Red Sparrow Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Red Sparrow quiz and we will tell you which Red Sparrow character you are. Play it now.

Jennifer Lawrence is chained to a chair and beaten and tortured until she gives up. She has been the victim of rape as well as an attempted rape. She is compelled to strip naked in both private and public settings. Slashing and stabbing her occur, as well as the placement of a gun to her head.

It is claimed that such gruesome ordeals are intended to demonstrate the physical and psychological fortitude of her character, a Russian spy named Dominika Egorova, in the film. The film’s shocking and violent sequences eventually become repetitive and gratuitous, making “Red Sparrow” appear more like a cheap exercise in exploitation than a visceral story of survival.

There must be more to spycraft than just knowing the best spot to caress on a target’s thigh or how delicately to whisper into his ear when you’re in his company. However, this is the extent of the training she receives at this time. (Oh, and she learns how to pick locks as well.) Dominika is correct in her complaint that she has been sent to a “whore school,” where she will be surrounded by other attractive and tough-minded young people who will be molded to serve Russia’s secret intelligence service in the future. What she has to go through is more than just degrading; it is also destructive. Even though it was only one tool set, it didn’t appear to be sufficient preparation for the plethora of dangers that lay ahead.

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The film “Red Sparrow,” which was directed by Francis Lawrence from a script by Justin Haythe, is based on the novel of the same name by Jason Matthews. “Atomic Blonde,” a similarly stylish and kinetic espionage thriller starring Charlize Theron that came out last summer, is inextricably linked to this film’s physical demands. Women’s empowerment was at the heart of that film; it was about a woman who used every inch of her body to achieve her goals while also having control over her own destiny. As a result of Dominika being told early on that her “body belongs to the state”—a statement that was made long before she began training to be a spy—she is constantly the target of male leering, and the film’s skeevy tone is maintained throughout the entire production.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Red Sparrow quiz.

Director Lawrence has previously collaborated with Jennifer Lawrence (who is not related to him) on the previous three “Hunger Games” films, so he is familiar with the process of putting his exceptionally capable star through the ringer. She’s up for anything and everything (despite her wavering accent.) Nevertheless, aside from a few startling outbursts of violence, he directs “Red Sparrow” with a surprising amount of monotony. This would-be thriller is less than thrilling because of its overall bland tone, which is compounded by the film’s unnecessarily long running time.

Dominika’s former life as a prima ballerina with the Bolshoi Ballet is shown to us at the beginning of the film, and she is seen at the height of her powers at the beginning of the film. Sergei Polunin, a legendary Ukrainian dancer, is cast as her partner; unfortunately, he is only given a brief opportunity to demonstrate his impressive abilities. However, he plays a crucial role in the on-stage accident that brings her career to a close with a fall and a crack. There are several gory scenes that will make you flinch and cringe in your seat throughout the film.)

Red Sparrow Quiz

It is also the end of Dominika’s ballet-sponsored housing and medical care, both of which her ill mother desperately requires. A proposal from her uncle Vanya (yes, Matthias Schoenaerts does play a character named Uncle Vanya) arrives right on cue, just when she needs it. In his previous life, he was a high-ranking member of the Russian secret intelligence agency, and he has recognized her cunning and resourcefulness since she was a child. He believes she has the ability to make herself useful to the state in order to protect her home and her mother from harm.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Red Sparrow quiz.

Yes, you are correct. He incarcerates her in a whorehouse.

It is Charlotte Rampling, the cruel and emotionless leader of the training center (which is actually called Sparrow School), who teaches Dominika and her classmates how to manipulate people by finding their weaknesses, using their charms, and pretending to be whoever they need to be in order to complete the assignment successfully. During a speech to the class, Rampling’s character, known only as Matron, describes how the West is weak, tearing itself apart with racial divisions and social media obsessions, and how it is time for Russia to step in and assert itself as the world’s ultimate power. When it comes to addressing the renewed Cold War between Russia and the United States, “Red Sparrow” is the closest thing to a breakthrough. If Jennifer Lawrence were to spend the entire film locked away in a Moscow office building pumping out anti-Hillary Clinton Twitter bots, I suppose it would have been difficult to market.

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Rampling, on the other hand, is woefully underrepresented. (In a similar vein, Jeremy Irons and Ciaran Hinds contribute to the film’s strong cast by appearing in small roles as high-ranking Russian officials.) Dominika’s first assignment requires her to travel to Budapest and form a friendship with a CIA officer named Nate Nash (Joel Edgerton), who had been stationed in Moscow, in order to uncover the identity of a mole who had been working as his contact within Russian intelligence.
Also, you must try to play this Red Sparrow quiz.

Lawrence and Edgerton have a disconcerting lack of chemistry on-screen, which is a crucial component in determining whether or not the entire film works. At first, the way they dance around one another—flirting, getting a feel for one another—creates intrigue and suspense for the audience. However, they abandon their pretenses far too soon, and the resulting romance is devoid of any chemistry. They never convince us that the sacrifices they’re willing to make for each other are worthwhile; we just have to accept it as the plot moves forward.

Fortunately, there’s Mary-Louise Parker, who provides a much-needed break from the monotony of this situation. In a brief but significant supporting role, she serves as chief of staff to a United States senator who is too drunk to realize that she isn’t nearly as slick or as knowledgeable about the Senate as she believes herself to be. She finds herself in over her head while attempting to sell secrets to the Russians, and she finds herself caught in the middle of a power struggle between a number of double-crossing agents, leading to her death. It’s the most suspenseful section of the film, by far. Moreover, for a single brief and glorious moment, she breathes life into a film that never quite takes off.

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