Molly S Game Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Molly S Game quiz and we will tell you which Molly S Game character you are. Play it now.

Molly Bloom is always on the move and jostling for position. She sizzles and dazzles, and no matter what room she’s in, she’s in complete command—at least, until she isn’t anymore. In any case, she is uncontrollably verbal, capable of communicating everything at all times in ways that are far more rapid and intelligent than the average human being.

In other words, Molly Bloom is a fictional character created by Aaron Sorkin, despite the fact that she is a real person with an extraordinary story to tell: With her high-stakes poker games for the wealthy and powerful, the “Poker Princess” amassed an enormous fortune. Also making his directorial debut is the writer of “The West Wing,” “The Social Network,” and “A Few Good Men,” among many other television shows and films. Naturally, he’s working from a screenplay that he’s written.) You’ll be in heaven here if you enjoy his particular brand of impossibly intelligent characters exchanging rat-a-tat dialogue, which is what this is. The hose has been running at full capacity for more than two hours. Nothing and no one appears to be able to stop him, for better or worse, from achieving his goals.

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And in Jessica Chastain, Sorkin has found the ideal foil for his densely witty repartee on the big screen. She has demonstrated throughout her career—particularly in “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Miss Sloane”—that she possesses the presence, intelligence, and dexterity necessary to successfully navigate this type of challenging material. The actress, who has a cynical and detached demeanor, is a force of nature in a bandage dress and a blowout, and she’s impossible to keep from watching and listening to as she narrates large chunks of the film “Molly’s Game” in an amusing and wry manner.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Molly S Game quiz.

However, while Sorkin’s film is a little too long, it mostly moves quickly, especially at the beginning, when Molly tells us in a lengthy voiceover about her past as an Olympic-caliber skier and the freak accident that changed the course of her life. Similar to the various ways Adam McKay presented complicated information in “The Big Short,” Sorkin employs images and graphics to great effect, energizing the audience from the get-go and keeping them engaged throughout.

Molly S Game Quiz

“Molly’s Game,” which is based on Molly Bloom’s memoir of the same name, jumps back and forth in time between Molly’s arrest by the FBI for running an illegal gambling operation and her attempts to persuade a New York lawyer (an excellent Idris Elba) to represent her, as well as flashbacks to how she built her glittering empire. As the story progresses, Sorkin delves deeper and deeper into Molly’s past, when she demonstrated early signs of her independent and rebellious streak by sassing her demanding psychologist father (a stern Kevin Costner). (Samantha Isler, who plays the teenage Molly, has a voice and demeanor that are a perfect match for Chastain’s.)
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Molly S Game quiz.

Molly decided to move to Los Angeles rather than continue her education at law school as she had originally planned in order to establish her worth and separate herself from her overachieving brothers’ competition. During her stay, she became involved in the operation of the “Cobra Lounge,” a spoof of the Sunset Strip’s infamous Viper Room, where she ended up organizing a weekly, underground poker game for a would-be Hollywood player (Jeremy Strong). Sorkin allows us to experience the game alongside Molly, teaching us the terminology, strategy, and psychology of the game. (I’m not a poker expert in the least, but those who are tell me that “Molly’s Game” captures the essence of the game perfectly.) Molly is a quick study, and she wrests the game away from him in no time, raising the stakes (both literally and figuratively) as she glamorously transforms it into her own. Her transformation is dizzying, but Chastain’s confident and grounded demeanor allows it to be successful.

About the quiz

Michael Cera is menacing as a well-known actor known as “Player X” (who is rumored to be based on Tobey Maguire), one of Molly’s earliest regulars who is more concerned with destroying the competition than with making millions for himself. A devastating Bill Camp portrays a decent guy and a strong player who endures a whirlwind series of days in Molly’s high-end hotel suite poker room on the other end of the spectrum.
Also, you must try to play this Molly S Game quiz.

However, the common thread running through all of these anecdotes is the strengthening of Molly’s relationship with her lawyer, who is the only other person who can consistently compete with her in the department of rapid-fire dialogue. From the beginning, Chastain and Elba have a smoldering chemistry; you can almost feel the electricity between them as they lean into each other. There are only two ways to approach Sorkin’s heightened world: you’ll either be able to surrender to it or you won’t, but the scenes between Chastain and Elba make it a lot easier.

All the more jarring and unfortunate it is that, when Molly is at her lowest point, both he and Costner’s character are forced to explain Molly to her. The scene with Costner is particularly clumsy; the redemption depicted there is intended to be a much-needed moment of catharsis, but it ends up feeling more like smug mansplaining than anything else in the film.

Molly, who has always been a fierce competitor, has found a way to rule in a world dominated by men. If only “Molly’s Game” had allowed her to emerge victorious on her own fascinating and complicated terms.

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