Furious 7 Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Furious 7 quiz and we will tell you which Furious 7 character you are. Play it now.

“Furious 7” is a film that is so concerned about its rampant machismo that the casual viewer might miss how it Tokyo-drifts atop soap opera bubbles. This is a glorious overcompensation, and it is a film that is gloriously overcompensating. Shenanigans in the style of “get the f—k outta here!” are employed in “Furious 7,” which is also a hit television drama created by Lee Daniels and titled “Empire.” However, even Daniels and his nighttime soap predecessor Aaron Spelling would hesitate before attempting the level of “get the f—k outta here!” style shenanigans that director James Wan and writer Chris Morgan employ.

This part of the series is led by its very own Cookie Lyon, Dominic Toretto, who is currently in first place (Vin Diesel). Toretto, much like Cookie, who is portrayed by Taraji P. Henson on “Empire,” will do anything to protect the people he cares about. The entire movie is about him trying to get his revenge. Those who aren’t familiar with the series will have to figure out the reasoning behind it on their own. There is no “last time on the Fast and the Furious” recap to bring you up to speed, and one shouldn’t expect it from a movie with the number “7” in its title because it wouldn’t make sense. Those who watched “Fast and Furious 6” will already be aware that one of the main characters, Han (Sung Kang), meets his end in Tokyo, which is the event that kicks off the plot of this new installment. After a package that was mailed from Tokyo comes dangerously close to blowing Toretto and his fellow soldier Brian (Paul Walker) to smithereens, Toretto senses a connection and goes immediately on the hunt for blood.

Deckard Shaw, played by Jason Statham, is an Englishman whose first order of business in the United States is to hack into the computer of Luke Hobbs, played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, in order to locate Toretto and his associates. Shaw is also responsible for the bomb that killed Han Solo. Since the previous episode of “The Fast and the Furious,” in which Hobbs’ DSS agent practically blackmailed Toretto and company into helping him take down a mercenary organization run by Deckard Shaw’s brother, Owen, Hobbs is in possession of this information (Luke Evans). Hobbs was able to clear the criminal records that the Toretto Team had acquired two movies ago in exchange for his successful completion of this mission and the murder of Owen. In one of the many fight scenes featured in “Furious 7,” Hobbs is severely hurt by Deckard as retaliation for the fact that he possesses this information.

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Toretto is able to get his old crew back together, which now consists of Brian, the information technology specialist Tej (Chris “Ludacris” Bridges), the smooth-talker Roman (Tyrese), and Dominic’s partner, Letty (Michelle Rodriguez). Amnesia is something that Letty suffers from because, in an earlier episode of “The Fast and the Furious,” she was blown up and thought to be dead. Even though she has no memory of her past romantic life with Dominic, he still harbors the hope that she will eventually recover her memory of that time.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Furious 7 quiz.

The most intense battles in the film are not between Ronda Rousey and Michelle Rodriguez, but rather between the two male leads. Michelle Rodriguez and Ronda Rousey are merely supporting characters. Deckard is able to materialize out of nowhere wherever Toretto is, at which point Deckard issues a demand for retribution and throws a wrench into Toretto’s plans. The two are constantly involved in car accidents with each other, and after each collision, they crawl out of the wreckage and fight with pipes, fists, and feet. It’s hilarious, as if Deckard has planted a tracking device on Toretto and is now following him around like a jealous ex-lover looking for revenge.

When we talk about tracking devices, we should mention that “Furious 7” not only has one, but it’s the most advanced spy device ever depicted on film. It is currently in the possession of Jakonde (Djimon Hounsou), and in order to track anyone, it utilizes surveillance cameras, cell phones, and other eyes in the sky. Toretto’s team has been “hired” to retrieve it so that they can track Deckard, despite the fact that, as Toretto correctly notes, “I could just stand here and wait for him to find me.” If he had, old people like myself and others like us wouldn’t have the blessing of seeing Snake Plissken himself, played by Kurt Russell. If Toretto were to find the device, Russell’s Mr. Nobody would provide information as well as instructions on how to use it. He plays the kind of iconic role that has become synonymous with Kurt Russell, and as the Gershwin brothers once pondered, “who could ask for anything more?” Simply by donning a pair of night vision sunglasses, he manages to steal the show.

Furious 7 Quiz

The tracking device comes with a stunning female programmer by the name of Ramsey (Nathalie Emmanuel), as well as sufficient foes to populate a decisive battle that essentially destroys Los Angeles. “Furious 7” manages to find time for drool-worthy car porn and so many shots of bikini-clad females that it feels like a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker parody of “Baby Got Back.” This is despite all of the mayhem that occurs throughout the film. Even Ramsey is subjected to some gratuitous ogling by the camera, when it isn’t busy licking the metal of a car or yawning over its willful destruction.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Furious 7 quiz.

I have only skimmed the surface of the story’s overall plot. It doesn’t really matter, though, because the primary objective of the movie is to put the audience through their paces with a nonstop barrage of action. Wan, whose over-the-top camera work in movies like “Insidious,” “The Conjuring,” and “Saw” drove me crazy, has at last found a job that’s a good fit for his aesthetic. Although the fight scenes feature the typical sped-up kinetics, Wan frames them in such a way that they are not difficult to follow. The scenes that take place in cars are just as well done. And the film’s middle portion, which is packed with action sequence after action sequence, is the most enthralling and exciting set piece I’ve seen in a movie in recent years. It throbs with adrenaline and has a visual humor that perfectly complements the comedic camaraderie of its characters.

They have a character-driven, lived-in comfort with one another, which makes it easy to believe that they are all members of the “family” that Toretto refers to in that corny line from the commercial. The actors whose appearances span multiple entries in the series. This is a movie that offers an incredible amount of entertainment, and if the directors are smart, they will end it on this triumphant note.

About the quiz

One last thing: the movie “Furious 7” pays a touching tribute to the late actor Paul Walker, who was killed in a car accident while filming this movie. The accident occurred in the middle of production. There is a reference to the very first movie, followed by some heartfelt conversation between Diesel and Walker, and then there is a montage of his appearances from throughout the series. The next image that is captured by Wan’s camera is an overhead shot of a highway split. As Diesel provides the narration, we watch as the two main characters’ cars drive off in opposite directions, much like a visual interpretation of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” Walker is the series’ equivalent of the North Star due to the fact that he has appeared in six out of the series’ seven films. In subsequent chapters, you’ll notice that the steady mark that indicates where people in the Northern Hemisphere are looking upward has vanished from the sky. Fans of the series and the actor will likely find this tribute to be very moving because it gives the impression that the fictional “Furious 7” is aware of the fact that you are aware that Walker has passed away.
Also, you must try to play this Furious 7 quiz.

Nevertheless, I have to confess that there are a few points in the movie where being aware of this fact makes watching it an uneasy experience. Some of the more vicious car crashes and explosions are uneasy reminders, and while the film is careful not to evoke any parallels in scenes with Walker, his untimely death was never very far from my mind throughout the entirety of the movie. This is not meant to be construed as a criticism; as I previously stated, the homage is lovely, and the movie is a lot of fun. This is simply an acknowledgment of the fact that I frequently experienced feelings of guilt due to the fact that I enjoyed the car chases so much. Your experience may differ from mine.

For more personality quizzes check this: Avengers Age Of Ultron Quiz.

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