Insidious The Last Key Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Insidious The Last Key quiz and we will tell you which Insidious The Last Key character you are. Play it now.

Make sure you don’t watch “Insidious: The Last Key” alone if you must see the mediocre but mostly satisfactory ghost story. If you don’t absolutely have to see this third sequel in theaters, don’t bother going unless you absolutely, positively have to. Yes, I am well aware of the Siren call of a new horror film’s opening night on the big screen.

Whatever you do, don’t watch “The Last Key” without the emotional support of a friend who can confirm that you’re not deluding yourself: these movies are still getting incrementally better, a trend that began with “Insidious: Chapter 2” and continues to this day. It also feels like “The Last Key” is 70 minutes long (despite the fact that it’s a whopping 103 minutes?). And the filmmakers of “The Last Key” do manage to pull enough punches that you’ll find yourself wishing that the rest of the film didn’t rely so heavily on jump scares to create tension. No, you may believe that going to see “The Last Key” with a friend is a good idea because being sociable is a good excuse for making poor life decisions. Seeing “The Last Key” with another person is justified by the ability to look into another soul and the realization that you are not losing your mind when you think: wait, this one is almost good.

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For those who feel compelled to know what this film is about, you should be aware that plot, themes, and characters are all but non-existent in the “Insidious” films. Neither of these things are positive nor negative; they are simply something you should accept now that you’ve presumably committed to watching the third installment in an inexpensive horror series. Having said that, when we last saw Elise (Lin Shaye), she was more convinced than ever that she must use her ability to communicate with ghosts to assist unfortunate home-owners who are too stupid to cut the bait and relocate to a less supernaturally active neighborhood. As she works toward this lofty goal, Elise is assisted by the ostensibly lovable tech-savvy goofballs Tucker (Angus Sampson) and Specs (Jamie Bell) (series co-creator, and “The Last Key” screenwriter Leigh Whannell). There you have it, that’s the end of the story.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Insidious The Last Key quiz.

It is now necessary for Elise to return to her childhood home in New Mexico in order to relive formative traumas associated with the mysterious murder of her angelic, but powerless mother Audrey (Tessa Ferrer). To be sure, the house where Elise grew up has a view of some sort of oil derrick and a prison, among other things. She and her poor brother Christian (Pierce Pope, who is replaced in the present day by the somewhat more mature Bruce Davison) were also subjected to corporal punishment by their absent father Gerald (Josh Stewart), who may or may not have been haunted by a demon at the time. Furthermore, Christian has two adult daughters, both of whom are in danger, even though they do not live in the same house as their father.

Insidious The Last Key Quiz

None of that matters in the context of “The Last Key,” which, like its predecessors and the other horror franchises spawned by “Saw” and “The Conjuring” co-creator James Wan, is as programmatic as a Rube Goldberg machine in terms of storytelling. These shock-dispensing mechanisms are all so shoddily constructed that you should be aware by now that they will invariably go off the rails when they are required to deliver a satisfying climactic jolt at the end of the film.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Insidious The Last Key quiz.

Fortunately, the build-up to several major scare scenes in “The Last Key” is kept to a minimum of obviousness. The filmmakers even manage to frighten you a few times by creating the false impression that something is about to jump out at you… but nothing actually does. When this happens, it’s usually because something really stands out. However, you will have to wait a little longer in this film. You’ll appreciate that kind of defiance of expectations if you go into this new “Insidious” film expecting it to not be good enough to rely on its artful sound design—which includes some really nice floor-boarding creaking and doorknob jiggling—and even some (dare I say) atmospheric sets.

About the quiz

The final result is that “The Last Key” falls short of breaking the years-hardened mold of expectations that had been established and then confirmed by the previous three “Insidious” films. It may appear that everything has changed, but in reality, nothing has: Shaye continues to perform a thankless task admirably while appearing vulnerable enough to break down at any moment. Whannell never fully develops his ideas to the point where he can provide a reasonable perspective on personal loss, survivor’s guilt, or domestic abuse. You can’t help but wonder, “Are these characters really that stupid?” or “Why aren’t they calling the cops?” or “What does that even mean?” at various points throughout the film.
Also, you must try to play this Insidious The Last Key quiz.

So, yes, “The Last Key” is still somewhat… limited in terms of its audience appeal. But it’s also good enough to include a brief but clever twist (provided you don’t overthink it), as well as a couple of well-executed fakeouts. When you can come up with an excuse to turn to your neighbor and (discreetly) whisper a joke whenever something silly happens (even if it isn’t always intentionally silly), it is tremendously enjoyable. With these limbo-low expectations in mind, you might be able to enjoy “The Last Key” to a satisfactory degree. Just remember to bring a friend along with you.

For more personality quizzes check this: The First Purge Quiz.

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