Kimi No Na Wa Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Kimi No Na Wa quiz and we will tell you which Kimi No Na Wa character you are. Play it now.

I feel like I’m constantly looking for someone or something. We’ve all experienced that at some time in our lives, right? a feeling of dislocation from our normal existence and a look for something to ground us in a more generally accepted sense of normalcy? The Japanese sensation “Your Name,” which surpassed “Spirited Away” to become the highest grossing anime film ever made globally, is about this incredibly relatable feeling of searching for something, someone, or somewhere. And a whole lot more. It’s a lovely, engrossing piece of work that has a bit of a rocky beginning but gains extraordinary momentum toward an intensely moving conclusion. And the entire year, there won’t be a cartoon movie that looks better. What might have been a very corny “Freaky Friday”-like idea is given melancholy and honesty by writer/director Makoto Shinkai. The setup is comparatively easy: Taki (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a slightly older boy who lives in Tokyo, and Mitsuha (Mone Kamishiraishi) is a high school age girl who lives in the fictional Itomori, a beautiful, quaint village in the Hida area of Japan. They are both typical children with their own social groups, but they are not in any way related. They also lead very different lives, which are at least in part influenced by their contrasting but equally beautiful environments of city and country.
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Taki once wakes up and notices breasts when he peers down. He’s inside of Mitsuha. The following morning, Mitsuha awakens in her own shape with only hazy recollections of the previous day. Naturally, the same phenomenon also occurs in reverse. Mitsuha and Taki discover that they switch places at random only after sleep, mostly through conversations with people in their immediate vicinity about how strange they were behaving. They cooperate with one another, leaving each other notes and diaries about what occurred when they switched places, rather than engaging in crazy antics like in a 1980s Disney film. For instance, Mitsuha acts as a sort of body-switch Cyrano de Bergerac by having the guts to approach the girl Taki favors. But one day, they stop switching, and Taki has no means of contacting Mitsuha. He decides to look for Mitsuha because he has hazy memories of places from her past. At this point, “Your Name” takes on a very surprising quality. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Kimi No Na Wa quiz. To say that “Your Name” has a stunning visual quality would be greatly understating the case. Shinkai and his group possess both a lyrical vision and an eye for detail. The locations in “Your Name” have a strange sense of being both real and otherworldly. “Your Name” is one of those animated movies where you could select any still frame and display it on your wall, whether it be a scene of a series of streets on a mountainside, the train system in Tokyo, its stunning skyscrapers touching the sky, an endless horizon in Itomori, or even just a scene of a series of streets. The narrative is intertwined with the stunning visuals, so they never overpower one another. City or nation, it’s a lovely world out there; we just need to find our place in it, “Your Name” frequently seems to be saying.

Kimi No Na Wa Quiz

Shinkai stays clear of so many possible story pitfalls. (that it feels like the inevitable live-action remake will tumble into willingly). One is that Mitsuha and Taki keep gender distinctions without coming off as stereotypically boy-versus-girl characters as so many Hollywood movies do. We believe that these two incredibly dissimilar individuals find common ground in their gender and social status without losing sight of who they are as individuals. The movie occasionally made me think of Roger’s well-known observation on empathy, according to which film has the unique ability to place us in the shoes of others. Although Mitsuha and Taki are unlikely to ever interact in the actual world, they begin to support one another and are crucial to the happiness of the other. It is important to keep in mind in 2017 that even people you have never encountered and would never otherwise interact with have similar needs, joys, and fears to your own. It reminded me of “Arrival” because of the way that movie links a fantastical idea to universally relatable problems. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Kimi No Na Wa quiz. Most importantly, “Your Name” achieves a delicate balance between fantastic beauty and everyday life that is simply not feasible in non-animated media. Shinkai alternates between meticulous depictions of Tokyo that appear to have been created using actual location photographs and fantastical pictures of locations that don’t exist in reality, never tipping the scales too far in one direction or the other. It gains impressiveness over time. In recent years, very few animated movies have developed from scene to scene to such a satisfying concluding shot. / / / / / / / / / / / /.

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