Quiz: Which Sanders Sides Are You? 1 of 5 Matching

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you desire to learn which Sanders Side you belong to? You will answer 20 questions on this survey to reveal your dominant personality. Are you Roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan, or someone else?

Explained Sanders Sides Quiz

A series of personality tests are used to determine which Sanders Sides character most closely resembles you. To determine which aspect of your persona is most prominent.

In case you are unfamiliar, Thomas Sanders is the creator of the web comedy Sanders Sides. It centers on a guy who has the ability to perceive and communicate with other personas. However, the story is not about DID or OSDD. This is so because one personality encompasses all of the alleged “Sides.”

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If you enjoy watching episodes like these, take a look at our popular Dream SMP Character Quiz.

Recognize Your Dominant Side.

The Whole (also known as Thomas) has six Sides in the series, each of which represents a different facets of his personality. Finding out which of the aforementioned manifestations best describes your character is the quiz’s main goal.

You can discover that your major or dark side aligns. Here is all the information you require on each category.

  • Four Major Aspects

Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Roman are the four primary characters introduced in Season 1 of Sanders Sides. These individuals are also referred to as the primary sides.

The development of negative traits, including dishonesty, is a Dark Side. Janus and Remus, two characters with evil aspects, have been featured throughout the program.

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The Side you match indicates a lot about your personality as a whole. At the conclusion of the exam, we provide a thorough analysis that explains why you corresponded with each character and what it signifies.

How Can I Tell Which Sanders Side I Am?

Getting to know every character is one method to find your ideal partner. Although it may seem difficult, the Sides are simple to relate to and comprehend. To determine which one you represent, read the following descriptions.

#1: Roman

He represents Thomas’ imaginative and creative side. Roman in the Sanders Sides Quiz describes those who are romantic, passionate, and motivating. Roman has a lot of energy and is generally upbeat, rarely experiencing depression. Furthermore, he possesses the most of the Whole’s feminine characteristics.

#2: Logan

In the Sanders Sides Quiz, participants who are similar to Logan are rational, perceptive, and intelligent. They might, however, disregard all other feelings and concentrate just on the facts. Logan represents Thomas’s intelligence and expertise. Most of the time, he is able to maintain his composure and, when others try to divert attention, reminds them of the real issue at hand.

Due to his taste and wit, Logan is one of the most well-liked Sides. Many of his supporters would be thrilled to see him among the quiz’s outcomes.

Patton, third

Patton, often known as Dad, is a fatherly figure who genuinely cares for other people. He represents the collective sense of good and wrong. The Sanders Sides Quiz respondents who match Patton are sentimental, laid-back, and amusing. But they frequently mask their distress, insisting that they are “fine” no matter what.

Dad jokes by Patton are well known. He enjoys playing practical jokes on people and inventing puns. However, it has no effect on his parental behavior.

No. 4: Virgil

He embodies the whole’s jittery, fearful, and anxious sound. Virgil first appears to be a villain. He eventually becomes one of the most well-liked sides, though. Quiz takers who resemble Virgil have a responsive fight-or-flight mechanism. And when confronted with a challenging issue, people frequently project the worst case scenario.

Virgil, despite being a worrier, is an important figure who highlights the dangers. Because of his caution, he has a safety-seeking persona. He finds it challenging to connect with others and down his guard because he is an emo.

#5: Janus

Janus, a Dark Side, is sometimes referred to as Deceit. He is snarky, dishonest, and unreliable. He employs a variety of strategies to trick the Whole and achieve his goals during the show. Janus is capable of feigning affection in an effort to control others.

The problem is that Janus hurts people subtly while denying it. That highlights his immorality and eagerness to engage in dubious behavior.

#6: Remus

In the Sanders Sides Quiz, Remus was a perfect match, demonstrating your dark ingenuity and originality. He acts like an unfiltered, attention-seeking character and is Roman’s evil twin. This character’s physical violence is what makes him interesting. As a result, few fans would want him to appear in their results.

Before taking the Sanders Sides Test, read.

The focus of the presentation is how one person’s personality traits come to life. Which of the Sides is most similar to you is revealed by the test. BUT that does not imply that you are a biased person. Even if you are passionate and creative like Roman, you might still exhibit the traits of Logan, Virgil, and other personas. The personalities of people can take many distinct forms. So please don’t take the results too seriously.


None of the pictures used in the Sanders Sides quiz belong to QuizExpo. These images are owned by Thomas Anderson.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Happy In My Relationship.

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