Respond to these rapid questions in our Platoon quiz and we will tell you which Platoon character you are. Play it now.
Chris Taylor, a volunteer for the U.S. Army, is sent to South Vietnam in 1967 and given a position with a 25th Infantry Division infantry platoon close to the Cambodian frontier. Although the platoon is technically under the leadership of the inexperienced Lieutenant Wolfe, the soldiers instead look to Staff Sergeant Barnes and Sergeant Elias, two of his older and more senior subordinates. Taylor is sent out right away for a nighttime ambush on a group of the North Vietnamese Army along with Barnes, Elias, and other seasoned soldiers. Before a short firefight breaks out, the NVA soldiers manage to approach the sleeping Americans, injuring Taylor and sending him to the medical facility. After his return, Taylor forms a close relationship with Elias and his group of marijuana users while keeping Barnes and his more abrasive supporters at a distance.Editor’s Picks
Platoon Quiz
Back at base, Taylor tries to persuade his group to fight Barnes in revenge when Barnes enters the room and makes fun of them after overhearing them. Then Taylor attacks Barnes, who is soon overcome, and Barnes uses a push dagger to make a cut near Taylor’s eye before leaving. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Platoon quiz. Taylor and another soldier called Francis are confined to a foxhole when the platoon is sent back to the front line to maintain defensive positions. A significant NVA attack takes place that evening, shattering the defenses. In the following fight, a large portion of the platoon—including Wolfe and the majority of Barnes’ supporters—die, and an NVA sapper carries out a suicide assault on the battalion headquarters, destroying it. Captain Harris, who is now in charge, instructs air support to use up all of the leftover ordnance inside the perimeter. Taylor comes across Barnes, who is critically hurt, in the commotion. Barnes is about to murder Taylor when an air attack renders both men unconscious.About the quiz
The next morning, Taylor wakes up, picks up an enemy rifle, and discovers Barnes, who instructs Taylor to call for help. Taylor complies with Barnes’ contemptuous order to murder him after realizing that he won’t assist. Francis, who managed to escape the conflict unscathed, tells Taylor that they can go home because they have already been wounded twice before purposefully stabbing himself in the thigh. A helicopter then picks up the two men and takes them away. Taylor is overcome with emotion and begins to sob as he stares down at numerous holes filled with dead people.Also, you must try to play this Platoon quiz.For more personality quizzes check this: Platoon Quiz.