Sully Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Sully quiz and we will tell you which Sully character you are. Play it now.

Just wait until the plane’s belly hits the frigid river and you feel the thunderous, seat-shaking slap of the plane’s belly on your seat.

“Sully” does an excellent job of portraying the Miracle on the Hudson, a 2009 emergency water landing by US Airways Flight 1549 that resulted in all 155 of the plane’s passengers and crew escaping with their lives.

Tom Hanks, in his role as Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the plain-spoken, level-headed veteran pilot who pulled off the impossible under enormous pressure, once again demonstrates why he has remained Hollywood’s best personification of the all-American Everyman since James Stewart’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” There is no one else who is as adept at encapsulating such red, white, and blue values as never say die determination and commitment, pride in a job well done, doing your duty no matter the cost, and selfless courage in the face of disaster without coming across as an overly sentimental goody-goody bore?

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Hanks has shown us the way before, in films such as “Apollo 13,” “Saving Private Ryan,” “Cast Away,” “Captain Phillips,” and even the “Toy Story” series, in which he played Sheriff Woody. Then he does it again, this time by embodying the kind of man who wades back and forth through ever-rising waters in a sinking plane to make sure no one is left behind before he even thinks about his own safety.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Sully quiz.

It also provides an opportunity for Clint Eastwood, who is 86 years old, to stage an adaptation of a Western-style shootout, which is something he is familiar with from his previous films. In this story, however, instead of rival cowboys with six-guns a-blazing, a true hero is pitted against the scowling National Transportation Safety Board bureaucrats with their flight simulators, computer analysis, and insurance concerns who dare to call into question Sullenberger’s ability to make lightning-fast decisions in the sky. A flock of Canadian geese smashed into the plane and shut down the engines, and the passengers and crew would have preferred he make it to a nearby airport—a possibility he immediately determined was not feasible given his 40 years of aviation experience.

One also gets the impression that Eastwood, like his main character, believes that years of invaluable on-the-job experience should be taken into consideration when making decisions. On some level, you can sense his desire to demonstrate to those whippersnappers with their comic-book franchises that special effects can be used in the service of re-creating historical events, rather than just to erect pricey CGI playgrounds for imaginary rescuers of the world, as in the film.

Sully Quiz

A previous film in which Eastwood demonstrated his ability to create a “wow” factor was the 2010 drama “Hereafter,” which opened with an unsettlingly realistic whale of a tsunami before drowning in a sea of afterlife hokum. And, as before, the spectacle is awe-inspiring, but this time there is a more compelling story to tell.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Sully quiz.

Is “Sully” a great piece of drama? Consider that second-guessing is the primary source of tension in the film, which is experienced by Sully (who has nightmares similar to 9/11 visions of the plane crashing into skyscrapers in Manhattan) as well as those who are tasked with casting doubt on his decisions. However, it will keep you completely absorbed, which is no small feat considering the central event in question lasted only 208 seconds and everyone already knows the outcome of this near-tragic event is a happy one.

Eastwood hasn’t lost his knack for casting, as evidenced by his choice of Aaron Eckhart, who has always been a difficult actor for me to warm up to on screen. As co-pilot Jeffrey Skiles, he contributes invaluable wise-guy banter to the show. In any situation, Sully will never be the life of the party, but his partnership with Skiles, both in and out of the cockpit, helps to humanize the character. Due to the fact that they are on their way to Charlotte, Skiles informs Sully that he will be taking him to Del Frisco’s, a well-known local steakhouse. “The ribeye will break your heart,” he assures his customers. When the senior aviator states that he prefers the porterhouse, Skiles responds with a quip, “The porterhouse will break your heart.”

About the quiz

The phone conversations that Sully has with his wife, Lorraine, are not as successful as they could be. While starring as Sean Penn’s Lady Macbeth-like wife in the 2003 film “Mystic River,” Clint Eastwood may have given Laura Linney one of her most memorable roles. However, he does her no favors in this situation, putting little to use her abilities as a typically supportive and occasionally tearful spouse.
Also, you must try to play this Sully quiz.

Whatever else there is to do outside of the rescue, which took only 24 minutes to complete, is generally mildly entertaining and bordering on sedate. Even before the ill-fated takeoff, the passengers on Flight 1549 appear to be the nicest, most upbeat, and most considerate group of passengers that has ever boarded a plane. When a woman in the middle seat warns Mr. Window Seat that the baby in her lap likes to “throw things,” Mr. Window Seat simply smiles and says, “I like catching things,” we laugh. And three men who manage to snag last-minute seats on the ill-fated plane act as if they had won the lottery instead, which is a big chunk of clunky irony in itself.

The humble Sully is overwhelmed with spontaneous hugs, kisses, and other expressions of adoration from passing strangers while forced to remain in New York during the investigation. This is in stark contrast to the grilling he is undergoing professionally. He also copes with his status as an instant media sensation, appearing on TV shows such as Katie Couric and David Letterman to talk about his experiences. He never lets the flattery get to his head, even when a bartender professes his admiration for him and reveals that he has created a drink in his honor, consisting of a shot of Grey Goose and a splash of water.

This is, first and foremost, Eastwood’s film, and if he chooses to include his incongruous tinkling piano-bar jazz on the soundtrack, that is entirely within his rights as director. However, a John Williams-style fanfare would have been inappropriate for a guy like Sully, who is known for his ability to calmly diffuse any controversy surrounding his accomplishment. “We did our job,” he states unequivocally. And, in the end, so have Eastwood and his crew, who have prepared a porterhouse of a film that will warm your heart.

For more personality quizzes check this: Kung Fu Panda 3 Quiz.

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