Planes Trains And Automobiles Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Planes Trains And Automobiles quiz and we will tell you which Planes Trains And Automobiles character you are. Play it now.

Del Griffith and Neal Page’s journey in the movie. Two days before Thanksgiving, advertising professional Neal Page is eager to leave New York City and return to his family in Chicago. After a protracted business meeting with Mr. Bryant, a hesitant client, Neal finds it challenging to hail a cab in the middle of rush hour. He pays a man to let him take a cab he’d called, but someone else drives off with it. The moment Neal lands at LaGuardia Airport, his aircraft is already running late. While waiting, he runs across Del Griffith, a talkative man who sells shower curtain rings, who unintentionally grabbed his cab. Neal is seated next to Del on the crowded flight to O’Hare, much to his dismay.
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The flight is rerouted to Wichita because of a blizzard in Chicago, forcing Neal and Del to spend the night there while Neal tells his wife, Susan, what happened. Del has made a reservation whereas Neal is unable to do so. Neal grudgingly agrees to Del’s condition that Neal pay for their cab fare to the hotel in exchange for a room. Del accidentally steals Neal’s credit card during check-in. Neal loses his temper as Del’s bothersome conduct forces them to share the last vacant room. Del is hurt, but they settle down and uncomfortably share the one bed. A thief grabs their money while they’re asleep. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Planes Trains And Automobiles quiz. The following day, Neal buys them both train tickets to Chicago with seats in different trains because the delay for flying was still too great. Near Jefferson City, the locomotive breaks down, leaving its passengers stranded in a field. Del and Neal reunite after Neal notices that Del is having trouble with his trunk. They take a crowded bus to St. Louis, where Del makes money by passing out samples of curtain rings as earrings to onlookers. Over lunch, Neal irritates Del, and the two split ways once more. Neal tries to hire a car at the St. Louis Airport, but when he gets to the lot, it’s gone. After a long and dangerous trek back to the terminal, he lashes out at the rental agent in a vulgar rant but to no purpose. He tries to order a taxi to Chicago, but the dispatcher gets irritated and yells at him before punching him. By happenstance, Del drives his own rental car to the scene and picks up the confused Neal. They continue to quarrel while driving.

Planes Trains And Automobiles Quiz

Del accidentally kills them by traveling the wrong way on a freeway after dark. Del’s carelessly tossed cigarette ignites the car as they gather themselves on the side of the road. When Del explains that he had discovered Neal’s credit card in his wallet and used it to hire the automobile, Neal first gloats, believing Del is responsible for the damage. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Planes Trains And Automobiles quiz. Because the fire ruined his credit cards, Neal trades his pricey watch for a hotel room. Del tries to sleep in the scorched, roofless automobile because he has nothing valuable. Neal sympathizes with Del after observing this and extends an invitation to enter. They laugh about the happenings of the previous two days while sharing Del’s collection of miniature alcoholic beverages. The following morning, the two start their journey to Chicago again, but the Illinois State Patrol seizes their vehicle since it is unfit for the road. They travel in the refrigerated trailer of a semi after Del convinces the driver to transport them into Chicago.

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Neal truly thanks Del for taking him home as they part ways at a Chicago “L” station. Neal reflects on the trip as he takes a commuter train to his area, remembering some of Del’s peculiar remarks and pauses. He realizes Del hasn’t actually been making an effort to get home. Del is still seated when Neal arrives back at the station. Del confesses his lack of a home and the death of his wife eight years prior. For Thanksgiving dinner, Neal invites Del over to his house where he meets his family. Also, you must try to play this Planes Trains And Automobiles quiz. In a post-credits scene, Mr. Bryant is still in his office working on a poster as a Thanksgiving dinner is just partially consumed.

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