Gods Of Egypt Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Gods Of Egypt quiz and we will tell you which Gods Of Egypt character you are. Play it now.

In spite of the fact that movies similar to “Gods of Egypt” have never been made, they no longer make movies like “Gods of Egypt.” This is the paradox, and for a little while, playing with it can be entertaining. But after a certain point, this film about gods and mortals in ancient Egypt devolves into a sword-and-sorcery-flavored riff on a weak Marvel movie. This film is proudly silly, but after a certain point, it becomes this. The dialogue is alternately corny and self-aware, and the CGI is clearly not state-of-the-art, but the movie would seem charmingly retro (like something from a TV miniseries from twenty years ago) if it didn’t trot out one epic action film cliche after another.

Set, the god of chaos, is portrayed here by Gerard Butler. In the opening hand-to-hand combat sequence, he overthrows his brother Horus (played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) as the ruler of his kingdom. The siblings clash swords and beat on each other for a while before assuming the form of armored creatures that look like Marvel movie android warriors and leaping through the air, knocking each other against pillars until Set finally rips out Horus’ eyes. (One of the questions that movies like this one never answer is why the combatants don’t begin by assuming a superpowerful form.)

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At first, Set intends to execute Horus without any provocation, but he changes his mind after the goddess Hathor (Elodie Yung) begs him to show some compassion. Bek (Brenton Thwaites), an enterprising mortal, eventually frees the blind Horus from the crypt where he was imprisoned by Set. Bek is a resourceful thief whose beautiful young lover, Zaya (Courtney Eaton of “Mad Max: Fury Road”), died from an arrow wound and is now traveling through the underworld on her way to her final judgment. Legend has it that only the King of Egypt can bring the soul of a deceased person back from the between-state to the land of the living after they have passed away. This indicates that Horus has only a few days left to overthrow Set and take control of the kingdom. If he does not, Bek’s girlfriend will continue to exist in an afterlife even without him.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Gods Of Egypt quiz.

A revolution on a tight schedule makes for an interesting premise for an action-adventure story. Alex Proyas, known for directing “The Crow” and “Dark City,” appears to have a clear vision of the kind of movie he wants to create. “Gods of Egypt” is an adventure in the vein of what was formerly known as the “swords and sandals” genre, despite the ostentatious virtual images, comic book elements, and touches that verge on the realm of science fiction throughout the film. Every muscular chest has been waxed, and every bosom has been pumped up. The characters address crowds of thousands of (digital, unfortunately) extras, run their enemies through with swords and spears, and zap them with death rays (hey, some of them are gods, okay?). They also swear fealty to this and vengeance against that, and tromp around in metal tunics while saying things like, “Why was I made to walk on burning sands while my brother strolled barefoot alone on the shores of the Ni as well as “Give them to me!” and “Were you using my house as a place to engage in sexual activity?”

Gods Of Egypt Quiz

It is stocked primarily with actors who are extremely fit, and very few of them are probably even close to what actual ancient Egyptians looked like. That is, unless Egypt was populated primarily by white people who regularly went to the gym and sculpted their bodies. The previous year, Proyas issued a kind of statement of apology for the casting, saying that he would have hired more actors of color if it hadn’t been so difficult to finance the movie at the level of the budget that he required. As things stand, Chadwick Boseman, who plays a slightly condescending incarnation of Thoth, the father of science, religion, philosophy, and magic, is the most prominent nonwhite actor in the industry. Regardless, I think they did a good job casting. No one is going to be phoning it in. They are all present and doing their thing, including Rufus Sewell (star of “Dark City”) as the architect Urshu, who has the snitty defiance of a young Tony Curtis, and Geoffrey Rush as Set and Horus’ grandfather, the sun god Ra, who lives on an orbital platform in space and spends eternity using his sun-bolt lance to zap a giant black leviathan-worm that wants to eat its way through the planet. Both of these performances (There is no point in attempting to cheat on the mythology test, children, by watching this movie.) Even though many of the lines in the screenplay written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless are obviously intended to elicit applause or knowing laughter, the majority of them are delivered in a unironic manner, without winks. (As Set examines the skyscraper-sized tower that Urshu was commissioned to construct for him, he wonders aloud, “Could it be any taller?”)
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Gods Of Egypt quiz.

The book “Gods of Egypt” presents a vision, however off-kilter it may be. There are flying chariots pulled through the air by winged beetles and flocks of birds, a treasure trove in the style of Indiana Jones that is rigged with booby traps, and a bracelet that can ward off 42 distinct types of demons. Gold is the blood that flows from gods when they are cut. The newly crowned king of Egypt rolls out of bed and puts on a smoking jacket that is covered in multicolored metal beads. The jacket looks like something Prince would wear to a bar mitzvah. After Urshu walks in on Set during a post-coital moment, Set immediately crowns himself king of Egypt.

About the quiz

It is unfortunate that “Gods of Egypt” is unable to resolve key conflicts in any way other than by having characters fight on top of pyramids and mountaintops while the camera whirls around them, or by having them run away from theoretically enormous yet oddly weightless monsters and falling objects, just like every other big budget action film clogging up multiplexes. Things fly in this direction, things fall in that direction; people leap through the air on wires and yell “Aaaauuugggggh!”; Dolby digital sound effects go boom and creeeeaaaak and boooosh; and the editing goes cut-cut-cut to hide the fact that very few of the images are composed in a way that is striking enough to linger on in the viewer’s mind. The motion picture had the potential to be a work in the style of “Barbarella,” “Flash Gordon,” or “The Sword and the Sorcerer”—larks that were cobbled together from scraps of their decade’s cinematic and design and fashion cliches, yet formed into works of true personality, films that were simultaneously self-aware and innocent. The charm, however, is undermined by action that is both repetitive and lacking in imagination.Also, you must try to play this Gods Of Egypt quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: The 5th Wave Quiz.

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