Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween quiz and we will tell you which Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween character you are. Play it now.

It’s Halloween, and two middle school boys find themselves in front of hundreds of Gummi Bears who have suddenly become sentient. They were just a few moments ago placed in a bowl for trick-or-treaters. However, a magic book by R.L. Stine has brought to life a slew of ghosts, ghouls, witches, and monsters, ranging from a headless horseman to a ventriloquist’s dummy named Slappy and a purple spider the size of a house. And now, as they gnash their gummy teeth and merge together like a sugary-goo version of the mercury-steel drops from the second Terminator movie, those suddenly alive Gummis are quickly transitioning from cute to fierce.

There was a lot of fun in the first “Goosebumps” movie, which starred Jack Black in the role of real-life author R.L. Stine, who wrote hundreds of spooky-fun books for tweens that have sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide. This sequel, which features only a brief cameo appearance by Black, is blander, with lower-wattage talent on and behind the camera than its predecessor. However, the special effects are still of high quality, and it is a pleasant little scare-fest to enjoy during the Halloween season.

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Sarah (Madison Iseman) types into her laptop as the film opens, and she sighs. “Fear,” she says as the film begins. As a high school senior preparing for Columbia University, she is attempting to respond to an essay question about a fear or challenge she has faced and overcome. At this point, it appears that her greatest concerns are not doing a better job on the essay and not being accepted into Columbia University. She is startled when her boyfriend appears at her window (the film’s first fake-out boo-scare), but Sarah’s harried single mother (Wendi McLendon-Covey) quickly dismisses him. She informs Sarah that she will be working double shifts at the nursing home and that she will require Sarah’s assistance in caring for her middle school brother Sonny (Jeremy Ray Taylor) and his best friend Sam (Caleel Harris), who is currently staying with them.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween quiz.

Sonny, who is attempting to complete his school project on the abandoned Nicola Tesla electricity plant in his hometown, reluctantly agrees to participate in Sam’s plan to haul away junk for free in the hopes of discovering valuable items that they can use or sell later on. Their first customer sends them to a creepy abandoned house, where they discover a hidden chamber containing a mysteriously locked book that they must unlock. When they open it, they are greeted by Slappy the dummy. When Tommy, the neighborhood bully (played by Peyton Wich from “Stranger Things”) terrorizes the two boys, he comes in handy, causing Tommy’s pants to fall down before he can take anything more than the book and Sonny’s sweater from them.

Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween Quiz

Sarah also receives “assistance” from Slappy, who causes her cheating boyfriend to fall off a ladder. However, Slappy soon realizes that his new “family” is not providing him with what he requires, and he takes advantage of the Tesla plant to bring dozens of Stine characters and Halloween decorations to life, just in time for the trick-or-treaters to arrive. Sonny and Sam will have to track down Tommy’s house in order to retrieve the book that will allow them to swallow all of the monsters and lock them all away once more.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween quiz.

Kenneth Jeong is a bright spot as the next-door neighbor who has a useful costume collection that will come in handy when Sarah, Sonny, and Sam must put on disguises. Aside from that, he is a huge fan of Halloween decorations, covering his entire house with an enormous purple balloon spider, which is later brought to gruesome life by Slappy. Nevertheless, McLendon-Covey and Chris Parnell, who plays a monster-fied store manager, are underutilized, while Sarah, the boys, and even the bully have such a thinly written backstory that they barely register among the many colorful ghosts and ghouls on display.

About the quiz

A lot of time is not spent on character development or lessons learned in this film. Simply put, this is all about the jump scares and special effects (that spider is pretty cool), the kind of silliness that kids enjoy (a skeleton dog pees on the fire hydrant), and a few self-aware references (Stine sees a “It”-style red balloon and sniffs that he was the one who thought of it first). There’s the perennial kid favorite: overcoming a bully, as well as the reassuring opportunity to outgrow the grown-ups and save a mother. There are no comparisons between it and the first “Goosebumps,” and it is nowhere near the level of Halloween classics such as “Monster House,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” or “ParaNorman,” among others. However, the film’s ability to strike the right balance between silly and frightening makes it suitable for trick-or-treating, the cinematic equivalent of a fun-size candy bar.Also, you must try to play this Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Breaking In Quiz.

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