Gold Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Gold quiz and we will tell you which Gold character you are. Play it now.

Under the baking sun and swirling sands of “Gold,” an Australian survival tale, Zac Efron scrubs away all traces of his pretty-boy persona and reveals his true self.

The former “High School Musical” heartthrob and former “Neighbors” movie hunk is clearly attempting to distance himself as much as possible from the former “High School Musical” heartthrob. In comparison, even his sinister role as serial killer Ted Bundy in the film “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” appears to be a piece of cake. With a shaggy beard, ragged clothes, and a generally unkempt appearance, Efron goes all out as a nameless loner wandering through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and it works wonders. He appears alone on screen for the vast majority of the time, speaking only when necessary to express his frustration, with the exception of the occasional curse to express his displeasure. You can see why the role is so appealing: it’s challenging, and it necessitates that we treat him as a serious character.

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If only the film’s level of commitment matched Efron’s extreme level of dedication. “Gold” is more effective from an aesthetic perspective than it is from a narrative perspective. The storytelling is actually too streamlined; we know far too little about these people to become emotionally invested in whether or not they succeed. Although Anthony Hayes is a director, co-writer, and co-star, his work creates a vividly harsh landscape, and he accomplishes a great deal with his limited resources. His few characters are placed in a monochromatic sprawl that is both bleak and tactile, thanks to his collaboration with cinematographer Ross Giardina. A hellish, third-act sandstorm wreaks havoc in a spare, minimalistic style. Sunsets with a gloomy tone are particularly beautiful, but they serve as a stark reminder that the end of each day brings with it no hope for a better tomorrow.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Gold quiz.

Man One begins with Efron’s steadfast character, who is referred to as “Man One” in the film’s credits, arriving at a dilapidated gas station in the middle of nowhere to meet an unknown driver for a ride. In the film, he is Hayes’ comparatively chatty Man Two, who has agreed to drive Efron’s character to an unknown outpost, a journey that takes them through jagged, craggy terrain that is uncannily evocative of the lunar surface. We, on the other hand, have no idea why the world is the way it is. It’s just the way it is. We also don’t know anything about the people who lived before us in these circumstances. They are simply what they are. The only thing we know about Man One is that he’s “from the West,” which is a mocking term that implies he’s at least somewhat sophisticated.

Gold Quiz

However, when their car breaks down and they are stranded, any differences that may have existed between Man One and Man Two are immediately erased. While camping out for the night, they happen to come across a massive chunk of gold protruding from the ground, which they are both desperate to get their hands on. They must rely on one another to move the chunk of gold. Meanwhile, Hayes’ character must leave to obtain excavating equipment, whereas Efron’s character must remain and watch over the treasure, enduring harsh weather, ravenous wild dogs, and an endless swarm of flies that swarm around his beautiful but blistered face for what feels like an eternity. Observing the game’s progression can be fascinating—how he kills time, the spry edits, and so on—especially when he comes across an airplane wreckage and turns it into a makeshift shelter. This is also a rare reminder of the outside world and the possibility that humanity exists somewhere, but such a reminder is quickly lost in the haze of the moment. In a similar vein, a chance encounter with another drifter (Susie Porter) temporarily heightens the film’s suspense. Also, she happens to have a distinct personality — she’s an arrogant smartass, which is exciting to watch. Then it’s back to waiting, and more waiting, with the occasional lens flare thrown in for good measure.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Gold quiz.

It’s pretty standard man vs. nature fare at this point. It’s also a fairly straightforward parable about the dangers of greed. Even if “Gold” had more to offer than that, aside from its undeniable style, there isn’t much else to recommend it as a listening experience. In spite of the fact that Efron is up for the physical demands of the role, he doesn’t have much opportunity to convey this character’s psychological deterioration. An actor can reveal so much about his or her character through problem solving, emotional breakdown, and overcoming obstacles from one to the next, as we’ve seen in solo survival films such as “Cast Away,” “All Is Lost,” and “Adrift.” Hayes and Polly Smyth’s script does not provide Efron with as much range as he would have liked. He’s just… who he is. And that isn’t quite enough either.

About the quiz

The film is currently showing in theaters.Also, you must try to play this Gold quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Space Between Us Quiz.

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