Murder On The Orient Express Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Murder On The Orient Express quiz and we will tell you which Murder On The Orient Express character you are. Play it now.

I’m aware of the situation. I AM AWARE. Since watching the trailer for the mystery thriller “Murder on the Orient Express,” you’ve had a nagging question in the back of your mind. No one actor, including Judi Dench as a Russian princess, Willem Dafoe as a professor from Germany, Penelope Cruz as a depressed missionary, and Johnny Depp as a thuggish art dealer, stands out as the assailant in this film. The question remains, however, as to why a small furry mammal dressed in 50 shades of silvery gray and sporting a magnificent beast of a handlebar mustache has taken up residence under Kenneth Branagh’s nose.

When it comes to this lavish, yet ultimately stuffy and overstuffed big-screen return visit to Agatha Christie’s most durable novel, the hair apparent appears to have been purposefully designed to practically steal every scene it appears in on screen. It’s even responsible for the film’s most memorable visual gag, which can be found here. Branagh, the star and director of this 21st-century digitally-enhanced stab at bringing this ensemble vehicle back to life, certainly made his point about how this take on his world-famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot differs from any other. Albert Finney wore a pert black swatch with twirls at the ends in the 1974 film adaptation directed by Sidney Lumet, which was directed by Sidney Lumet. Isn’t it tedious? “Brantagh’s fuzzy wuzzy” stretches from ear to shining ear, like an ocean wave of whiskers crashing against each other. Who is the best supporting player? It’s that dashing splash of a soul patch on his chin that earns him this distinction.

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Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m stalling. Let’s start with the positive aspects of the situation. ‘Blade Runner 2049’ writer Michael Green does an excellent job introducing us to Poirot, a fussy budget stickler who demands perfectly cooked four-minute eggs and then scoffs at their imperfect dimensions—and then doesn’t even bother to eat them after they’re cooked. He is a control freak who insists on perfect balance in everything, from the way a tie is tied around a man’s neck to the way bread is baked to a crisp perfection. The year is 1934, and the location is Jerusalem (actually, Malta is used as a stand-in). A crime involving three clerics of different faiths and a stolen artifact is about to be solved, and Poirot is on his way to the Wailing Wall to deliver the solution. He reveals the perpetrator with the showbiz panache of a Las Vegas magician, and he does so with an unexpected flourish involving a cane. The message is conveyed that “Hey, this could be interesting.”
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Murder On The Orient Express quiz.

However, things quickly become stale when fellow passengers with obvious secrets begin to appear, including Daisy Ridley (Rey in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”) as a porcelain-skinned governess and Leslie Odom Jr. (Aaron Burr in Broadway’s “Hamilton”) as a doctor, both of whom attempt to pass as an interracial couple while on the flight. Those high-profile credits are sure to attract the attention of the under-30 demographic. However, the only fully fleshed-out character turns out to be Poirot, who obsesses over a portrait of a long-lost love and experiences something of an existential crisis when a dead body with an even dozen stab wounds is discovered on the train. As with the luxury locomotive traveling from Istanbul to Calais, the journey comes to an abrupt end about a half-hour in when an avalanche forces the locomotive to stop in its tracks on the edge of an extremely dangerous bridge. Even though the storyline appears to be picking up steam, I can’t say the same for the rest of the book, which devolves into a series of private interrogations by the imperious Poirot in a café car.

Murder On The Orient Express Quiz

Michelle Pfeiffer makes the best of her situation as a man-hungry, wealthy widow on the lookout for her next husband. During the film, Derek Jacobi and Josh Gad play the roles of a valet and an assistant to Depp’s scar-faced hoodlum, respectively. Other performers, such as the incredibly talented Olivia Colman, who plays Dench’s lady in waiting, are given little to no screen time or dialogue to make much of an impression. Apart from that, there are a number of veiled allusions to the 1932 kidnapping of aviator Charles Lindbergh’s baby son, which few people outside of history buffs will recognize today.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Murder On The Orient Express quiz.

The actor, Kenneth Branagh, comes out unscathed from the ordeal. Branagh, the director, on the other hand, is a different story. With his “Henry V,” he was successful in making Shakespeare relevant for young audiences, and he was successful in making Disney’s live-action “Cinderella” appear fresh and new. Although there is some camera trickery, such as ineffective overhead shots and a lengthy one-take scene as Poirot boards the moving train, there is far too little levity and cleverness on display, especially with a cast whose talent has been barely explored. It’s not so much about whodunit as it is about how you go about it.

About the quiz

Poirot’s mustache, on the other hand, deserves a place in the pantheon of great follicle-enhanced performances, even when it becomes limp and messy when things get dicey for him. “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” star George Clooney’s facial accoutrement in “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” might be a good fit for this piece. As for “Murder on the Orient Express,” it barely manages to pass muster as passable entertainment by a hair’s breadth.Also, you must try to play this Murder On The Orient Express quiz.

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