Storks Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Storks quiz and we will tell you which Storks character you are. Play it now.

“Storks” is zippy and zany, cute and cuddly, and it manages to strike a balance between wild humor and winning heart—for the most part.

It’s possible that the animated comedy returns to some of its running gags a few too many times, but its willingness to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks keeps you on your toes and even results in some truly inspired and bizarre moments. While we’re on the subject of throwing things, you should probably throw away your common sense before entering the theater. As a result, you’ll be distracted by legitimate questions and won’t be able to concentrate on the rapid-fire laughs that will follow. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, “Storks” concludes on a note of genuine emotion and organic inclusiveness that will take you completely by surprise.

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This is probably yet another example of how parenting has softened me, as I’d feared it would do from the beginning. Without my nearly seven-year-old son, I’m not sure I would have felt the same emotional connection to the material. (By the way, after accompanying me to a screening, he’s now complaining about wanting a little brother of his own.) Thank you, “Storks,” for your assistance.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Storks quiz.

Despite the fact that, as we learn early on in the film, storks no longer deliver babies, the film manages to make infancy seem impossibly adorable. Of course, they used to—and the baby-making machinery worked like a well-oiled machine. However, one over-enthusiastic stork (voiced by Danny Trejo) became overly attached to his newborn charge and accidentally broke the device that contained the address of her parents.

Storks Quiz

In 2018, the factory has grown into an Amazon-like behemoth above the clouds, known as, and the storks use their natural abilities to deliver a wide variety of items to customers all over the globe. In this comedy, an up-and-coming employee named Junior (Andy Samberg) is about to take over the company from his obnoxious boss (Kelsey Grammer). It’s now a young woman named Tulip (comedian Katie Crown), who is tasked with doing odd jobs around the office in order to keep her from wreaking too much havoc on the place where she’s been abandoned.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Storks quiz.

All Junior has to do now is fire Tulip, and he’ll be on his way to a new position. When a letter from a lonely only child named Nate (Anton Starkman) arrives at the factory, Tulip makes the mistake of accidentally turning on the baby-making section of the factory. Nate’s parents (Ty Burrell and Jennifer Aniston) are too busy with their real estate business to spend quality time with him.

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To that end, writer and co-director Nicholas Stoller’s story is basically a mismatched-buddy road trip movie, in which Junior and Tulip attempt to deliver the pink-haired, blue-eyed baby girl before the big boss discovers her existence. (Director Doug Sweetland, who worked as a supervising animator on “Cars,” also shares directing responsibilities.) Stoller, who is making his first foray into animation after directing such R-rated comedies as “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and the “Neighbors” films, understandably toned down the raunch factor that has become a trademark of his work, but still manages to maintain a healthy mix of silly and sentimental moments throughout the film. It is amusing to see how the shiny, candy-colored palette of “Storks” contrasts with the surreal undercurrent of humor that gives the film its unusual tone. There are numerous absurd asides and deadpan one-liners.
Also, you must try to play this Storks quiz.

The journey, as is always the case in these types of films, is the destination. As they travel through the world, Junior and Tulip encounter a number of high-octane encounters, including a meeting with a pack of wolves, with Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele providing the voices of competing alpha and beta wolves, which results in one of the film’s most clever and amusing visual gags. Junior and Tulip are joined on their journey by their friends, Junior and Tulip, who are accompanied by their dog, Tulip.

This is also helped by the fact that Stoller brought his actors together as often as possible and allowed them to improvise in person, which is a rare occurrence in the world of animation filmmaking. It should come as no surprise that longtime collaborators Key and Peele have a great rapport with one another. However, Samberg and Crown, as well as Burrell and Aniston in a few scenes, engage in some lively, snappy banter—goofy he’s and overconfident, she’s perky and neurotic—during the course of the film.

The MVP, on the other hand, goes to stand-up comedian Stephen Kramer Glickman in the role of Pigeon Toady, the diminutive dude-bro bird who sucks up to the boss while also desperately seeking acceptance from his co-workers. Toady, with his delusional fantasy life and his Valley drawl, says and does whatever he has to in order to become more acceptable among his peers and gain their respect. It may not be feasible at, but it would make an excellent spin-off film.

For more personality quizzes check this: Alice Through The Looking Glass Quiz.

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