Judgment At Nuremberg Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Judgment At Nuremberg quiz and we will tell you which Judgment At Nuremberg character you are. Play it now.

The story revolves around a military tribunal convened in Nuremberg, Germany, where four German judges and prosecutors are accused of crimes against humanity for their roles in atrocities done during the Nazi regime. Judge Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy) is the chief judge of a three-judge tribunal of Allied jurists who will hear and rule on the defendants’ case. Haywood is especially curious about how the defendant Ernst Janning (Burt Lancaster) could have committed the atrocities he is accused of, including the execution of innocent people. Ernst Janning’s character is a mash-up of three distinct judges, loosely based on Franz Schlegelberger’s life.[8][9] It is revealed that Janning is a well-educated and globally respected jurist and legal scholar.
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Haywood tries to figure out how the German people could have been deaf and oblivious to the Nazi regime’s atrocities. In the process, he meets the widow (Marlene Dietrich) of a German general executed by the Allies. He converses with other Germans who have different perspectives on the conflict. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Judgment At Nuremberg quiz. Other characters the judge encounters include US Army Captain Harrison Byers (William Shatner), who is assigned to assist the American judges hearing the case, and Irene Hoffmann (Judy Garland), who is scared to provide evidence that could help the prosecution’s case against the judges. Hans Rolfe (Maximilian Schell), a German defense counsel, claims that the defendants were not the only ones who aided or ignored the Nazi regime. He claims that the US has committed acts that are as bad as or worse than those committed by the Nazis, such as US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s support for the first eugenics practices (see Buck v. Bell); the German-Vatican Reichskonkordat of 1933, which the Nazi-dominated German government exploited as an implicit early foreign recognition of Nazi leadership; and Joseph Stalin’s role in the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939, which removed the[10]

Judgment At Nuremberg Quiz

Meanwhile, Janning witnesses for the prosecution, admitting guilt of the alleged crime: convicting a Jewish man of “blood defilement” charges—specifically, that the man had intimate relations with a 16-year-old Gentile girl—despite knowing there was no proof to support such a conviction. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Judgment At Nuremberg quiz. During his testimony, Janning explains that well-meaning people like himself supported Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic, racist policies out of patriotism, despite understanding they were wrong, and because of the consequences of the post-World War I Treaty of Versailles. Haywood must balance geopolitical expediency against ideals of justice. The trial takes place against the backdrop of the Berlin Blockade, and there is pressure to let the German defendants off lightly in order to secure German support in the escalating Cold War with the Soviet Union.[11]

About the quiz

Throughout the film, the three other defendants’ reasons for supporting the Nazi regime become clear: one was afraid, one was following orders, and one truly believed in Nazism. The four defendants have all been found guilty and condemned to life in prison. Also, you must try to play this Judgment At Nuremberg quiz. Haywood pays a call to Janning in his cell. Janning assures Haywood that his decision was just, but asks him to believe that, in terms of the mass murder of innocent people, he had no idea it would come to this. Judge Haywood responds that it came to that the first time Janning sentenced someone he knew was innocent. Haywood walks away, and a title card tells the audience that none of the 99 defendants condemned to prison terms in Nuremberg trials held in the American Zone were still serving their sentences when the film was released in 1961.[12][a]

For more personality quizzes check this: Judgment At Nuremberg Quiz.

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