Poms Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Poms quiz and we will tell you which Poms character you are. Play it now.

Even if you’ve never seen a movie before, you’ll be able to predict where “Poms” is going because of the large foreshadowing spotlight that is shone on every single development throughout the film. As a result, don’t hold your breath for any surprises. Consider the film “Poms,” which is about a cheerleading squad in a retirement community that serves as a delivery system for a vague message about empowerment and sisterhood. The film is as resilient as its adorable senior citizens, despite some unsettling “jokes” about blackmail, rape, elder abuse, and, sort of, murder.

Editor’s Picks

When Martha (Diane Keaton) is selling her belongings, she hangs signs that read “Everything must go” and “Estate Sale” next to the price-tagged 40-years’ accumulation she is getting rid of, which includes an assortment of cutesy mugs that were given to teachers, including one that says “Don’t Make Me Use My Teacher Voice.” After the sale, she packs up what’s left of her belongings, cancels her upcoming chemotherapy appointments, and drives to a retirement community in sunny Georgia where the residents are relentlessly cheerful. Everyone in the community dresses in pastels and rides around in golf carts, and they all wave to everyone who passes by. All residents are required to join at least one of the more than a hundred clubs, which range from water aerobics to Southern Belles, and all residents are required to join at least one of the clubs.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Poms quiz.

Poms Quiz

“I’m just here to die,” Martha says, a tinge of sardonic humour in her voice. Clubs, pastels, waving, and making new friends are all things she is not interested in. She dismisses offers from her outspoken new neighbor Sheryl (Jacki Weaver), and she even contacts the local security guard (Bruce McGill) to express her displeasure with Sheryl’s intrusive poker party. Despite this, Sheryl comes across Martha’s old cheerleader uniform and asks to borrow it for her J-Date profile picture, which she accepts. Martha explains that she was selected for the squad but was unable to participate because she was caring for her ailing mother. As a result, why not form a cheerleading squad immediately? “Who are you going to root for?” asks the neighborhood mean girl (Celia Weston). “Ourselves!” says Martha in response.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Poms quiz.

About the quiz

So there’s the try-out montage, the practice montage, the embarrassing viral video, the family member who objects, the husband who objects, the nay-sayers who use terms like “age-appropriate,” the performance at a high school pep rally where “seniors” means two very different things, and the big show at the end of the road. With her first feature, documentary director Zara Hayes shows a keen eye for detail while also keeping the action moving quickly and efficiently.
Also, you must try to play this Poms quiz.

This group of seasoned veterans may not be able to perform flips and basket catches, but they keep things interesting. Keaton looks as radiant as ever, and Weaver appears to be having a great time. Despite the fact that the jokes about whether she killed her husband are not actually funny, Rhea Perlman is warm and lovely as a character who is happy to have an excuse to shake those pom-poms, with a husband who is very happy to see her in her exercise clothes. Pam Grier is warm and lovely as a character who is happy to have an excuse to shake those pom-poms, with a husband who is very happy to see her in her exercise clothes. The main cast does a far better job than the script in conveying a sense of sisterhood as well as the exquisite poignancy of the friendships that blossom as the end of life approaches—when all that is required is a commitment to cherishing the good times and being there for each other in the bad times—than the script does. And that is something to be encouraged by.

For more personality quizzes check this: Late Night Quiz.

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