Should I Get Bangs? This Free Quiz Has 2021 Trending Ideas

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do I Need Bangs? Find out what kind of fringe best complements your face shape by taking this test at an expert level. In 2021, should you change your hairstyle?

Who Must Have a Bang?

Bangs look good on practically all face types. But ideally, you should have them if the distance between the top of your skull and the hairline is the same as the distance between your eyebrows and hairline. In other words, those with high cranium tops look well with fringes.

What Sort of Bangs Are Recommended?

The question “What fringe should I get?” may be on your mind. The most crucial query, nonetheless, is what kind of thing you ought to purchase. There are between 10 and 20 various styles available, depending on who you ask. To name a few, there are arched, braided, micro, parted, and curtain.

Editor’s Picks

A side note: Be sure to take the “What Haircut Should I Get?” test if you are absolutely perplexed by all the available cuts.

Types of Bangs—or Fringes

The length and shape of bangs are used as the basis for the classification that follows. (On the internet, you can discover various classifications based on the hair type or other factors.)

  • Directly across

As the name implies, straight across bangs are those that don’t have any curl and hang straight down from your head. The complete fringe is another name for it.

  • Cheekbone

The cheekbone is the focal point of this hairdo. You can either keep it straight or curl the ends.

  • Short

Short bangs are any that are cropped above or near the brow bone. This group’s most well-known variation is baby bangs.

  • Long

It has a long fringe if it is under the brow and the eyes.

  • Curly

Bangs with curls can be short or lengthy. To the contrary of straight across, though.

  • Side-Swept

It resembles combing the hair on one side of your forehead.

  • exotic or unbalanced

Any design that does not fit into one of the aforementioned categories might be categorized as exotic or asymmetric.

Discover the best hairstyle for your face shape with bangs.

To see which of these looks best on you, take the bangs quiz. In order to help you determine the best hairstyle for your face and body type, we developed a self-report questionnaire. If bangs are not your thing, you SHOULD NOT get them, but we will be honest enough to tell you that.

What Should I Know Before Asking If I Should Get a Bang?

The benefits and drawbacks of having a fringe are the same as with any other haircut. The following benefits and drawbacks of getting such a haircut are suggested by Lucy, who operates the well-known hair and beauty YouTube channel Loepsie.


  • You appear cute.

No matter how you wear your bangs, according to Lucy, they enhance your sweetness and charm. For women seeking to look more older, they might not be the best cut. They would, however, be the ideal option for girls who desire to look pretty.

  • Less makeup is required.

With this haircut, as Lucy says, you will almost entirely conceal your forehead and a little area of your brows. You will therefore use less makeup and take less time to prepare.

  • You can frequently alter your style.

The ability to style your bangs whatever you like is one benefit of having them. You can choose a model that is parted, side-swept, curled, braided, or all of the above. The good news is that you don’t have to go to your salon; you can do that on your own.


  • high level of upkeep.

Lucy wants you to know that it takes time and work to obtain bangs. You might be better off avoiding such cuts if you don’t adhere to a tight hair care regimen. However, getting bangs is a smart move if you don’t mind investing at least 15 minutes on maintaining and styling your hair.

  • calls for frequent showering.

Fringes can easily become oily. This is due to the fact that they touch your forehead and perspire, especially in the summer. To keep them in good form, you might want to wash them daily with freshwater or dry shampoo. And that presents a significant disadvantage for many girls today.

  • continuous trimming

You should see your hairstylist every 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the style of your bangs. Get a lengthy fringe if you don’t want to frequently trim your hair.

  • easily ruined.

When you have bangs, the wind and other such weather conditions are your worst adversary, as Lucy puts it. Because of how easily such circumstances can destroy your hair and make it look messy.

3 Things to Consider Before Getting Bangs

You should take into account three things while deciding whether to have bangs: your face shape, weight, and hair area. Each of the aforementioned factors has an impact on your haircut and how it appears on you. Here is all the information you require about them.

#1: Face Shape

Heart, round, long, oval, and square are the main shapes. Each of them calls for a particular style of bangs to enhance your appearance.

#2: Visual Face Bone Structure

Some women have a face structure that is more angular or masculine. While others may have rounded, juicy, or slightly fat shapes. The purpose of bangs, like any other haircut, is to emphasize the oval shape of your skull. So, whether or not your face is oval will influence which fringe style is appropriate for you.

#3: High or Low Cranial Top

The high cranial top occurs when your forehead and hairline are the same distance apart from your skull. The ratio between the two parts of your skull is 1:1 when your cranial top is high. And that ratio is perfect for achieving bangs. However, you should only choose fashion trends that make a low ratio appear higher than it actually is. Your bangs won’t look nice on you if that happens.

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