wiesler doesn’t really have anyone to speak to. The slightest slip can have disastrous consequences in his universe because everyone is so paranoid. Consider a scenario in which a young officer insensitively makes an anti-government joke in the Stasi cafeteria; Wiesler mimics laughter before sternly requesting the man’s name. Wiesler might experience the same thing. As a result, he has no one to confide in as he works through his dilemma, and there is no interior monologue to let us know what he is thinking. Only that blank visage and the tiniest hints as to what he might be thinking remain. followed by irrational choices that direct his path.

About the quiz

The Berlin Wall comes down in 1989 (you can see it here), and after a few more years, the story comes to an ironic and unexpectedly satisfying end. The movie is still pertinent today, though, as our government continues to flout the Habeas Corpus Act, engage in covert acts of torture, and demand the right to wiretap and listen in on its people. Due to the fact that even its most devoted residents could no longer have faith in it, East Germany was destroyed by such strategies rather than being saved. It was motivated by the threat of aggression from without and responded to it with internal aggression in the form of an anti-toxin. It encouraged its people to be disloyal out of a fear that they were. True, the enemy was there. East Germany and the other Soviet republics imploded instead after effectively bombing themselves because the West never dropped the bomb.
Also, you must try to play this Das Leben Der Anderen quiz.

“The Lives of Others” is a potent but subdued movie that is built on buried desires and ideas. Wiesler instructs a class on the theory and practice of interrogation at the start of the film. One chilling detail is that suspects are made to rest on their hands so that the chair cushion can be saved for potential use by bloodhounds. It demonstrates how the Wall eventually came down over whispers rather than a loud crash.

One of the lovers in the film works as a federal informant. The performer Muehe learned that his own wife was a Stasi informant in real life.

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