Overlord Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Overlord quiz and we will tell you which Overlord character you are. Play it now.

When I imagine myself as a 14-year-old horror fan sneaking into the completely adequate WWII monster film “Overlord,” I’m trying to imagine what it would be like. As much cursing and bloodletting as its R-rating suggests, this high-concept historical chiller (good guy American soldiers versus bad guy Nazi super-soldiers!) delivers. Isn’t it true that kids today still enjoy cursing and gore? “Overlord” has a lot to offer in terms of plot, but that’s about all it has to offer in terms of ideas about the main differences between Us and Them: humanity versus brutality, assimilation versus occupation, and so on and so forth. Realistically, “Overlord” is a simple mechanism for delivering squib packs and curse words, a function that the film’s creators manage to accomplish despite the choppy pacing and general lack of humor in their otherwise unremarkable story. In the event that my nephew were old enough to watch, let alone sneak into, this movie (he’s only two years old, alas), I’d definitely purchase him a ticket and then disappear for two hours so that he could enjoy himself without his Uncle Creepy, I mean creepy uncle, lurking over his shoulder.

Let’s face it: “Overlord” was not created with me in mind, a jaded 30-year-old horror fan who has seen it all before. To be expected: a generation of young people today will inevitably fall in love with bloodthirsty splatter films that will rot their teeth, so why not this overstuffed and underdeveloped homage to EC Comics series like Two-Fisted Tales and Tales from the Crypt? The formulaic nature of the film’s story, which was written by Billy Ray and Mark L. Smith, is even, at times, a little comforting: it’s 1944, and a rag-tag group of American soldiers has suddenly plummeted into a small occupied French hamlet after their plane is shot to ribbons by enemy fire; it’s a rag-tag group of American soldiers who have suddenly plummeted into a small occupied French hamlet Their mission, which was to destroy a heavily fortified Nazi radio tower, now appears to be impossible, given the small number of American soldiers who have survived. No French resistance fighters are available either, with the exception of tough but vulnerable French scavenger Chloe (Mathilde Ollivier) and her young brother Paul (Jean-Louis Trintignant) (Gianny Taufer). To stop Wafner (Pilou Asbaek), a baby-faced Nazi leader with goose-stepping baddies, almost all of whom speak the sort of basic German you’d hear in the “Wolfenstein” video games, with phrases such as “Achtung! ” and “Luftwaffe,” it’s up to the United States. Tibbet (John Magaro), a wise-cracking explosives expert; Ford (Wyatt Russell), a haunted Aryan-looking leader; Chase (Iain de Caestecker); and Boyce (Iain de Caestecker), a conflicted audience surrogate/moral compass; are our stock heroes (Jovan Adepo).

Editor’s Picks

“Overlord” is at its best when Boyce, a new recruit who can’t bring himself to kill a mouse during basic training, comes across a swarm of Nazi zombie super-soldiers while investigating the aforementioned radio tower incident. Despite the fact that Ray and Smith’s doofy narrative is really, really doofy, I enjoy this exploratory phase of the story. He not only lacks survival instincts, but he also appears to be unaware of when to stop unzipping leaking flesh sacks, peering behind medical curtains, and injecting things in places where any sane (let alone combat-fatigued) soldier would think to themselves, “Hey, this is a bad idea!” Boyce is a one-dimensional character who lacks character development.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Overlord quiz.

Boys’ inability to prevent himself from putting himself in potentially dangerous situations is not only a character flaw, but also a sign of how dependent Ray and Smith’s connect-the-dots plot is on dumb decisions that are ultimately for the best. For example, remember that pivotal scene in which Chloe pokes her head into a Nazi prison cell because, uh, she’s desperate to find Paul? Seriously? She’s in such a state of desperation that she’s just going to… well, never mind.

Overlord Quiz

Applying logic or any other high-minded standards to “Overlord” would seem to be a waste of time, given how superficial the film is in nature. Various theories exist about how the Nazis’ rumored last-ditch, end-of-war turn to spiritualism and the supernatural reveals their true colors: they are a superstitious pack of bullies who will do anything to keep you under their heel-and-shoes Rather than being a thrilling modern teenager-oriented film, “Overlord” comes across as quaint, given its brain-dead scenario’s implicit reliance on super-strong Nazi zombies—who appear to be put down only by a shot to the head and are only revived/fortified with a syringe of mysterious “Re-Animator”-style science fluid—to thrill modern teenagers, the kind who are more likely to torrent this film than to see it on a stories
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Overlord quiz.

That being said, I’m not sure if a modern teenager (or a future teenager, such as my nephew) will find “Overlord” to be a compelling film. They might find the film to be a nostalgic, high-end crowd-pleaser that they enjoy. Alternatively, they might roll their eyes at the film’s patience-testing story beats, which have been three times overheated, and its rudimentary characters. The film’s most compelling selling point, which includes copious amounts of nasty, leaky, well-lit violence and monster make-up, could sway modern teenagers either way. The youth of today will eventually grow up and learn to pick through my generation’s metaphorical trash bins, which are already overflowing with Baby Boomers’ and Generation X’s hand-me-down junk, regardless of what they believe now. I could see myself watching “Overlord,” even if it were only for the film’s entire 109-minute running time if I were still a young, easily distracted person.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Strangers Prey At Night Quiz.

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