Murder Mystery 2 Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Murder Mystery 2 quiz and we will tell you which Murder Mystery 2 character you are. Play it now.

After their misadventure in Monte Carlo four years prior, Nick and Audrey Spitz now work as private investigators full-time. They think that their friendship with Vikram “The Maharajah” Govindan will give their faltering detective firm some professional legitimacy by accepting his invitation to his wedding on his private island. They run into Vik’s French fiancée Claudette Joubert, his flirtatious business partner Francisco Perez, his ex-fiancée Countess Sekou and her lady-in-waiting Imani, his reserved sister Saira, his ruthless bodyguard Lou, and their long-time friend Colonel Ulenga, who lost his left arm after saving Vik from an assassination attempt in Mumbai. Audrey observes a veiled man pursuing Vik’s elephant at the wedding. The corpse that falls from the elephant is revealed to be Lou, Vik’s bodyguard. Nick observes Vik being kidnapped by an enigmatic figure and believes it to be a distraction. The pair realizes they are once again the victims of a plot and concludes that at least two people must have been responsible: one to set up the distraction and the other to kidnap Vik.
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A gang of experienced detectives lead by former MI6 hostage negotiator Connor Miller joins the group the following morning. Nick receives a call from the kidnapper asking him to deliver a $70 million ransom to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in exchange for Vik. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Murder Mystery 2 quiz. Miller drives Nick and Audrey to the exchange location when they are in Paris. At gunpoint, the kidnappers push the pair into a van. The couple battles the kidnappers inside, which results in the death of the kidnappers and the van’s collision with Café Procope. With video showing Nick dashing out of the tent brandishing a knife, they realize they are being blamed for Vik’s kidnapping; Miller shows up and explains that the video is phony. Miller appears to be killed when his car explodes after stealing the bag containing the money and instructing them to meet him at the La Madeleine. The briefcase is taken by an unknown person, who then loses it when they are struck by a truck. Inspector Laurent de la Croix helps the couple track the truck to a rural château where they are ambushed by Sekou and Imani who claim they are not the kidnappers and are just for the money. Sekou and Imani swear they are not the kidnappers and are only after the money. Imani shoots Sekou as she tries to kill the couple, but Imani is already dead when she returns fire, killing Sekou. After making their getaway, Nick and Audrey call de la Croix and the others to ask them to take Vik to the Le Jules Verne restaurant at the Eiffel Tower. Vik shows up at the meeting place wearing a bomb vest. Nick claims that the murderer would never put the ransom in danger. The bomb’s countdown is halted as he predicts, and Miller, the abduction’s mastermind, shows up. Miller had pretended to be dead by hiding inside the car’s bomb-proof titanium chamber just before the explosion. Audrey clings to his strap and is hauled to the top level as he tries to kill the group and Susan, a lonely widow who was searching for her long-lost lover Gary.

Murder Mystery 2 Quiz

Nick goes after them, defeats Miller’s men, and detonates the device. Miller drops Audrey off the tower while she is still fastened to his safety belt. Hand-to-hand struggle between the two men ends when Nick opens the briefcase and scatters the cash into the air. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Murder Mystery 2 quiz. The group assists in detonating Vik’s device as Susan attends to de la Croix, who had been shot by Miller. After de la Croix demonstrates how to build smoke circles for Susan, they fall in love right away. Audrey emerges on the top floor and assists Nick in tying Miller’s harness to the elevator mechanism of the tower. Miller is then launched into the rotor blades of Nick’s getaway helicopter, which detonates and crashes into the Seine.

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When Audrey gets back to the restaurant, she thinks Saira has blood on her hand, but Saira maintains her henna got splattered in the excitement. Audrey recalls that the person in the cloak who killed Lou had a wet henna stain on their clothing and that Saira wasn’t there when Vik’s elephant was welcomed into the wedding ceremony. The second conspirator is Saira, who had previously attempted to assassinate Vik in Mumbai and was enraged that Vik’s parents had given him sole authority over the company. Exposed, Saira tries to shoot Vik, but Ulenga blocks him, causing him to lose his right arm. Claudette then uses the briefcase to knock Saira out. Also, you must try to play this Murder Mystery 2 quiz. Vik and Claudette intend to elope and offer Nick and Audrey $10 million after the hubbub is over. Their purportedly European helicopter pilot, who turns out to be American, accosts them at gunpoint while they are on their honeymoon in Greece. He snatches the millions and jumps out of the chopper, leaving them fumbling for the controls.

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