Replicas Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Replicas quiz and we will tell you which Replicas character you are. Play it now.

To keep your mind from truly wandering during a bad film, try playing this fun game: try to figure out exactly when the movie you’re watching started to go sour. Was it a script that should have never been purchased in the first place? Is it possible that no one could have made this concept work? Or did the problems begin during pre-production, perhaps with the hiring of the incorrect cast or technical crew? Could it be that the whole thing went to hell during production because of a director who couldn’t control the tone or actors who checked out too soon? Another possibility is that some bad movies will be tragically destroyed in post-production, sliced to pieces in the editing bay. When I was watching the truly dreadful “Replicas,” I decided to play this game, and my answer was “all of the above.”

Keanu Reeves portrays Will Foster, a high-ranking employee at a company called Bionyne who is attempting to basically transplant the human consciousness. The film’s concept is reminiscent of “Frankenstein” and “Ex Machina” in that it is about playing God in a high-tech world. A donor, a recently deceased man whose neural map Will and his lab partner Ed (Thomas Middleditch) extract and implant into a synthetic form, is introduced in the film’s opening scene. As you can imagine, the consciousness loses its cool when it notices the metal hands and legs in front of it. There is a lot of yelling and ripping at metal as a result.

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The Foster family, which includes wife Mona (Alice Eve), eldest daughter Sophie (Emily Alyn Lind), middle child Matt (Emjay Anthony), and youngest child Zoe (Aria Lyric Leabu), embarks on a family vacation after Will’s latest experiment fails with ominous consequences. A rainy night results in a car crash, which results in the deaths of four people, all Fosters except Will. He summons Ed, who also happens to be an expert in human cloning, and demands that they combine their respective emerging technologies. They will steal clone pods from Bionyne, create clones of the family, implant their brains into the clones, and the family will have no idea what has happened. They will have no idea what has happened. Of course, anyone who has seen a movie can predict that this will end in disaster.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Replicas quiz.

However, it does not turn out in the manner that you might anticipate. Alternatively, in a manner that is even remotely plausible or believable. The most serious flaw in “Replicas” is that the film’s writers, Chad St. John and Jeffrey Nachmanoff, were never able to figure out what they were trying to tell with the film. Even in a science-fiction world, keeping the bodies of your family hidden while you build clones of them in your basement is insane, as is pretending to be your dead children while you text their friends to keep up the ruse, but Nachmanoff and Reeves don’t buy into the absurdity of it at all. They are baffled as to whether Will is interfering with the natural order of things or whether he is simply a loving father who should be admired for his courage. Will must be portrayed as a complete psychopath in order for this film to work, and this is the type of role that Nicolas Cage would have devoured alive if he had been cast in it.

Replicas Quiz

As things stand, we’re not sure if we’re supposed to be rooting for him to be successful in his God-playing routine. It’s a film that doesn’t have a strong opinion about its own protagonist, which means we’re unlikely to care about him as well, and the entire thing falls apart in terms of storytelling. “Replicas” is also the type of film that throws around words like algorithm as if they mean something important in the plot. “We have to get our hands on the algorithm!” They could have just as easily referred to it as a “doohickey.” At the very least, it would have been amusing.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Replicas quiz.

Despite the fact that “Replicas” is completely ridiculous on a dozen or so levels, it depressingly avoids the camp or style that would have been required to make an implausible story work as pure entertainment. We’ll go along with your ridiculous story, filmmakers, if you can convince us that it has a compelling cinematic reason to exist. “Replicas” are never successful. Not even in the slightest. Almost everything has a flat visual style, and it’s all horribly lit and edited, like a bad basic cable series, which is what it is. In fact, the entire thing is completely devoid of life (other than a brief shot of a forlorn Reeves hugging a stuffed pink unicorn that feels like it should be GIFed). For the first time, I wished I had someone else’s consciousness implanted into my own in order to endure it. I could teach it a fun game to keep it entertained while waiting.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Biggest Little Farm Quiz.

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