Groundhog Day Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Groundhog Day quiz and we will tell you which Groundhog Day character you are. Play it now.

After getting intoxicated at a bowling alley, Phil decides to drive about late at night in someone else’s vehicle. In this video, Phil is at his most irresponsible, ramming into another vehicle in a car lot.

“When Phil sees a police officer approaching, he stares at the officer and orders sarcastic fast-food.” “Flapjacks” are requested by the other drunken man, and Phil asks the officer, “Too early for flapjacks?” In an unsurprising move, he is promptly incarcerated.

Phil’s very first webcast sums up his nature perfectly: “When a squirrel predicts the weather, it’s hard for television to express the full joy of it. It has been a pleasure for me, personally, to be able to attend this event. Phil Connors reports from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. So goodbye, then.”

This is something Rita notices right away, asking Phil, “Want to try it again without the sarcasm?” A jerk, yes, but a humorous jerk.

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Amazing how Bill Murray can make breaking an alarm clock so humorous and cathartic. “I Got You, Babe” by Sonny & Cher gets Phil up every morning at 6 a.m.

Groundhog Day quiz

He eventually rolls over in bed and smashes the alarm clock. Phil has had enough, and it ends in a harrowing confrontation.

A lot of people don’t eat anything they want because of dietary constraints and considerations. Phil doesn’t seem to worry about things like excessive cholesterol, as Rita notes in the diner. “I don’t even have to floss,” he says, in classic Phil way.

Binge eating and not having to worry about future implications might be wonderful for a while, though.

“Jeopardy!” with senior bed and breakfast visitors is one of the movie’s funniest scenes, even though it’s based on a basic notion in theory. Phil has learned the answers to that night’s edition of Jeopardy! Also, you must try to play this Groundhog Day quiz.

This year’s Groundhog Day doesn’t shy away from using the time loop for less moral purposes. A time loop would allow someone to do whatever they wanted without penalties. Uncertain Nombre de persons would take advantage of this occasion to binge eat.

During one of Phil’s wilder evenings, he plays chicken with a train before being arrested and thrown in jail. In the end, it paid off and he was free of any legal (or fatal) implications.

About the quiz

Even though the length of Phil Connors’ time loop has never been officially verified, the subject is still controversial. Answers range from five to eight to ten to ten thousand years, depending on who asks. Then how did Phil not turn into a rambling crazy by the end? Yes, Phil attempted suicide on several occasions to break the loop, but that’s out of genuine desperation rather than raging insanity, as some might think. Even after being locked in a time loop for (possibly) ten thousand years, he always maintains his wits about him. Il n’y an absolument pas de solution.

In the bed and breakfast, he wakes up every morning to Sonny & Cher’s “I Got You Babe” (the weather discussion with the proprietor, meeting Ned, etc.). What would happen if Phil stayed awake the whole night? The day will restart when he fell asleep again. What would he be like if it happened? Sleep isn’t even necessary for Phil. The list of questions is virtually limitless!

Philip Marlowe is an accomplished pianist by the end of Groundhog Day, and he impresses the dinner attendees with his virtuoso piano skills. He turns to Rita while everyone is clapping, and reveals that he has a student. How does Phil’s piano teacher recognize him if the day starts over? If he turned up for a lesson on that day, it’s plausible, but he was already an excellent player at that point. It’s unlikely that the teacher would refer to Phil as a student after just one lesson. Wouldn’t she also wonder why this brilliant player was asking for lessons?

For more personality quizzes check this: Slumdog Millionaire Quiz.

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