Gretel And Hansel Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Gretel And Hansel Quiz and we will tell you which Gretel And Hansel character you are. Play it now.

The horror genre has taken a particularly hard hit over the past month, thanks to the release of such instantly and intensely forgettable flops as “The Grudge,” “Underwater,” and “The Turning,” a trio of films that collectively failed to elicit the same level of raw terror as the trailer for the upcoming “Peter Rabbit” sequel did. As a result, when people see “Gretel & Hansel,” a film that was released into theaters with little advance notice and on Super Bowl weekend to boot, they may reasonably conclude that it is just another movie that will come and go from the multiplex in net-record time. In reality, this is the kind of low-key gem that horror fans are always on the lookout for but rarely come across—one that is well-conceived, visually appealing, and, at times, downright creepy in its execution.

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According to the order in which the names appear in the title, Gretel (Sophia Lillis) is the main character in this adaptation of perhaps the most horrific of all the Grimm fairy tales. Gretel is shown to be several years older than Hansel (Samuel Leakey), and she is old enough that when she goes out to look for work to support herself, Hansel, and their insane mother, her lecherous prospective employer inquires as to whether she has “kept her maiden Naturally, that opportunity does not pan out, and Gretel’s problems are exacerbated when her mother abandons her and her brother to fend for themselves. (“Dig yourself some pretty little graves,” as the saying goes.) It is only after they have spent one night with a kind woodsman (Charles Babalola) who provides them with food, directions, and sound advice that they begin their long and arduous journey, which is lightened only by a brief respite when they consume some wild mushrooms that have some surprising properties. Also, you must try to play this Gretel And Hansel quiz.

Gretel And Hansel Quiz

Just when it appears that all is lost for the two of them, they come across a house in the middle of nowhere where they discover a lavish and seemingly unattended feast that is just waiting for someone to come and eat it. Here they will find the home of Holda (Alice Krige), a strange older woman who welcomes the two into her home to eat and seek refuge. While Hansel is preoccupied with filling his stomach and fails to notice anything else, even when his host appears to be sniffing his hair, Gretel is acutely aware that strange things are afoot from the very beginning of the story. On the inside, the house appears to be significantly larger than it should be based on logic. Despite the fact that there is no garden or livestock on or around the premises, the enormous spread of food never seems to abate. In addition, while Gretel has always had strange dreams and premonitions, the more time she spends with Holda, the darker the dreams and premonitions become. Your initial reaction is probably that you know where this is going. It’s possible that your assumptions were incorrect. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Gretel And Hansel quiz.

In addition to “The Blackcoat’s Daughter” and “I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House,” director Osgood Perkins has also directed “Gretel & Hansel” and “The Blackcoat’s Daughter.” I’ll admit that neither of those films quite worked for me, but they did enough to establish him as an intriguing new director who was clearly on the verge of creating something truly remarkable if only he could get his hands on the right material. With this film, he has accomplished this, and the results are frequently surprising………. A feminist take on the story is offered by Rob Hayes’ screenplay, which is not always subtle (her symbolic passage from childhood to womanhood is foreshadowed by the appearance of a long wooden staff and a vat of mysterious viscous goo, which is perhaps the most over-the-top touch in an otherwise subdued story), but it does provide an audacious and frequently surprising slant to the proceedings. This perspective allows the film to function as both a horror story and a thoughtful coming-of-age story about a young woman gradually realizing that she does, after all, have power and that she can use it to carve a path into the world that is entirely of her own design.

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Many of the film’s other elements come together in unexpectedly satisfying ways as well. On the visual front, the film is a constant stunner, as Perkins and cinematographer Galo Olivares create a hypnotic and stylishly moody look that at times resembles an unfinished work by Italian horror master Mario Bava, a sensation further aided by the inspired production design by Jeremy Reed. Adding an additional layer of Goblin-like unease to the proceedings is the score by composer Robin Coudert, which uses a lot of synthesizers and is extremely effective. The three main actors deliver strong and assured performances, which is made even more impressive by the fact that they are all completely committed to their roles and never appear to be having fun with the material. (Although there are a few dark laughs sprinkled throughout the film, the majority of it is refreshingly straight-faced.) Hardcore horror fans who are curious as to how effective a PG-13 horror film can be will be pleased to know that Perkins creates a strong aura of unease that never lets up and only once devolves into anything resembling a cheap “BOO!” moment will be pleased to know that Perkins creates a strong aura of unease that never lets up and only once devolves into anything resembling a cheap “BOO!” moment.

“Gretel & Hansel” has only one real flaw in my opinion, and that is the inclusion of an intermittent voiceover from Gretel that feels like it was tacked on at the last minute in order to overtly explain things that could have been easily and more effectively avoided by remaining silent. To be sure, with its offbeat story and preference for moodiness over gory shocks, this is the kind of genre film that will almost certainly join “Color Out of Space” as one of the first new cult classics of the new decade; however, those who go to see it expecting to be entertained may be put off by its quieter and ultimately unsettling approach, which may be too quiet for some audiences to stomach. Those who are looking for something unique and off the beaten path should make a beeline for it while they still have the chance.

For more personality quizzes check this: Honest Thief Quiz.

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