I Feel Pretty Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our I Feel Pretty quiz and we will tell you which I Feel Pretty character you are. Play it now.

People are expressing concern that the Amy Schumer comedy “I Feel Pretty” is using body shaming to generate cheap laughs even before it has been released, and the film has already received some negative feedback. It’s important to note, however, that this is not the film’s most serious flaw.

She plays Renee, a funny and capable but insecure young woman who suffers a horrific head injury in an accident while taking a spin class in Manhattan. Amy Schumer also appears in the film as Renee. Upon awakening, she believes she has been magically transformed into the stunning bombshell she has always wished to be. Having grown up on a steady diet of YouTube hair and makeup tutorials and Cosmopolitan magazine articles—not to mention the fact that she works for a cosmetics company and is thus a cog in the image-making machine herself—has distorted her perceptions of what is truly beautiful.

The clever central conceit in the script by Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein (Never Been Kissed,” “He’s Just Not That Into You,” “How to Be Single”), who are also making their directorial debut, is that Renee’s outward appearance remains constant throughout the film. She believes she has become unrecognizably different. Renee, on the other hand, simply begins to exude the confidence that has eluded her for so long, which opens the door to the kinds of opportunities she had always hoped for as a result of her stunning appearance. She finally gets the opportunity to work at her dream job as a receptionist at the high-end makeup company where she’d been toiling in the background. While out with her two best friends at a dive bar, she’s a flirty social butterfly who makes the most of the situation (Aidy Bryant and Busy Phillips). Moreover, she finds herself a boyfriend (Rory Scovel) who is attracted to her precisely because she is a “fun, fearless female,” to use the slang of Cosmopolitan magazine.

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A modern-day fairy tale with a high concept, “I Feel Pretty” is a female version of Tom Hanks’ classic film “Big,” which the film even acknowledges by having Renee watch the Tom Hanks film on television before she throws a coin in a fountain and makes a wish on a stormy night. Even Renee’s SoulCycle instructor takes on the role of a high-energy fairy godmother, showering her with positive affirmations before she takes her fateful tumble. The problematic part of the story is the section where everyone lives happily ever after.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this I Feel Pretty quiz.

From her stand-up comedy work to her television series “Inside Amy Schumer,” to films like the surprisingly emotional “Trainwreck” and the less-successful “Snatched,” Schumer has long challenged traditional ideas of femininity. She can be both brash and sly at the same time—swaggering while also being self-deprecating. One of the film’s greatest pleasures is witnessing her inspired delivery and unapologetically physical performance. Kohn and Silverstein use music and camera angles to contrast Renee’s new perception of herself in the world—strutting through a crowd with the perfect song punctuating every step—and the mundane reality she encounters on the way to her new job.

Nonetheless, portraying a character who suffers from low self-esteem issues, such as Renee at the beginning and end of the film, is something new for her, and it also provides her with some truly dramatic moments. When she returns home to her cramped Chinatown apartment after a night out with her girlfriends, she strips down to her ill-fitting bra and flesh-colored Spanx and looks in the full-length mirror with a sad expression on her face. This is not a form of body shaming; rather, it is a sensation that every woman has felt countless times throughout her life, regardless of her physical appearance or how others perceive her.

I Feel Pretty Quiz

The notion that Renee already possessed the self-assurance she had been searching for is a well-worn cliché, but “I Feel Pretty” approaches it from a slightly different perspective than most other films. The following is not a “ugly duckling makeover” film. In the background, the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper is blasting, so there is no trying-on-clothes montage. However, the you-go-girl pep talk Renee delivers at the film’s pivotal moment—at the launch party for a new line of affordable cosmetics aimed at everyday women—is more than just trite and cliche; it’s also effective. The premise of “I Feel Pretty” is completely undermined as a result of this. It implies that succumbing to brand marketing and purchasing the right blush at a low price (most likely from Target, which gets mentioned frequently) is the key to happiness—that achieving external beauty first can have an impact on how you feel internally.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this I Feel Pretty quiz.

Don’t you remember that “I Feel Pretty” had just spent the better part of the previous 100 minutes debating the polar opposite?

Up until that point, however, I was just along for the ride. Much of this is due to Schumer’s interactions with the film’s talented supporting ensemble.

About the quiz

As Avery LeClair, played by Michelle Williams, who is the heiress to the cosmetics line named after her glamorous grandmother, Lily LeClair (Lauren Hutton), who hires Renee for the receptionist position and gradually comes to rely on her for advice, she is the film’s undisputed star. Starting with her voice, which is a squeaky baby-doll sound that appears out of nowhere and disarms us from the first moment we hear it, Williams is executing a masterful display of controlled lunacy on the screen. In fact, Williams has become so well-known for her powerful dramatic performances that she doesn’t get nearly enough opportunities to showcase her comedic talents. The fact that she’s having a good time with this wonderfully weird performance is evident in everything from her studied, hesitant delivery to the hilariously awkward way she carries herself. In contrast to her real-life best friend Phillips, she does not get to enjoy an on-screen reunion with him on “Dawson’s Creek.”
Also, you must try to play this I Feel Pretty quiz.

Additionally, Schumer and Scovel have a natural chemistry on screen, despite the fact that Scovel’s character is admittedly insecure and is in awe of Renee’s charm and fortitude. Bryant and Phillips are also given more development as characters than is typically seen in the wacky sidekick/best friend roles on television. Renee competes in a bikini contest in Coney Island, where she puts on a wild show in comparison to the typical skinny girls who populate such events. And fellow comedian Dave Attell is his delightfully twisted self as the MC at the contest.

Again, this is not a time for self-loathing or humiliation. Unbridled enthusiasm is on full display in this video. We’re laughing alongside her rather than at her. If only the rest of the film had the same level of complete trust in itself.

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