Hands Of Stone Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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The best biopics are the ones that zero in on a defining moment in the life of a major figure and use that time period as a lens through which to comprehend what it is about that individual that makes them tick and what it is that gives them significance. The journey that Che Guevara takes in “The Motorcycle Diaries” and the product launches that Steve Jobs does in “Steve Jobs” are the first things that come to mind. They do not attempt to cover a celebrity’s life from birth until death, but rather focus on giving a more personal and in-depth portrait of that person.

The biography “Hands of Stone,” which is about the legendary boxer Roberto Durán, might have benefited from taking such an approach. His competition with the American Sugar Ray Leonard reveals this fact in a clear and obvious way. The most captivating aspect of the film is undoubtedly the back-and-forth that the two of them have inside and outside of the ring. In addition, Edgar Ramrez and Usher Raymond do a fantastic job of bringing these very distinct fighters to life.

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Instead, writer and director Jonathan Jakubowicz depicts Durán from his impoverished youth as a scrappy kid on the streets of Panama through his rise in the sport, his thrilling capture of the welterweight title against Leonard in 1980, his fall in the famous “No Mas” rematch, and his subsequent, triumphant return as light middleweight champion at Madison Square Garden. Jakubowicz traces Durán’s life from the time he was a scrappy kid on the streets of
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Hands Of Stone quiz.

That is a significant amount of territory to explore. In addition, Jakubowicz jumps around in time in order to cram in information about Durán’s family life with his wife and five children, the turmoil that rocked Panama during Durán’s early years, the swelling sense of national pride as the Panama Canal returned to the ownership of the country, and the resentment Durán carried as an adult over the American father who had abandoned him as a child. Additionally, he recounts the entire story from the point of view of Ray Arcel, Durán’s trainer, who is a legend in his own right and comes with his own set of history and baggage.

Hands Of Stone Quiz

Arcel is played by Robert De Niro, who gave us one of the most unforgettable performances in cinema with his deeply Method-like portrayal of boxer Jake LaMotta in “Raging Bull.” De Niro plays Arcel, which, in theory, should be exciting in and of itself. De Niro delivers some of the most sincere and understated work of his late career in this film, dialing down the intensity of his performance. But he’s stuck over-explaining everything in voiceover—about Durán, about Arcel’s decades-old mob troubles, about this historical period, and about boxing in general—which only contributes to the feeling that we’re watching yet another paint-by-numbers biopic. Durán, Arcel’s decades-old mob troubles, this historical period, and boxing in general are all discussed. “Hands of Stone” is ultimately unsatisfying and unsatisfying to watch because it attempts to cover far too much ground all at once.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Hands Of Stone quiz.

The performances, on the other hand, are quite impressive. The fact that a better movie is hiding somewhere within this one is one of the things that makes the experience so exasperating. His swagger is electrifying, from the time he flirted with the woman who would become his wife (Ana de Armas) when she was just a teenage schoolgirl to the way he trash-talked Leonard in Montreal leading up to their big showdown. Ramirez may look distractingly too mature at first to be playing a 20-year-old Durán in 1971. However, this is not the case. Ramirez looks exactly the same age as a 20-year But Ramrez also has the depth to depict Durán’s more negative moments, such as his pent-up anger, hunger, and tendencies toward self-indulgence once he becomes rich and famous. It’s enough to make you wish everything had been done in service of a better script, and that’s saying something. De Armas, on the other hand, has a tremendously charismatic presence. She most recently appeared in “War Dogs” as Miles Teller’s fiancée, in which role she had a supporting role that was similarly underwritten. However, with the exception of a few flashy scenes, she is not given much to do other than play the role of the obedient wife while dressed in an exciting assortment of disco-themed costumes.

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Even though Arcel promised the mob (represented in a couple of scenes by the always-welcome John Turturro) that he would walk away from the sport, Durán’s more influential relationship is with Arcel, who functions not only as his trainer but also as a father figure. Arcel is not only Durán’s trainer but also his father figure. That aspect of the story involving organized crime is never presented as a genuine threat; similarly, the introduction of Arcel’s daughter approximately halfway through the movie appears out of nowhere and is never developed. The two other men who were major early forces in Durán’s life—a Fagan-like figure who taught him how to survive on the streets and his first trainer—barely get fleshed out either. One of these men was Durán’s first trainer, and the other taught him how to survive on the streets.
Also, you must try to play this Hands Of Stone quiz.

The decision to not make the rivalry between Durán and Leonard the primary focus of “Hands of Stone” was, however, the most significant lost opportunity. Ramirez is all bravado and machismo, whereas Raymond is all coy and cool charm. The actors who play them present such an intriguing contrast in terms of their respective acting styles. The boxing scenes themselves are shot and edited in a fairly standard manner (if somewhat choppy), but what gives “Hands of Stone” any sort of real punch is the way the relationship between these two men developed outside of the ring.

For more personality quizzes check this: Bleed For This Quiz.

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