2022 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Personality Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Based on your actions, traits, and choices, the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Personality Quiz reveals your inner Pocket Monster. Who are you? Bulbasaur, Eevee, Pikachu, or someone else?

The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Personality Test: What Is It?

A Pokémon Personality Quiz is a set of 8 randomly generated questions used in the original Mystery Dungeon game to choose your Starter Pokémon. The test includes questions about both qualities and preferences. However, they also show what kind of Monster you are.

Similar to the in-game test, but with more gameplay and narrative-focused questions, is the exam on this website.

Editor’s Picks

In addition, be sure to play the Guess the Hidden Pokémon game if you enjoy mysteries. You must recognize the characters by their warped appearances in this difficult challenge.

The Benefits of Taking the Pokémon Quiz Online

The personality tests may not be available to you in the Mystery Dungeon games. To assess your traits and locate your ideal match, you may always utilize an online version, such as the one on this website.

Here are some benefits of choosing the online test over the traditional one.

You can unleash your inner Starter Pokémon through it.

Based on your persona, the in-game quiz suggests a Pocket Monster. However, our online test compares your personality type to the characters in the game. In other words, it reveals your true Pokémon type rather than the one you ought to pick.

In the dungeon, it facilitates your partner’s meeting.

There are certain Mystery Dungeon games where you have a constant companion. The current Pokémon Personality Quiz connects you to a character who could be your best friend in an effort to reproduce the same emotion.

A breakdown of the personalities is included.

Your current Pokémon can reveal a lot about who you really are. Because of this, the results include a succinct yet insightful personality profile that describes the kind of person you are.

How to Determine Which Pokémon You Are in Mystery Dungeon

You are the Pokémon with the most behaviors in common with you out of all 905 Pokémon. Your ideal mate may be found in a Pocket Monster’s human-like traits including shyness, kindness, aggression, loyalty, and friendliness.

Compare your personality to some of the main Pokémon characters using the following descriptions.

Pikachu, first

A Pikachu, despite being a kind creature, occasionally snaps and behaves aggressively. However, he has a smart, nimble, responsible, and amiable disposition.

Ash’s Pikachu was an ENFP, meaning it was an energetic, warm, and passionate creature.

Charmander, #2

A pleasant Monster, Charmander charms any Trainer with its loyalty. As a patient, Fire Type Monster, it doesn’t want to be hustled by others and might not react well under pressure.

The typical MBTI personality type of a Charmander is ESTP. It is a creature that is extraverted, observant, pondering, and prospecting.

#3. Eevee

Eevee’s personality is mixed, just like its DNA. The majority of its kind, nevertheless, are playful creatures that might hide in certain circumstances.

Eevee is generally thought to have an ISFP personality type. She is quiet, considerate, friendly, and kind.

Fourth: Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur is viewed as a sluggish Monster by many players. However, that is untrue. It’s merely a tranquil, peaceful Pokémon that adores the sun. Most new players choose Bulbasaur as their starter Pokémon because of its amiable and submissive nature.

Bulbasaur is an inventive character who has several nice features in common with Pikachu as an ENFP. For instance, they are both amiable and warm.

The National Pokédex has additional Mystery Dungeon Pokémon.

The Pokémon universe is so vast—more than 900 characters—that it might be overwhelming. And there are so many of them that finding your matched Monster is exceedingly difficult. The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quiz, however, can be useful.

You will undoubtedly discover—or perhaps even capture—your inner Pokémon character by responding to the straightforward questions on this page.

Using Your MBTI Type, Find Your Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Match

You can also compare your MBTI to those of the game characters to find your compatible Pokémon. (For that, use the following table.)

If it sounds too complicated, don’t worry; the quiz can take care of it for you. Your kind is determined by the analysis of your responses, and then it is compared to the types of the Pocket Monsters.

The Issue with the Original Pokémon Personality Test

Unfortunately, the gender-exclusive original Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Personality Quiz. There are just two options for the final test question about your gender: boy or girl. And that is the main issue with the entire procedure.

Many players would like that there were more options to recognize nonbinary and alternative gender identities.

Nintendo might be a more conventional business with scant to no gender-neutral terminology. However, we have your back. Our Pokémon Personality Quiz has no preference for one gender over another, and only your traits have an impact on the results.

Get Set to Live With a Pokémon! Explore the Dungeon with Me

Now that you’re prepared, go explore the dungeons. You can learn what Starter Monster dwells inside of you—and why—by taking the Pokémon quiz. You have 20 more questions to answer before you get to know your Poketto Monsut and learn about your personality.

Be Warned! You Could Be a Villain

Before taking the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quiz, remember that you might not like some of the results. To cover all significant characters in the game, we had to add a list of villains like Darkrai to the test. So there’s a chance you could encounter a Pocket Monster who is similar to an adversary.


The photos from the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Personality Quiz are not QuizExpo’s property. The aforementioned images are owned by Nintendo, and no copyright infringement was intended.

For more personality quizzes check this: Teams And Players Trivia Nba Quiz For Real Fans.

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