Enola Holmes Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Enola Holmes quiz and we will tell you which Enola Holmes character you are. Play it now.

In the Holmes household, Enola Holmes is the youngest child. She defies the societal expectations placed on women at the time by being incredibly intelligent, perceptive, and insightful. Eudoria, her mother, has taught her everything from chess to jujitsu and has pushed her to be independent and with a firm will. Enola awakens on her sixteenth birthday to discover that her mother has vanished, leaving only a few presents behind. She encounters her brothers Mycroft and Sherlock a week later. Mycroft, who is her formal guardian, plans to send her away to a finishing school run by the strict Miss Harrison because Sherlock thinks she is intelligent while Mycroft thinks she is troublesome.
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Enola uses the flower cards her mother left her to disguise herself as a boy and flee, revealing concealed messages and leading to hidden money. She discovers the juvenile Viscount Tewkesbury on the train, concealed in a travel bag. She dismisses him as a nincompoop but informs him that Linthorn, a guy wearing a brown bowler hat, is looking for him on the train. Tewkesbury, who flees with Enola by jumping off the train, is discovered and attacked by Linthorn. The two return to London and separate ways after Tewkesbury goes foraging for edible plants and fungi. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Enola Holmes quiz. Enola continues to track Eudoria while disguising herself as a proper Victorian woman and posting cryptic notes in the newspaper personal ads. Enola finds explosives in a safehouse and pamphlets, and she also learns that Eudoria is a member of a radical suffragette organization. Linthorn assaults her while questioning her about Tewkesbury. She retaliates, sets off the safehouse’s bombs, and flees.

Enola Holmes Quiz

To protect Tewkesbury from Linthorn, Enola chooses to locate him once more. In order to discover more, she travels to the Tewkesbury estate and meets Tewkesbury’s grandmother. Inspector Lestrade from Scotland Yard is tasked by Mycroft to look for Enola. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Enola Holmes quiz. Tewkesbury is found by Enola in Covent Garden selling flowers, and she cautions him about Linthorn. She takes him to her accommodations, but Lestrade catches her, and Mycroft puts her in Miss Harrison’s finishing school. Sherlock pays her a call and expresses his admiration for her investigative work. Tewkesbury enters the school covertly, and they both flee while taking Miss Harrison’s vehicle. Enola determines they must confront Tewkesbury’s uncle at Basilwether Hall because she believes he was attempting to kill him.

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Although it appears to be empty, Linthorn surprises them. Using jujitsu, Enola trips him, leaving him with a deadly head wound. Linthorn’s contractor is revealed to be Tewkesbury’s grandma. She didn’t want him to replace his father in the House of Lords and cast a vote in favor of the Reform Bill because she was an ardent traditionalist. Tewkesbury is shot by her, but he pulls through because he concealed an armor plate beneath his clothing. When Sherlock gets to Scotland Yard, Lestrade lets him know about Enola’s deeds. Also, you must try to play this Enola Holmes quiz. Tewkesbury and Enola say farewell while both are in tears. She overhears a conversation between Sherlock and Mycroft in which Sherlock proposes taking on the role of her guardian. Enola arrives back at her accommodations to discover Eudoria waiting. She gives her reasons for leaving and for leaving again, and she expresses her admiration for Enola’s development. Enola is a detective and a seeker after lost spirits, and she has discovered her calling.

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