Jagten Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Jagten quiz and we will tell you which Jagten character you are. Play it now.

Lucas comes from a small rural Danish village. He misses his adolescent son, Marcus, who resides mostly with his ex-wife, but he gets along well with the young children at the local kindergarten where he has worked since the school where he previously taught closed. When Marcus declares his desire to reside with Lucas and Lucas begins dating a coworker, his fortunes appear to be improving. Klara, the daughter of Lucas’ best friend, Theo, and a student at Lucas’ kindergarten, has a habit of wandering off on her own when her parents fight, and Lucas occasionally comes across her and helps her out. He accommodates her aversion to stepping on cracks by telling her she can stroll his dog whenever she wishes, and Klara develops a crush on Lucas over time. She becomes dejected after kissing him on the lips and giving him a small present. Klara makes comments based on details from a pornographic photograph shown to her by a friend of her older brother, leading Grethe, the kindergarten director, to think Lucas exposed himself to her. Grethe asks a friend to interview Klara, and when Klara nods in response to the man’s leading questions, Grethe, who does not believe children lie about such things, notifies the authorities and tells the parents of the kindergarten children. Klara subsequently contradicts her original story, but the adults interpret this as denial of what happened to her.
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Lucas loses his job, his relationship with Theo is shattered, and the community shuns him as a pedophile and outcast. He has no idea what he is supposed to have done because of the vague language used and the secrecy surrounding the investigation, but he ultimately learns that he may have been accused of abusing multiple children. The stress of this disclosure causes him to end his relationship with Nadja when he believes she doubts his innocence. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Jagten quiz. Marcus flees his home to be with Lucas. Following a journey to the grocery store, where he is informed that neither he nor his father are welcome, he witnesses Lucas being arrested by police. Marcus proceeds to ask Theo for a spare key after being locked out of the house and ends up fighting with several adults for confronting Klara and asking why she lied about his father. Bruun, one of Lucas’ friends, and his family take him in because they think Lucas is innocent. Bruun informs Marcus that Lucas has a hearing in the morning and that he is optimistic that the case against Lucas will be dismissed because all of the children’s accounts of their abuse mention the same details of Lucas’ house, which does not have a basement.

Jagten Quiz

Lucas is freed from custody, but after his dog is killed and a stone is thrown through his window, he returns Marcus to his ex-wife. When he refuses to leave the grocery store without his food on Christmas Eve, he is beaten and tossed out; however, he headbutts the butcher to get his groceries back. At church, he sees Theo and his wife, who saw him limp out of the store bleeding from his head and whispering during the service, so he dares Theo to look in his eyes for a sign he is lying about his innocence, because Theo previously stated he can always tell when Lucas is lying. When Theo heads to bed that night, Klara confirms that Lucas did not do anything wrong to her. He brings food and alcohol to Lucas, and the two men settle down to talk. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Jagten quiz. By the following autumn, community tensions have subsided, and Lucas’s friends greet him as before. He and Nadja have rekindled their relationship. Marcus gets his first rifle at Bruun’s house during a ceremony. Lucas and Klara reconcile, and he carries her to Theo in his arms.

About the quiz

The adult males gather and go hunting on the neighboring estate. A bullet whizzes past Lucas’ cranium when he is alone. He turns to watch the shooter, silhouetted against the sun, reload his rifle and aim it briefly before fleeing.Also, you must try to play this Jagten quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Quiet Girl Quiz.

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